Dragon Tamer

Chapter 648: Preside over the overall situation

   "It's all about practicing in retreat, you know that the prince is here, I wish you will definitely put up a drink and entertain, and drink all night like before." Zhu Minglang also hung up a smile.

"Haha, as long as I wish the eldest son not to break into the palace of the princesses casually, or accidentally fly to the forbidden land of the Dragon Kingdom of Clouds, and accompany Zhao Ying to the end whatever he wants to drink. By the way, I heard that my ineffective brother is with you in Ni There are some holidays in the sea, please don't take this matter to your heart. You are now a brilliant, leading figure in my generation." Zhao Ying said very politely.

   There are many people around, and everyone joins the banquet one after another.

   It is naturally the important person tonight that Prince Ji Ting can greet him personally. At the same time, as the prince, Zhao Ying is so humble and respectful to Zhu Minglang, which really makes many people puzzled.

   Although Zhu Minglang is indeed very popular recently, everyone knows that Ji Ting will usher in a major reshuffle. In the end, who can win the situation is not to look at the **** behind! !

   "Zhao Yu, make a compensation for Mr. Zhu, after all, we still have more important things to discuss with Mr. Zhu." Zhao Ying glanced at the younger brother next to him, his tone seemed gentle, but ordered.

   Zhao Yu's face changed suddenly.

   He hates Zhu Minglang, and wants him to bow his head to this guy to apologize? ? ?

   He is the prince of the court, so there is no reason to apologize to a clan prince!

   With a smile on Zhao Ying's face, he stared at his brother Zhao Yu just like that.

   Zhao Yu gritted his teeth, and finally buried his head, arched his hands, and reluctantly expressed his apologies to Zhu Minglang.

  Although it was just a small apology, the eyes of everyone were in full view, but Zhao Yu felt that his whole body was covered with poisonous insects, and he was suffering from a thousand bites!

   "What's the matter, the prince will speak frankly." Zhu Minglang said.

"We want to take back the ruling power of the Zulong City State from your hands. Of course, the Li Family Courtyard and the Nan Family Mansion, which originally belonged to you, are still yours, but all the affairs and military affairs of this city. Our royal family will be in charge." Zhao Ying smiled and said this in a very light tone.

   "Is that the only thing?" Zhu Minglang asked.

   "That's it."

   "First of all, this city belongs to Li Yunzi, not me. Secondly, I would like to express my rejection on behalf of my lady." Zhu Minglang also said calmly.

Zhao Ying's smile slowly sank a little, and after a while, he continued: "The fog of nothingness has dissipated. You also know that all of us are about to face a more powerful enemy from outside. Disunited and unanimous, all waiting for everyone is perish."

   "Aren't we very united now, everyone is still gathering together on such a noisy night, holding a night banquet of wine and food?" Zhu Minglang said, raising his eyebrows.

   "So, shall I take back this piece of land by the emperor's will?" Zhao Ying said.

   "Zhumen and Yaoshan Sword Sect are the powers here, and you hand over the emperor's will to Zhu Tianguan and the old sword emperor, what do you do with a young man who is idle?" Zhu Minglang said.

   Do you have a father? ?

   I wish Ming Lang coldly hum in his heart.

   I want to suppress myself with will!

"Oh, it seems that you don’t understand anything, Zhu Minglang, I asked my brother to apologize to you for the prince’s prince, and I’ve already given enough face..." Zhao Ying already has such a public opposition to the will of the royal family like Zhu Minglang. A little dissatisfied, he continued, "If you still know how to judge the situation, you will regret it after daybreak!"

   Prince, you are exposed.

   Zhu Minglang was not sure before, whether there was a backing behind the royal family.

   can now be sure.

   Zhao Ying didn't say more, his eyes just became less friendly, and it seemed that Zhu Minglang had been included in the list of "not knowing how to promote", and there was no need for hypocritical courtesy.

   I wish Minglang entered the table.

   are Li Xing paintings and Nan Lingsha who are both wearing veils.

   They put on the same clothes and hair accessories in a tacit understanding today. This is actually to protect the paintings of Li Xing without high strength.

   Li Yunzi did not show up and did not talk to these people.

   Zhu Minglang naturally became the speaker of Zulong City State.

   "I wish you a bright future!" A softly heard voice sounded, right next to the seat.

   I wish Ming Lang didn't turn his head, I didn't hear it.

   But that woman is not a fuel-efficient lamp, she walks in style, her pink lips lightly open, like a smile.

   "Husband, why do you want to sit with two humble concubines?" Wen Lingfei slowly bent down and put her cheeks in front of Zhu Minglang, provocatively.

   did not wear cosmetics, nor did he wear a veil. Not only is the makeup a bit charming and sexy, the female head of the sword sect in Haruka has completely released herself? ?

   "This female Taoist friend, don't say such frivolous remarks when we meet in peace. This is the wife I am married to by Ming Media..." Zhu Minglang stretched out his big hand and embraced the beauties around him boldly.

   But the beauty immediately raised her gaze, and gave Zhu Minglang a look of beauty and ferocity, her expression clearly as if she was telling Zhu Minglang the four words "Ten steps of blood splashing!"

   Zhu Minglang was extremely embarrassed, and while stating the facts, he hurriedly changed his hand to hug the other beauty on the right.

   Destiny is like teasing people. When you choose one of the two, you will always start with the wrong option.

   "It's not up to you whether it's right or not." Wen Lingfei raised her mouth slightly.

