Dragon Tamer

Chapter 586: Demon King

   "Your lunch has arrived, enjoy it!"

   On the tower of the military base, the commander-in-chief of Jueling City State, who was half-cloaked and half of his body exposed, raised his hands and shouted above the entire city-state.

   His words spread far, far away, and the whole city suddenly trembled after the sound fell, it was like a giant living under the city-state, it was arching the entire city-state!

   There are no creatures under the city-state, and people soon discovered that it was the huge statues that made this stunning mountain sway in different areas of the city-state!

Those statues came alive, they slowly turned their bodies, they slowly lifted their feet, each of them is comparable to the towering towers, compared with the previous giant lings, these living stone statues are the real The Great Giant! ! !

   There are too many stone statues in the city-state. They went from static to active, and from active state quickly into violent bloodthirsty.

   The stone giants trampled on those Lichuan sergeants, not to mention the elite soldiers, even cultivators could not bear the trampling of such giants!

Hundreds of city-state colossus began to slaughter, they are extremely powerful, even a powerful blow from the king-level realm can not severely damage them, perhaps for the higher cultivation level, they are a little clumsy. , Can't threaten their lives, but the team with low cultivation base, as well as those military guards and soldiers, are death coming! !

   The cold wind whizzed, and the city-state of Great Ridge stood on the flat place of the silver mountain. The crowds flowed slowly in the strong wind like the gravel layer on the Gobi, but the stone statues were huge rocks, motionless.

The disparity in power is too great, and more and more people are dying tragically under the trampling of this city-state colossus. People don’t know what kind of power it is, let alone **** them, even the powerful of the major forces. They are helpless against these stone statues who wantonly slaughtered the Lichuan crusade.

  In the city, a colossus roared, smashing it violently towards the ground. The guards on the ground belonged to Zheng Yu, and their breastplates were dark brown.

Unlike other armies that were trampled into chaos, the black and brown army guards under Zheng Yu were still in danger, and they used diversion tactics to lead this violent colossus into a trap, and gave the colossus to Shattered.

This tactic is very simple. When the colossus is chasing one of the teams, the escape route of that team is divided into two? If the colossus chooses one of the teams to chase after the colossus? The team will then be divided into two groups of men and horses along different paths. Direction to escape.

So every time when the city-state colossus chooses a target? In fact, it will be distracted by interference? The speed can not help but slow down. The success rate of capturing one of the teams is very low. Even if there is no escape from the last team, then Those who died were also a minority.

"The other armies are too scattered? My chessboard formation can't cover them? And the four city-state giants in the southeast direction and the north direction are stuck in the chess formation hub." Zheng Yu stood on a high place and looked around and found that the army was dispersed. It's very powerful.

  His chessboard formation can cover several kilometers. After all, the diversion tactic is a very simple formation, so that Zheng Yu can use his chess formation to guide more sergeants on how to deal with these city-state giants.

   Just when Zheng Yu was wondering how to lay out his chess pawns? A mighty blue flame dragon came to kill from the side of the city? But the person riding this fire unicorn dragon was extremely familiar!

   "I wish you brother!!"

   Zheng Yu hurriedly displayed chess skills, using the phantom star track to guide the fire unicorn dragon to approach him.

   Zhu Minglang also quickly discovered the pull of this special chess formation, so he followed the phantom of the chessboard to the position where Zheng Yu was.

"Brother Zhu, please help me? The army is scattered, and the generals have no way to deal with the giant ridge stone statue? Several pivots of my chessboard are blocked by the stone statues. They are the four-headed city-state colossus..." Zheng Yu didn't say any other nonsense. ? Immediately inform Zhu Minglang what you want.

"It's easy to say, Tianshalong? Xiaoqingzhuo? You go to the southeast and the true north respectively to destroy the stone statues there. Note that there is a land demon in the body of these statues, so you must kill it." Zhu Minglang was right. Said his own left Qinglong right Shalong.

The two dragons escorted, and the Qilin dragon cleared the way. On the way, Zhu Minglang killed countless enemies. If the corpses were built up, it would be equivalent to a mountain, not to mention Nanxiong Penghu and Shouyuan old slaves. Such a city-state general!

The strength of the earth fairy ghost is far better than these city-state stone statues. With the strength of Xiaoqingzhuo and Tianshalong, it will not be too difficult to solve the two city-state colossus. However, the number of city-state colossus is extremely large. How many earthworms, those giant ridge generals, those troll generals, those city-state giants that have survived, are all these earthworms at work! The full text of 噺⒏⑴The fastest んττρs:/м.χ八㈠zщ.còм/

Presumably, this Jie Ling city-state must know the arrival of time waves and how to make the best use of the grace of the dragon gate. They have cultivated this kind of earth monsters so that they can gain several times, dozens of times stronger than the original in the battle. Times the power.

   If there is a way to get rid of the earth monsters in this soil, the true powerhouses of this Jueling City-state will only be left with the Eight Lao Four Heroes and the Shuangsha.

