Dragon Tamer

Chapter 621: Dire

   "Go here." Zhu Minglang walked in the direction the wind was coming.

Although the underground is relatively safe now, you must first figure out where you are. In case you step into the area where the rivers are active, and you are surrounded by the fog of nothingness, you can still go out through this lamp jade face and be covered by the underground. When the slurry is trapped, there is only one place to wait for death.

   "I wish you brother, you saved my life again, I...I don't know how to repay you." Mi Rong whispered.

   "Just help me recall the memory." Zhu Minglang said sincerely.

   "Well, um, Mi Rong must find enough Xingyue Jade Glass for Brother Zhu!" Mi Rong tightened his small fist and said seriously.

  What a good brother God chooses, he must help him remember all the things before, so that he will no longer worry.


   walking along the direction the wind was blowing, Zhu Minglang smelled the **** smell in the wind.

   I wish Minglang remember that when Yan Wanglong appeared, Mi Zhongyun, Yang Ji and others wandered at the cave entrance. They planned to let the nocturnal creatures go in and wreak havoc before they rushed in and enjoyed their success.

  The method is extremely low, but Zhu Minglang seriously suspects that it is precisely because of the dark inducer they used that attracted one of the most terrifying existence in this dark night, Yan Wanglong!

   I escaped a disaster, I don't know what happened to those people, I hope they are all dead.

   With this good wish, I wish Minglang continue to walk into the cave.

   Obviously, this can lead to the caves where the victims of the Shengque mainland are hiding. Zhu Minglang can already hear the fighting from above.

   "There is fire ahead." Mi Rong said.

   "Well, go and take a look first." Zhu Minglang nodded.

   Several simple torches were inserted into the rock wall, and some tidal footprints appeared in disorder nearby. When Zhu Minglang and Mi Rong approached, they found that this was an underground river pond.

   Because of the melting slurry nearby, the water in the river pond is half-boiling, forming a white heat like a white curtain to cover up the cave of the underground river pond.

   When Zhu Minglang stepped in, I saw a large group of people.

  These people are like the refugees in the refugee camp. Some of them are unclothed, some are sick, some of their eyes are full of pain and numbness, and some are hungry and cold...

  The most impressive thing is that each of them has serious burns, as if they had escaped from a terrible fire!

   some luminous glowstones, a few torches that could not dispel the darkness and cold, the air was turbid, and there was nothing but rocks and hot river water around them. They were huddled in such a place, and they did not know what they depended on to support their motivation to live.

   "It's... it's a victim of the Shengque Continent." Mi Rong said in surprise.

   Saint Que and Ji Ting are the two stars and land that will fall on the Tianshu Divine Territory. About these two stars and land, some people in the family have mentioned.

   The seven-star **** Hua Chou destroyed a star land. This act made both God Xuan Ge and God Swagger extremely disgusted, and felt that Hua Chou had gradually moved to a kind of unscrupulous extreme.

   For this reason, God Xuan Ge and God Fu Yao, as the two dim star gods, wanted to unite and fight against Hua Qi when the seven star gods gathered together.

   In the entire Tianshu Shenjiang, only these two gods dared to object to Huaqiu.

   Because of the union of the two gods, the descendants and people of the two gods began to communicate closely with each other.

   Whether it's his elder brother Mi Zhongyun intentionally marrying himself with the little emperor Yang Ji, or this time working together to find Xingyue Jade Glass, it is because the two gods started to approach...

   "These people are not high in cultivation. They should have been forcibly protected by some people." Zhu Minglang glanced around.

   Some of these people don't even have a cultivation base, they are just ordinary people.

   It is reasonable to say that this kind of person is impossible to survive in such a terrifying continent smash and fall. The only explanation is that someone at the king level has saved them, and they must be extremely strong in the king level.

"You...your gods will leave us dead. We are living under this earth. Could it be that you are so restless and must be killed!" A woman found Zhu Minglang and Mi Rong, her eyes filled Humiliation and unwillingness.

   The woman has a bit of cultivation, but it's far worse than wishing clarity.

   She is obviously aware of this.

   If Zhu Minglang wants to kill the people here, she and the few incomplete king-level powerhouses behind her can't stop it.


A terrifying roar came from a cave tunnel. Before Zhu Minglang had time to respond to the woman's words, he saw a weird thing covered with burrs rushing in, and he had no power to bind those hands. The victims of Shengque began to gnaw wildly.

  Only in the blink of an eye, the victims died four or five. The blood smeared on the rock wall, and the fire light shining on them was so striking and frightening.

   "It's Night Dire!" Mi Rong recognized the indescribable nightcrawler at a glance.

   And the surviving Saint Que victims in this underground river have obviously experienced this fear. They are screaming, and are collectively fleeing towards the women in turbans!

   The woman has wounds on her body, burns on her left arm, burns on her neck, and her calves and knees have obvious claw marks. Most of them were left by fighting with Nightcrawler the night before. The wounds have not healed.

   The woman's eyes were full of anger and unwillingness.

   There are wolves in front and tigers behind. She didn't know for a moment whether to deal with Zhu Minglang, the butcher in the territories, or to deal with the nightcrawler night dire.

   But when she was at a loss, Zhu Minglang hurried away before her, and when the nightmare was about to bite off a boy's head, a shuttle sword blasted the nightmare away.

   "Tian Shalong!"

The whereabouts of that nightmare is uncertain, Zhu Minglang is a little hard to see. At this time, Zhu Minglang does not have to fight alone with him. After all, the sword spirit dragon is not an enemy and can deal with it perfectly. The sword Zhu Minglang just wanted It pierced Dire's head, but it evaded and had to retreat instead.

