Dragon Tamer

Chapter 602: Mysterious territory


If Xiao Bai was really a little dragon, it would be worth it even to defeat the entire family business of Zhumen.

Zhu Minglang has no psychological burden on this. Zhu Tianguan has worked so hard for so many years to carry forward the clan. If he can't help him squander, wouldn't he be a little sorry for his ambitions and ambitions?

Returning to his small courtyard, Zhu Minglang saw a person enjoying the flowers in front of the courtyard house.

She dresses very plainly, but still can't hide her stunning appearance, the spring flowers blooming in the entire courtyard are a little inconspicuous, and her eyes cannot be taken away from her the moment she steps into the courtyard.

Only a few days later, did you miss yourself?

Although I don't know if it is Li Yunzi or Li Xing who is waiting for him at this moment, Zhu Minglang is still very happy.

Zhu Minglang stepped forward, holding her almost subconsciously...

But soon, a fierce and murderous gaze came, and the lady was still very deterrent when she was fierce, so that Zhu Minglang's hand on the waist of the person didn't have the courage to sweep it indiscriminately. Move, can only be honestly placed on the jade waist.

But Zhu Minglang's killing intent was not diminished at all. When he looked at the other person's expression and eyes, Zhu Minglang hurriedly took his hand away, and said with embarrassment: "It's... it's Lingsha girl, rude and rude. "

"Next time, ten steps of blood splatter!" Nan Lingsha's tone didn't seem to be a joke at all.

No wonder it feels different.

Relatively soft.

Probably because of painting repair and pastoral repair, the bones of the body do not need special exercise. The whole body is relatively weak, and it feels like it will be crushed with a little force, and the fragrance is a bit different.

"Is there anything wrong with me? In the city-state that day, I searched for you for a long time, and I was very worried. If someone from the Sword Sect said that I saw you, I would still be worried about your accident." Zhu Minglang said.

"Go to the ancient mountain." Nan Lingsha didn't talk nonsense, and directly showed her intention.

"Are there any treasures!" Zhu Minglang's eyes suddenly lit up. Following the sister-in-law of the painter, you will never leave empty-handed.

When he was short of resources, Da Hei Fang had to hit the end!




Weeping River,

Located at the westernmost part of the Imperial Capital of the Great Court, this is a long and salty river that is as salty as tears. Rumor has it that there was a goddess who washed her face with tears, and her tears flowed over the mountains and rivers and became this ethereal river. .

Weeping River can be said to be the western end of Ji Ting Continent.

Because across the Weeping River, it is a lake of nothingness, vast and infinite, no different from the sea, and no creatures can step into it, nor can any bird fly across it.

At the Weeping River, Emperor Zhaoyuan stood on the fluctuating river, standing tall and upright, with extraordinary courage.

Behind him is the river bank, and there is a group of people on the river bank, bowing slightly, and everyone's face is a bit dignified.

The lord of Zi Zonglin, the lord of Zhumen, the lord of Canglong Temple, the lord of the mighty Wuzong, the palace head of Gulong Palace...

These people are the first in the palace of the dynasty, and they are also the leaders of the major forces in the Great Court Continent. They have gathered at this Weeping River at this time, and everyone is like a big enemy.

"After several sacrifices to the heavens, there is still no response from the gods. Maybe we have really been forgotten by our gods."

"Now I am the only one who has touched the way of the gods, but after all, I am one step away from the righteous gods."

"The good and bad things ahead are unpredictable, you stay, I will come to this strange **** in a while!"

After the emperor Zhaoyuan said these few words, he walked on the waves of the weeping river towards the lake of nothingness.

There is also a piece of land between the Lake of Nothingness and the Weeping River, barren without any vegetation, looking extremely desolate.

The emperor stepped into it alone, and gradually disappeared into the mist of nothingness, which made the heads of the major forces naturally admired.

This emperor is an indomitable person, and when he should stand up, he won't have any hesitation.

The Great Court Continent is facing a drastic change, and everyone present knows that what they have to face is not those alien races emerging from the mist, but a Xinjiang soil that is about to descend on this land.

After some signs, it can be concluded that this new territory is even wider than the Jitian.

It is a Xuanxiu civilization that is not inferior to the Ji Ting Continent.

Upon learning of this prophecy, the emperor and the major forces immediately carried out a prayer ceremony, hoping to call the gods of the Great Court mainland, and only gods are qualified to talk to the gods of other continents.

But the gods of the Great Court Continent seem to really live in the myth...

No **** appeared.

The gods of the Great Court Continent seem to have fallen for a long, long time.

But there is one thing Emperor Zhaoyuan can't figure out.

If the gods of the Great Ting Continent were to fall, then who opened the Dragon Gate, why did the grace of the gods scattered in different places on the Great Ting Continent?

Is the newly-appointed **** of Ji Ting Continent still in the Dragon Gate?


As the ruler of the Great Court Continent, it is difficult to have such a nervous state of mind.

But the emperor Zhaoyuan had already known in the early years that there were people outside the world~www.wuxiaspot.com~Isn’t the emperor from other continents?

Zhao Yuan walked to the Lake of Nothingness.

He stared at the vast lake. Unlike the emptiness of the past, the lake became particularly clear at this moment, and he could see the world under the lake at a glance...

However, just when Zhao Yuan thought that the new continent would fall from the top of his head, like a majestic and huge falling land falling in this emptiness sea lake, Emperor Zhaoyuan saw a scene that he will never forget! !

Under the vast and transparent sea and lake, there is an invisible frontier!

At this time, I seem to be standing in the sky and clouds, overlooking the territory that does not belong to the polar court. The territory is too big to imagine. I feel like standing on the shore of the lake is just seeing the tip of the iceberg, but this iceberg. A corner, it seems to exceed the size of the Great Court continent! !

what happened? ?

Isn't there a new continent that flies down in the sea of ​​nothingness surrounding the Jitian continent? ? ?

Isn't there a new continent to border in? ? ?

Why is the world in which I stand is approaching that mysterious territory bit by bit!

What fell like a meteor is not the New World, but the Jitian! !

The Great Court Continent is flying towards a mysterious territory.

The Great Court Continent is a flying meteor to this mysterious territory! !

The mystery and boundless territory is getting closer and closer, and the color of shock on the face of Emperor Zhaoyuan is no longer more than that. In his deep eyes, unconcealable fear is more slowly revealed! ! !

It turns out that Ji Ting is really so small.

Their entire continent is flying towards an unknown, mysterious, and powerful world.

Like a sparrow whose wings were wet by rain fell into a pond of a giant crocodile! !

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