Dragon Tamer

Chapter 604: This aura, really fragrant

"Some gods are no different from beasts." Nan Lingsha said coldly. She has no trace of respect for the gods, let alone a little fear, even if she sees such a doomsday scene.

"This **** is too cruel. When Xiaobai becomes a dragon god, he must be taught to be a human first and then a god." Zhu Minglang didn't feel any afterthoughts.

The foot of the gods smashed the ridge of the continent, far from reaching the point where hundreds of millions of living beings would be wiped out in ashes. Zhu Minglang has the confidence to survive. People at the king level are likely to survive. , Just the life below the king level...

I wish Minglang Bodhisattva's heart, and the most unlovable little rabbits, little dragons, kittens, cats, and little silkworms died of such a disaster.

"Did you see the broken mountain in front?" Nan Lingsha obviously focused more on the matter in front of her.

Worthy of being the daughter of a god, the girls of ordinary people are already scared to hide in the quilt, thinking that the end of the world is coming.

Nan Lingsha seemed to have seen a meteor shower, and she didn't have the tension of passing by with death. It seemed that she could reach that state in a short time.

"I saw it, and this broken mountain is very familiar with me." Zhu Minglang smiled bitterly.

Nan Lingsha turned her head, wondering what Zhu Minglang meant.

"That's the mountain I chopped up. It fell from the Ji Ting Continent to Lichuan, and fell into this ancient mountain..." Zhu Minglang continued.

At the beginning, I had a fight with the man named Bo, who is from the upper realm. I wish Minglang Bodhisattva heart-hearted. I don’t want to see the people of the turmoil drained of life and spirit by that crazy guy. The arm of the person surnamed Upper Realm cut off the veins, causing Wutu to fall to Lichuan in advance...

When the veins were broken, in addition to the barren land, some mountains fell together, and the spirit island among them seemed to have been swept into the vortex of the virtual sea.

It turned out to have hit the ancient mountain.

At the beginning, the master surnamed Bai seemed to be taking away the aura of Lingdao Mountain. From this we can see that there is a great spiritual vein on Lingdao Mountain!

How did the sister-in-law know it's here?

Does she have any special abilities to find these rare and special spiritual veins and spiritual things? ?

Knowing that Nan Lingsha was incomprehensible, Zhu Minglang told her these things again.

"This is your so-called experience of fighting against the king-level realm?" Nan Lingsha seemed to remember the matter of Runyu City.

Nan Ling Saben burned the soul to gain more powerful power to prevent the evil star from crossing the catastrophe, but Zhu Minglang stopped it.

"Almost." Seeing Nan Lingsha's expression very cold, Zhu Minglang couldn't help touching his nose.

I don't know why, Zhu Minglang felt the torture in Nan Lingsha's eyes, dissatisfied in his indifference, and there was obviously a trace of revenge.

You murdered me!

This is probably what I mean. Zhu Minglang knows that Nan Lingsha doesn't like to talk nonsense, but Zhu Minglang feels that Nan Lingsha's eyes mean this, and Zhu Minglang hasn't apologized yet.

It should be a matter of tone.

At that time, she didn't want anything to happen to Nan Lingsha, so her tone was a bit harder.

"Is there anything special about Broken Mountain in Naling Island?" Zhu Minglang asked.

"Go and see for yourself." Nan Lingsha said.

Sure enough, I was angry, and I was very willing to share information just now, so I didn't bother to mention it.

Zhu Minglang was a little helpless, so he had to walk towards the broken mountain by himself.

Nan Lingsha did not follow. She picked up her pen and began to depict the birds and beasts around the ancient mountains. Her pen seemed to be able to seal the wild power of these ancient beasts in rice paper. At the same time, some rare feathers and blood, They are all important aids for her to play the power of painter.


Zhu Minglang walked to the broken mountain island.

They are now on the ancient mountain peak, the broken mountain is extremely violently broken against the other side of the mountain, as if they were carried here by a mountain **** and then abandoned here, unattended, and then slowly grew many plants.

Zhu Minglang walked to the broken mountain. At this time, the bracelet he was wearing was glowing. A round, plush, like a pillow-hugging little firefly leaping out, the flesh on his body was Touched on the ground, and then bounced forward...

Flicking and rolling, Xiaoyingling was too fast to catch up.

Zhu Minglang hurriedly followed, and found that the blue velvet roots on Xiao Yingling's body were standing upright, and like a magnetic needle, they were absorbing the huge aura of the broken mountain!


Zhu Minglang is so excited to see Xiao Yingling for the first time.

It's like a rice bucket jumped into the ocean of rice, with golden lard poured on it...

"This Lingdao Mountain is really mysterious, no wonder that guy is so crazy!" Zhu Minglang couldn't help but get excited.

Master Bo’s spirit-absorption technique was interrupted by himself, which means that the spiritual veins left over from Lingdao Mountain fell here, and in the end it was equal to returning to his own hands!

Is the whole island filled with top aura? ?

Little Yingying Ling is sucking frantically. It's as if it can’t get enough to eat. Obviously, its aura has already turned into a huge turbulent cloud, as if there are tens of millions of clouds around the island and the little Yingying Ling standing plumply among them. Still smoking!

Finally, Zhu Minglang saw Xiao Yingling's body change.

It's growing! ! !

After feeding for so long, Zhu Minglang saw Xiaoyingling growing up for the first time.

This stubborn little baby seems to be deliberately waiting for Xiaoye Jiao, who can transform the dragon tomorrow morning, but still maintains the state of a young spirit, eating, eating, sleeping and sleeping without dreams...

Is it finally going to transform the dragon? ?

Zhu Minglang shed tears from his old father!

Longer and longer, Xiaoying's spirit body is not like a serious dragon.

It is not like an ancient dragon, nor is it like a blue dragon, and it has no blood relationship with the dragon.

It is still full of fluffy ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Its ears have become longer, and it can be combed to the soles of the feet...

It actually grew a pair of big long legs, and its body became as slender as a human. A pair of glowing blue arms appeared in its chubby body, just like cat's claws.

Little Ying Ling is still very small, no different from a Little Ling Leopard.

If you want to say what it looks like, it is indeed like a standing elf cat and leopard, just a bell on the neck, it is best to equip it with a pair of cat paw sleeves, it is really an elf cat Up!

Little Ying Ling had a golden key from her birth.

It is extremely special.

This time the dragon can be felt personally, because the spirit dragon it transforms has a particularly strong aura, at least at the level of Dragon Lord, and as this island mountain continues to receive aura, the little spirit dragon is actually fast Advanced, soaring cultivation base!

The skyrocketing of the elf dragon's repair is reasonable, and Zhu Minglang is very clear about its potential.

But the elven dragon **** its aura while presenting it to other dragons.

While the **** tooth was asleep, the cultivation base immediately skyrocketed to the supreme monarch level, and it hadn't woken up yet, it wanted to sleep on a different species of heaven and earth, waking up and overwhelming.

Cang Luan Qinghuanglong seriously accepted this gift of spiritual energy, his cultivation base has been completely stabilized at the middle king level, and signs of gradual rise, the enemy is getting stronger and stronger, and you can't relax for a moment!

The Tianshalong also gained this aura and began to lay the foundation for the cultivation of the upper dragon king, but the heart of defecting has not been shaken at all. It just stays here temporarily. After the rank is high, it must be on its own... …This little Yingying’s tempered aura is so fragrant.

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