Dragon Tamer

Chapter 597: String sword wire

Wu Wen was also proficient in some witchcraft techniques. Zhu Minglang had clearly seen her being stabbed to blood by Li Yunzi's ice spear, but at this time Wu Wen actually removed the rotten skin outside of his body.

Like a witch snake, she took off a layer of skin on her body.

Wu Wenguang fled towards the ruins, and she acted like a snake or insect, which was a bit strange.

Li Yunzi's perception ability is very strong, and she can naturally detect that Wu Wen wants Jin Chan to escape.

She stepped into the air, floating in the air like a jade fairy, standing on a high place, just looking down at the creeping Wu Wen.

Wu Wen turned his head and saw Li Yunzi, his face pale and bloodless, as he got into the ditch full of filth like a snake and rat.

Li Yunzi didn't go down into the ditch, she raised her hand slightly, and soon a few cold snow swords appeared beside her.

As soon as the gaze condensed, the cold Snow Sword flew into the ditch, and Wu Wen, who was hiding under the ditch, immediately let out a scream, and blood flowed out of the draining ditch.

However, Wu Wen is not dead, she is still crawling fast.

After her skin peeled, her hands grew palm membranes like a lizard. She was on all fours, more like a slender four-legged snake. At this moment, Wu Wen no longer cares about any dirt and disgusting things in the ditch. She can endure everything if she can escape.

The ditch became narrow and extended to the bottom of the ground. Wu Wen's body became unusually flexible, as if it had no bones, and he suddenly got into the extremely narrow ditch of the hole, as if disappeared.

Li Yunzi was in mid-air, and Wu Wen could no longer be seen.

But she could still perceive Wu Wen's specific location. Li Yunzi suddenly accelerated and flew towards a street that was blasted into ruins.

There are also a few snow swords, they are spinning around in the street, like hunters sniffing the scent of prey.

Suddenly, those snow swords suddenly cut down, directly cutting the street into several pieces.

At the same time, there was another scream of sorrow and pain from the ground, and a dirty figure without legs was faintly seen in the cracks rushing past.

The desire to survive is very strong. Even if her legs are cut off, Wu Wen is still crawling in the ditch. Her clean body is already covered with dirt at this time, no different from the earthworms in the garbage and mud.

Without the legs, Wu Wen was still able to escape very quickly. When Zhu Minglang followed, she was completely gone, let alone where she hid.

It's impossible to chase down. In places like underground channels, rats, cockroaches, and rotting insects can come and go freely, unless they can become four-legged snakes like Wu Wen without bones...

Li Yunzi landed on the eaves of a moving house and stared at the ground. At this time, she was like a focused snow cat, with a quiet and beautiful appearance, but her eyes were murderous, always observing the dirt in the dark corner.


It seems that Wu Wen has found the place where Wu Wen fled again. The Snow Sword flashed sharp awns in the sunlight, piercing the ground with incomparable precision, and stabbing Wu Wen who was crawling under the canal...

Li Yunzi stepped on the eaves and followed to the end, where there was a dirty river.

She turned over and fell, and the sharp silver wire sword in her hand suddenly pierced into the ground. Just as Wu Wen’s head protruded from the exit of the canal, she was nailed to the mouth of the canal. .

Red Sha Wu Wen's face became particularly ugly and terrifying. She stared at Li Yunzi with a pair of spiteful eyes, as if she was a ghost and would not let her go.

"Twenty years, it's time to end it!" Li Yunzi exhaled a sullen breath, as if the haze that had enveloped her in the past had completely dissipated at this moment.

There was no anger in Li Yunzi's heart, and no humiliation.

But it's all over!

"You are just a chess piece in this world, but a plaything of the gods of heaven, you Li Yunzi..."


A sword stabbed from Wu Wen's forehead, and Wu Wen was killed by Li Yunzi with a single blow before he could finish the words that turned into anger.

Pulling out the sword neatly, the snow silver silk sword did not touch a little blood, but Wu Wen's head was full of blood!

When Zhu Minglang came, he glanced at Wu Wen's corpse and said, "They all have some weird sorceries, and in the end they will use a few more swords to make sure she will die thoroughly."

Li Yunzi had already turned around, but she didn't want to see the corpse at all, but felt that Zhu Minglang made some sense, so she sent Xue Yinjian behind her.

The Xueyin Sword seemed to have its own life, slashing Wu Wen's corpse quickly, cutting her back and forth several times.

Wu Wen, who was already dead, is probably not the person who hates Lai Yunzi, but Zhu Minglang!


As soon as the Emperor of the Earth Demon died, all the statues of the trolls raging and trampled in the city collapsed. It can be seen that hordes of Earth Demons have fled under the canal. Before being so strong, considering the habits of these earth demons, Zhu Minglang specially confessed to the people of Red Dragon Valley~www.wuxiaspot.com~ to let them turn the canal of this city state upright, and we must eliminate these earth demons. Clean, otherwise they may come back to life.

"How did they breed so many earth demons?" Zhu Minglang said.

"The wave of time affects not only the spiritual objects, but also gradually affects the creatures, especially the life with a special way of reproduction." Li Yunzi said.

"So from the very beginning, Jueling City State was waiting for the arrival of Jielongmen, but how did they know Jielongmen and Time Wave." Zhu Minglang still had a lot of doubts in his heart.

They still have too little knowledge of the world.

"Did you gain grace?" Li Yunzi asked.


"Take me there."


Zhu Minglang and Li Yunzi went to the ancient relic.

Although the city-state has been fighting in the dark, the ancient ruins are still peaceful and quiet. The corpses left in the ancient heritage gardens were inexplicably "swept" clean, and there was no trace of blood left. under.

Zhu Minglang originally took Li Yunzi to the empty stone hall, but Li Yunzi seemed to hear a sound and walked straight to the piano hall.

The Qin Temple is a bit dilapidated, but you can still feel its once magnificent and sacred. If there is no sound of the piano, it will be mysterious and inconceivable, like the former residence of a fairy.

Li Yunzi walked into the piano hall.

She did not remember her as much as Nan Yusu, and she was also afraid of being touched by the weakest thing in her heart...

She jumped into the air, squeezed gently with her hand, and drew a silver string from the empty piano hall.

To Zhu Minglang's surprise, this string resembled the silver wire of the sword in Li Yunzi's hand.

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