   "How many earth demons have they cultivated? Since you said that this Jueling city-state is a traitor of your Ming clan, is it the unique skill of your Ming clan to raise the earth demons?" Zhu Minglang turned his head and asked the young Ming Ji.

   The young man Mingji was so tired and out of breath, he didn't dare to lose Zhu Minglang and Nan Lingsha. In order to survive, he really used all his strength to suckle.

"Ming...Ming God Race!" Even though he was running to death, Ming Ji did not forget to remind Zhu Minglang that he is a noble man from the upper realm and a descendant of gods. After breathing well, he continued, "We Ming Protoss is a model of the upper realm. How can it be possible to breed such disgusting and dirty things? There are many branches in the phantom body cultivation system, such as animal forms, martial arts, physical cultivation... Only this kind of parasitic evil cultivation is caused by us. Abandoned and crusade, otherwise, why do we Mingshen clan want to get rid of these rubbish?"

   "So why did you Mingshen clan not clean up the door and let them run here to harm others?" Zhu Minglang said.

"Hmph, rats and insects have their own dirty ways of living. They must have had their bodies soaked in blood all the year round, making their bodies suitable for the inhabitants of the earth demons, forming a symbiosis with the earth demons in their bodies. State." The boy Ming Ji said.ァ新ヤ~⑧~1~中文网ωωω.χ~⒏~1zщ.còм

"Can you say something useful? Is there any way to make these earth demons completely disappear? There are so many giant statues in the entire city, and the statues are broken. Those earth demons can be replaced by parasites, and they can even take away ordinary ones. The body of a soldier can never be killed, and we will only die more and more in the long run." Zhu Minglang said to Ming Ji.

"You didn't see it when you were in the Earth Garden. There is an eyeball worm, that is the leader of the Earth Demon. There are so many powerful earth monsters in this Jueling City-state, which shows that the eyeball worm in the Earth Garden is by no means the most powerful. There must be an Earth Demon Emperor. If you can kill it, the Earth Demon will be no different from a larger earthworm." Young Ming Ji said.

  Analyzing this meeting, Cangluan Blue Phoenix Dragon and Tiansha Dragon returned to Zhu Minglang one after another. The four-headed city-state colossus had been killed, and even the earth demons hiding in it had been killed.

   Earth demons are also blood-drinking creatures. After they die, they will gush out a lot of invigorating blood, but the Tianshalong is not interested in the blood of these demons at all.

   Zhu Minglang asked the Tianshalong, and Tianshalong's answer was that the blood quality of these earth demons was very low, not reaching the level of the ten thousand years holy spirit, and the blood they sucked was very dirty, which it didn't like.

   Tiansha Dragon...

   As a vampire in the dragon, I didn't expect to have a cleanliness addiction.

   However, Zhu Minglang also noticed a little from Tianshalong's reaction.

   After these earth demons were parasitic on the statue, their strength was far beyond the ten thousand-year-level holy spirit, which should be close to the level of twenty thousand-year-old things, but the blood that they gush out after death is very low grade and puffy.

This situation will occur, usually due to the ethnic effect. There is a demon emperor or demon queen in the ethnic group. The offspring that it derives are not high in strength, but because of the existence of the demon emperor and demon queen, they are in their own The strength in the territory will be greatly increased.

   is like the airflow of migratory birds~www.wuxiaspot.com~ the fish school conveys dangerous swimming posture, and the bee colony is clearly divided under the command of the queen...

   What Ming Ji said should be reasonable.

   Among these earth demons, there is an earth demons emperor.

   If it could be killed, all the demons would be far less terrifying than they are now.

   So where is the emperor of the demons? ?

   I wish Ming Lang subconsciously glanced at the city-state, the tall military fortress, above the military fortress, there is a high tower, you can look at the entire city-state.

   There are huge flocks of sacred birds, and the military base is like a giant magic nest. Looking from the outside, I can't see what is going on inside, and naturally I can't see who is standing on the high tower of the military base.

   However, when Zhu Minglang hesitated, he saw a familiar figure flying towards the military base where the black witch bird was hovering, and that person was Li Yunzi!

   "Brother Zhu, leave these city-state giants to me." Zheng Yu said to Zhu Minglang.

The chessboard array has spread very widely. The entire city is under Zheng Yu's control. Although it is not possible to ensure that every soldier will follow his own chessboard layout, he is guided to use diversion tactics to face the slaughtered city states. The colossus will not be powerless to fight back.

Zhu Minglang nodded, killing the city-state colossus one by one is too time-consuming. Li Yunzi should have also noticed that the key to these colossus's strength and immortality lies at the military base. Only when the emperor of the demons is solved can this battle be considered a real victory. .

   "Let's fly over directly." Zhu Minglang didn't delay any time, and he jumped onto the back of Tianshalong, and let Nan Yu slap on the back of Tianshalong.

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