Dragon Tamer

Chapter 610: Dragon Master

   Cang Luan and the Blue Phoenix Dragon volleyed into the sky, and Qing Lei and Qing Mang lashed the others at Heitian Peak together.

   When it noticed that the Tianshalong had taken a person away, Cangluan's blue eyes flashed with dissatisfaction.

   I knew that this old ghost dragon couldn't believe what he said, and said that everyone else would give it to him, but Tianshalong came to interfere with his own experience.

  Although there are still six people left, the opponent's strength is reduced, and the effect of training is less.

   "Go to hell!!"

   Yang Huan, the woman in black sackcloth, showed extreme disgust and irritability, and it was Cang Luan and Qinghuanglong that she was staring at.

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   Cangluan Qinglong was like this in the eyes of this woman Yang Huan, and she couldn't wait to chop off the head of this Qinglong immediately.

Cang Luan and Qinghuanglong were focusing on dealing with the other three people. Although he kept an eye on him, he never thought that Yang Huan, a woman in black sackcloth, had a terrifying cultivation base, not just as simple as a middle-ranked king, she wielded a knife. It was comparable to that butcher's most powerful cut! The fastest computer terminal of the new 81 Chinese website: https://www.@x81zw@@

   slashed with the palm of his hand, such as a giant knife that could fill the entire street, and suddenly the buildings on both sides of the street were blasted into fragments. Some people who had not had time to escape from this fighting area died directly.

   Cangluan Qinghuanglong was stunned by this hand knife, and his body swayed, almost falling to the ground.

   "Extreme desire, disgust. This woman is the highest." At this moment, Mr. Koi said to Zhu Minglang.

  Cangluan and Qinghuanglong who can slash his own palm with one hand, this woman must be strong.

   "Qingzhuo, give her to me, and you will deal with others." Zhu Minglang said to Cangluan and Qinghuanglong.

   Cangluan Qinghuanglong straightened his figure, but he was not injured, but there was some numbness all over his body.

   Although I really hope to continue to fight against this black linen woman, since the master wants to use her to practice swords, Cang Luan and Qinghuanglong had to find another target.

   Fortunately, among this group of people, the others are not too weak. Everyone seems to have some special skills, which is enough for it to slowly exercise...


   The dragon is torturing the butcher Heimayi.

   I wish Minglang drive the sword, facing female Mai Yi Yang Huan.

   The few remaining people on the Black Sky Peak saw the Cangluan and Qinghuanglong figure gradually approaching them, and their expressions were ashen.

Obviously, this Cangluan Blue Phoenix Dragon has the highest cultivation level among the three dragons, and from the blue thunder that has not faded the alien aura of heaven and earth on it, it can be judged that this blue dragon has not only soared for a long time, if it has been tempered for a while. , After fully mastering the power of his Dragon King, his strength will definitely be even higher.

   The dragon of the Qing thunder life seed that Sister Yang Huan originally dealt with suddenly became their opponents of these stinky fish and shrimps, and the mentality completely collapsed!

   How do they deal with this blue dragon? ?


   Just when the few of them were already very difficult, a fluffy elf jumped out, and the aura emanating from its whole body was stronger than a high-level spiritual vein.

   A white-faced black Mai Yi man smiled.

   There used to be a little fairy dragon. As a person who is also eager to kill, he urgently needs such a life to increase his bloodiness and increase his morality!

   Lifting the Jinhuang short knife in his hand, the white-faced Mai Yi man avoided the thunder and lightning from the front, and a flash step appeared in front of the blue elf dragon dragon, and the knife was to slash the cute and poor elf!


   The hair on the fairy dragon immediately stood up, and its speed suddenly became extremely fast.

Downstairs, I saw it was blue like a pulsating spot of light. It was completed in the blink of an eye from one place to another. Soon there were more and more blue spots like this, and there seemed to be countless fairy dragons. Like a clone, too fast to handle it!


   The blue silver claw swept across, tearing open the chest of the white-faced sackcloth man.

   Before the Mai Yi man felt the pain, claw blades came from behind again, grabbing dozens of blood marks on his back.

   The man in black sackcloth has a treasure on his body, but in the end he couldn't resist the cat's claws of this little dragon...


   Suddenly, the elf Yinglong appeared at the feet of the black linen man, and saw its small figure suddenly jump up, ejecting like a bow and arrow, and then kicked his feet gorgeously on the white-faced black linen man's chin!


   The white-faced and black-lined man’s jaw was directly dislocated, and the whole person was kicked into the air.


   The fairy phoenix was blurred, and he jumped directly into the air, and appeared next to the white-faced and black-lined man, with a gorgeous sweep of his legs!

   "Fuck!!!" With such a small leg, but with terrifying power, kicked out a gorgeous half moon hammer!

   This kick was kicked in the face of a white-faced and black-lined man

The sound of bone cracking came out, and I don’t know whether the cheek bone was directly kicked off, or the force was so strong that his neck was skewed. In short, the white-faced man was spinning at high speed in mid-air. When he finally rolled to the ground, the whole People are deformed, especially the parts above the neck, which are no different from falling off.

   A group of people were dumbfounded, especially the dragon shepherds in Lampang.

   Just such a knee-high Xiaolonglong, why is it also beating a strong cultivator! !

   And the martial arts are so strong, the movements are so smooth...

   This is really a dragon pet martial arts~www.wuxiaspot.com~ No one can stop it!

   Zhu Minglang, the old father, was also stunned.

   Is this really the little pillow that I hold in my arms every day to keep warm? ?

   After having a pair of legs and claws, how can he be so fierce!

   And where did these moves come from?

   The instant shadow connects flying claws, jumps into the air and kicks, while standing in the air sweeps barbaric legs.

  Is this still my cute little Ying Ling? It is clearly a little dragon master who has no harm to humans and animals. I feel that if you give it some swords, guns and sticks, it can all behave in a decent way!

   This made Zhu Minglang, who often rubbed Xiao Yingling's chubby body with his chin, suddenly had a shadow in his heart.

   "A group of wine sacs and rice bags." Yang Huan, a woman in black sackcloth, glanced at her companion who had been beaten and fainted, and said in disgust.

   Together with her companion, she is as contemptuous.

   Zhu Minglang really doesn't like the way she looks at people with slanted eyes. It's better to let her die as soon as possible. It is estimated that her godless eyes will look a hundred times better than her current appearance after death. She is purely disgusting.

   stood on the eaves of the building, wishing Minglang stay still, but his thoughts were combined with the sword spirit dragon.

  The index finger and the **** are together, pulling the sword spirit dragon, suddenly a finger, like an arrow from the string flying out, not too fancy, but focusing on the purest power!

   Ten thousand steps through your heart!

   The sword passed through, but did not bring a slight air ripple. With a higher sword realm, Zhu Minglang is trying a more powerful flying sword technique!

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