   Tian Shalong appeared in the posture of dark scaly feathers. It chased the night dire, and barely bit this weird and difficult creature with its dark bite.


   Nightmare made an unpleasant roar, and it gave a vicious look at it to make it clear, and finally escaped out of the cave passage extremely unwillingly.

   "Don't chase."

   Zhu Minglang stopped the Tianshalong.

  Tian Shalong was obviously the first time he encountered a creature as strange as his own. Although it could not hide its curiosity and warlikeness, it finally chose to follow Zhu Minglang's arrangement.

   It put away its black wings, curled up a stalactite with its tail, and then hung it upside down in the cave, with an extremely cold look.

   In the underground river cave, the victims of Saint Que saw that the evil dragon did not attack them this day, and even helped them to drive away the cruel nightmare. While each one had a lingering fear, there was a trace of doubt.

  They don't understand why this butcher from Shenjiang Continent wants to help them.

   "We two have no ill will towards you." Zhu Minglang said to the woman in the turban.

   The woman glanced at Tianshalong, and then at the fairy sword dragon hanging next to Zhu Minglang.

   It's not how trustworthy it is, but the current situation has to make her believe. After all, this person must have murderous intentions and can already do it. Even Nightmare is afraid of him, why should he cheat more?

   "What do you want?" The woman in the turban is not stupid, she is still vigilant, but willing to talk peacefully.

   "We were only driven to the bottom of the ground by a Hades Dragon." Mi Rong explained.

   "Yan Wanglong is..."

   "A night dragon that must be a hundred times more terrifying." Mi Rong said.

   While talking with the woman in the turban, Zhu Minglang deliberately took a look at the place where the underground river flows, and found that it was enveloped by a thin layer of emptiness.

   There are several people who have been burned all over. They are holding the Xingyue Jade Glass to absorb the mist of nothingness.

   If there is no accident, the underground river should lead to the polar court, and these void mists are the last obstacle to their infiltration into the polar court. Those mists are already very thin and thin, I believe they can walk through it soon.

The fog of the void is unstable, they will slowly float, but those who hold the Xingyue jade glass can only stand on the edge and carefully absorb it, but the possibility of inhaling the fog of the void is very high. , From fainting, to death directly.

As if aware of the crisis, some people would rather take the risk of dying and get into the fog, just to **** away that little piece of fog, but in such a short period of time Zhu Minglang waited and watched, eight or nine people died as a result. , But someone still picked up the Xingyue Jade Glass from the companion's corpse and continued to "dig" this way of life.

   In order to survive, he did nothing.

   "Brother Zhu, their strong men are all out against the dark walkers. Inside the cave are some old, weak, sick and disabled, some women and children..." Mi Rong whispered to Zhu Minglang.

   Seeing this scene, Mi Rong felt sad.

   She regrets that she did not stop her elder brother Mi Zhongyun's behavior at the time, leaving these victims of the Holy Que disaster living underground without any vitality.

   They are not the most sinful people, let alone a bunch of alien animals.

   Similarly, Zhu Minglang can't kill these people either.

   But Zhu Minglang is now also facing a complicated decision.

The people of Saint Que Continent want to flee to the extreme court. Although the people of Underground River are old, weak, sick and disabled, those outside are extremely powerful and can survive the disasters crushed by the mainland. Every one of them is at least at the king level. Without the nocturnal creatures breaking in, Zhu Minglang even suspected that the people of Xuan Ge Divine Kingdom and Hongtian Peak could not rival these holy people.

   There are so many king-level masters in the Saint-Que continent, and they are so jealous, once they enter the polar court, they will have a huge impact on the polar court. If you don't stop it, it will be a **** storm. First release www.(x81zw)m./x81zw/

   But if this way of life is not opened up for them, the really terrifying butcher outside is the Hades Dragon.

   Yan Wanglong kills, no one can live.


"Xiao Rong~www.wuxiaspot.com~Is the God of Hua Qiu an all-knowing God? For example, he wants to kill Sheng Que, and someone secretly saved these people, can Hua Qiu know?" Zhu Minglang asked seriously Mi Rong.

   I wish Ming Lang to make a choice as soon as possible, he thought of a more feasible way.

"Of course he is not the God of All-Knowing, he is a **** known for power, and even advocates the law of eating the weak and the strong... Brother Zhu wants to help these people? Brother Zhu is indeed a good-hearted brother. If you want to help them, just go. It is impossible for Hua Qiu to know such things. His insight and foresight of things may not be as good as me, a stargazer." Mi Rong said.

   Mi Rong doesn't like the gods of Hua Chou.

   Xuan Ge is the most respectable **** in Mi Rong's mind.

   And put it in the past, the status of the **** Xuan Ge is no lower than Hua Qiu.

  Hua Chou is indeed the supreme **** of this Shenjiang, but as long as he does not confront him face to face, or slander or curse in front of Hua Chou’s believers, he can say what he wants to say.

   What's more, there are many forces in the Tianshu Divine Border that resist the belief of Huaqiu. These forces do not survive well. Although they have been purged by the people of Tianshu Temple, they still spread across all borders.

   "I'm relieved with your words." Zhu Minglang nodded.

   is not entirely a flood of kindness, Zhu Minglang is just looking for a balance of existence for Ji Ting and Sheng Que. First release https://(www) https://m/.x81zw./com/

   Recommend the new book of Urban Great God Lao Shi:

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