   "???" Zhu Minglang disliked Wen Lingfei's attitude the most.

   How can you succumb to the lewd power of a daughter's king? ?

"I wish Minglang, you should be clear that we either recruit many sons-in-law, or end up with one another. We never allow men who marry into our country to take concubines. I can change our country for you. National regulations, but the two of them can only be concubines forever." Wen Lingfei is aggressive and humane.

   "Wen Mengru, your sister didn't take medicine today, so hurry up and help her go." Zhu Minglang said to the woman behind her.

   "Sister, you haven't heard many stories about them since you came here. Obviously it was earlier than you recruited your son-in-law. Why did your sister break them up?" Wen Mengru whispered.

   "I want you to talk more!" Wen Lingfei glared at Wen Mengru.

   "Female donor, the Great Enemy of Foreign Territories, you don't worry about the fate of Ji Ting at all, but you still have the mind to forge an impossible relationship here. I really don't know whether to say that you are big-hearted or fearless." Zhu Minglang said.

   Wen Lingfei narrowed her eyes slightly.

   What does this guy know?

   Wen Lingfei's eyes fell on Li Xinghua's body.

   is very strange.

   The last time Li Yunzi was also aggressive, and didn't mean to give in at all, but this time she didn't say a word, it was like a different person.

   Wen Lingfei was here to find trouble.

   No matter how provocative, Li Yunzi did not respond.

   This seems a bit boring.

   As for the attitude of wishing clarity...

   Wen Lingfei didn't care at all.

   If you conquer the world, don’t you conquer men?

   "Forget it, you two will serve your husband tonight." Concubine Wen Ling raised her eyes and was extremely arrogant, as if a real master didn't bother to care about two little foxes. First release https://(www) https://m/.x81zw./com/

   After saying this, Concubine Wen Ling has turned and left gracefully.

   She is unique in her style, outstanding in her temperament, and even the head of the Mianshan Sword Sect. She has a transcendent position and is naturally attracting attention in this banquet.

   Of course, more importantly, whether it is the organization under the gods or the forces within the Jitian, they have more or less learned about the Mianshan Sword Sect.

   Don't mess with it!

   This also made Jianzong Miaoshan suddenly jump to the most lofty position, and put on a veil of mystery.

   "Princess Luoshui, the prince would like to discuss a few words with you." The little prince Zhao Yu walked over, reluctantly holding up a smile.

   "No interest." Wen Lingfei didn't even bother to look at Zhao Yu, and even directly rejected the kind invitation of Prince Zhao Ying.

   Zhao Yu's complexion is even more ugly, as well as the prince Zhao Ying. As the host of this time, he has lowered his posture to please the Mianshan Jianzong, but Wen Lingfei did not put him in the eyes of the prince!

   It was before, even if Concubine Wen Ling didn't take the royal family seriously, she did not dare to defy her!

   Which **** is behind the sword sect of Mianshan Mountain? ?

   I wish Ming Lang became more curious.

   There is no doubt that Wen Lingfei wants this Zulong city-state.

   But she didn't want other forces to be so eager, as if the tide of darkness was coming, they already had the means to deal with it.

   "The **** behind Concubine Wen Ling seems to have a strong background, why don't you just follow her?" At this moment, the woman who could make her blood splash ten steps let out a sultry laugh.

   Zhu Minglang turned his head and glanced at Nan...

   Oh, Miss Yu Suo.

  Such a gloating person is the only fairy sister-in-law.

   When did you change people?

   Was it the time when it was wrong, or before?

   "I follow, you have to be a concubine, can you accept it?" Zhu Minglang asked, raising his eyebrows.

   "It doesn't matter to me. I have no feelings with you anyway. I can even help you convince your sisters."

   "Yu, don't mess around." Li Xinghua couldn't listen anymore.

   This girl, lawless, dare to say anything without shame!

   I wish Ming Lang helplessly shook his head.

   If it weren't for the three chapters with Li Yunzi, Wen Lingfei's affairs would only be solved by her personally. How could Zhu Minglang let her be so brave. New 81 Chinese network update the fastest mobile terminal: https:/

   "I invite everyone to come tonight, just to show you a way to survive, but if someone still doesn't know how to promote, UU reading www.uukanshu.com has only one result-perish!" said the presiding Prince Zhao Ying.

   Prince Zhao Ying's remarks were ridiculed by many people.

   First of all, the people of the Dazhou clan have no longer taken the royal clan seriously.

   Wen Lingfei didn't even bother to listen to Prince Zhao Ying saying something bluffing there.

   But not all forces have relied on.

   Many people are still flustered, the fog of nothingness has disappeared, and what greets them is really perish, and it perishes in unknown ways!

   After saying this, the prince Zhao Ying turned his attention to Zhu Minglang, as if he wanted to cut Zhu Minglang from the united family.

   I don’t know how to promote, this refers to Li Yunzi and Zhu Minglang.

   This city, after all, must have a belonging, but they are unwilling to belong to any party, this is not what it is to die!

   "Everyone, when foreign forces are coming, my Ancestral Dragon City-state will naturally fight against it, expel foreign enemies, and ensure your safety, but in the process, I trouble you to stay calm and don't make trouble in my city-state." Zhu Minglang said.

   Prince Zhao Ying frowned.

   I am presiding over the overall situation tonight.

   As soon as daybreak, those subordinate organizations will arrive one after another.

  They are the people of God, can you compete with an ignorant thing!

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