Dragon Tamer

Chapter 627: Terminally ill

   Hold the courageous to death, starve the cowardly!

   Zhu Minglang gritted his teeth and stepped into the long ditch with the thin afterglow.

  This behavior is tantamount to speeding toward Yan Wanglong’s dragon mouth, but Zhu Minglang firmly believes that this guy will not step into the place where the sun still remains...

   Yan Wang Long Youhuo Ming's eyes were as big as a copper bell. It obviously couldn't believe that this tiny human dared to **** the moon jade under his own eyes! !

With a hand, a sword was born at the bottom of his feet. Zhu Minglang stepped on the sword shadow that the sword spirit dragon transformed into, and rolled up a cloud of dust, and fled out of the long ditch at a high speed, and the next moment, the location of Yueyu Liuli was shrouded in darkness. , And can see a terrifying claw fall down, directly stepping the long ditch into a shocking valley! !

Zhu Minglang glanced back and found that the area behind him was directly sinking. The endless darkness seemed to be able to swallow everything up, and even torn everything into pieces, and the anger of the Yan Wanglong seemed to roll over. The black scorching sun, burning, is enough to turn this territory directly into ashes! !

  Longkou grabs the jade, Zhu Minglang feels like he has walked away from the ghost gate.

   And now he hasn't fully repaid his yang, the Hades in the Guimen Pass is chasing out, and he will never die with himself!


   I wish Minglang fly with a sword, and when passing by Mi Rong, he directly hugged the delicate Mi Rong.

If the speed erupts within a period of time, the sword spirit dragon will naturally rise faster. After all, it is a flying sword fairy. Zhu Minglang also had no intention of calling out other dragons. He just fled towards the crater basin and did everything. You can escape into the maze of earth veins while the afterglow of the setting sun is still alive!

   On the westernmost side of the huge meteorite basin, the rust-colored light began to become reddish, and this reddish red only existed for a short while before it began to darken again.

   I wish Minglang very clear that at this moment, I am not racing against Yama, but against the setting sun!

   It sank to the horizon completely, and the afterglow took it away, and Yan Wanglong could easily catch up with him and send himself to be buried!

   "Time should be enough." Mi Rong glanced ahead and saw that the rift was not far away.

   Zhu Minglang also looked back and found that the darkness was still some distance behind, and looking west from here, you could see a crown of sunset, whose glory was escorting him all the way.

   Yan Wanglong never crossed the boundary of daylight from beginning to end. It seems that even an existence as strong as Yan Wanglong is bound to a certain extent. As for what force restrains it, Zhu Minglang is not known.

   is about to reach the entrance of the rift.

   However, several figures appeared nearby, which made Zhu Minglang's face sink.

   Isn't that the little emperor Yang Ji of Hongtianfeng? He looks ashamed, and his body is full of scars.

   In addition, the few Hongtianfeng masters around him are not much better. At first glance, they were injured and in trouble.

"Haha, you guys are so intrigued. In broad daylight, when you hug me like this, Mi Rong's fiance is a decoration!!" Yang Ji saw Zhu Minglang holding Mi Rong, and the demons immediately took over his sanity. The whole person became savage and terrible!

   Broad daylight? ?

   The sun is down! ! !

   A good dog doesn’t stand in the way, get out!

   Zhu Minglang saw Yang Ji's expression, and he knew that this guy was dying.

   And this guy is only a descendant of gods, he can't even notice the Yan Wanglong in the dark.

   "Take me this pair of dog men and women, I will give this guy to Ling Chi in front of this woman!!!" Yang Ji yelled frantically.

   At the same time he uttered these words, Yang Ji also called out the Lingxiao Tianlong he was proud of.

  The way of extreme desire, once achieved, you can make your own cultivation level more diligent. After dealing with this pair of dogs and men, your spiritual realm will be transformed, and then you can help Lingxiao Tianlong to advance to the upper position!

   Possession, for a man, the possessive desire of a woman is the most powerful obsession!

"Yang Ji, you just forget it if you wish. If you are entangled like a mad dog, I will report to the sage and impose sanctions on you. When dusk falls, Yan Wanglong is behind us. If you don't want to kill everyone, then Get out of the way quickly!" At a critical moment, Mi Rongke didn't look weak at all, she pointed to Yang Ji and said angrily.

   "Heh, you still have to protect this adulterer now!" Yang Ji's face began to be savage.

When    heard it, he gritted his teeth with anger.

  Is this Yang Ji sick to this point? I have assumed myself to be her wife, not to mention his innocence with the big brother Shenxuan, even if he has something, it has nothing to do with Yang Ji!

   "What should I do, I wish you brother, he seems to have been completely enchanted." Mi Rong said panicked.

   She is not afraid of Yang Ji who is dyingly ill, but she is afraid of Yan Wanglong. After a little delay, Yan Wang will really arrive!

   "There is an aura of death-seeking all over his body, I just have to fulfill him!" Zhu Minglang's tone became cold.


   There are no worries and hesitations at this time!

   The palm is forward, the darkness and the green light glow at the same time!

   Tiansha Dragon!

   Cang Luan and Blue Phoenix Dragon! The fastest computer terminal of the new 81 Chinese website: https://www.@x81zw@@

The two dragon kings appeared right and left of Zhu Minglang for the first time. UU Reading www.uukahnshu.com Tianshalong bit the wings of the Yunxiao Tianlong rushing towards Zhu Minglang, and slammed the Yunxiao Tianlong. Got out.

   Cangluan Qinghuanglong opened its cyan wings and raised huge light marks, which stopped the other people of Hongtianfeng.


   The fairy dragon also jumped out, and it stepped in the air, flying towards one of the dragon shepherds of Hongtianfeng like an arrow from the string.

The dragon shepherd did not even notice this little creature, and was still commanding a violent heavenly dragon to bite the Cangluan Blue Phoenix Dragon. As a result, the fairy dragon had flashed in front of him, a gorgeous upside-down golden hook, and another one. Kicked on the chin! !

The man’s jaw was directly broken, and the whole person rose into the air. Just when Zhu Minglang thought that the cruel blow was over, a fluorescent light appeared on the side of the fairy dragon. The fluorescent light turned into a string of light arrows. Yinglong kicked out!

   The fairy dragon bounced toward the ground, and the light stringed arrow went in the opposite direction, and it was shot at the member of Hongtianfeng who was kicked off! A genius remembers 噺バ一Chinese m.x/8/1/z/w.c/o/m/


  The light string arrow accurately pierced the heart of the member of Na Hong Tianfeng, causing the person to die before he fell!

   Small body, great power!

   Zhu Minglang didn't expect that his little pillow would be so fierce, and his thoughts were very clear, so he directly attacked the deity of the dragon shepherd, and the other dragon ignored it!

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