Dragon Tamer

Chapter 655: Actually behind

It's not just military guards deployed on the ground.

The flying dragon camp in the sky also felt the invisible control of the **** board of chess. They are the most mobile chess pieces on the board, and they can also tear apart the enemy's key chess pieces!

The palm prints and cloud shadows reflect the chessboard. All living beings seem to fall on the palms of chess master Zheng Yu. His eyes are looking at the Mingshen tribe army that is flying over the wall, calm and calm, not to mention a trace of it. Silk feelings.

"Lichuan is not your reckless hunting ground!"

"This is your grave ridge!"


The undulating Long Gorge, even if it is steep and steep, is not a big obstacle for those Mingshen troops with cultivation bases.

They easily surpassed the obstacles of the mountain gorge that had been used to resist the sharp team, and even easily smashed the simple mountains piled up with stones with a few punches.

The rocks splashed, the mountains shook, and some of the Myingoshen tribe were still laughing.

"The mountains and rocks in this extremely court are like snow powder, which turns into scraps when they are swept away. They can't stand our slap or fist at all." A sturdy and tall member of the Protoss said with disdain.

"Don't say it's these stones and soil. The sergeant of the mountainous city just now, probably hasn't been fierce than the domestic dog we threw out of the city. He has never fought such an easy battle, and I don't know the delicate beauty of this place. Can people withstand our toss!" said a fat Protoss man.

"Such words come out of the mouth of a god, don't you feel disgusting! The people of the dignified god, how can you have a relationship with those humble women from the lower realms? The noble blood in your body flows into such a dirty place. The blasphemy against the gods!" The woman in the red robe said coldly and disdainfully.

"Don't be extravagant, don't forget our mission!"

"Naturally will not forget!"

"Ming Lianjie, there is a military formation in front of you. You and these guys who are thinking in the lower half of the body will take a group of people to destroy them. Leave a few lives. I want to ask them something." The red robe woman ordered.

"Yes!" Ming Lianjie replied, but dissatisfaction surged in his heart.

As a god, he should have been one of the leaders in this Ming **** tribe army.

It's just that the big defeat in the match made him discredited, and he was directly demoted as a vanguard. There are still many people in the Mingshen army who don't take him seriously.

This time he swept Lichuan, he Ming Lianjie must regain his glory and let everyone respect himself! !


Ming Lianjie took the guys with foul language and flew across the wall, basically galloping, the thousand gods behind the army are much slower, in order to show that his strength is far more than that shown in the battlefield. Ming Lianjie even ignored the army behind him, and directly killed the hills of the remnant mountain!

"There seem to be four to five thousand people near these big hills and hills." A Shenmin said.

"As a hundred heroes, I only need one punch to destroy their entire hill station!!" Ming Lianjie said coldly.

He stepped on the edge of the mountain cliff, and leaped over the ravine in front of him. His fist was accumulating a force, like a huge eye, which was stirring the surrounding airflow, making the squally wind near Changxia reversing! !

"Fist against the wind!!"

Ming Lianjie yelled, and he waved his right fist in mid-air, and suddenly an inverse wind field swept towards the hill tower.

The trees in the mountains were upside down, and the sand and rocks were flying in the gorge. This punch was like a wind disaster, raging and destroying this remnant mountain area!

The violent reversal hurricane stirred up by this fist can be seen far away, and the woods around the hill tower have been shaved bare.

It was just that the hillside platform remained motionless, and the guards around the hill were more like wearing chain armor. Their bodies were swaying and shaking, but no one was blown into the sky, and no one was injured.

The entire hill and army guards were as solid as huge rocks, until the fist wind completely dissipated, they still stood there.

"Avalanche Arrow Curtain!"

Suddenly, a voice rang in the clouds.

In the hill tower behind, arrows wrapped in ice and snow flew to the sky amid the sound of neat bowstrings. Under the clouds, densely packed ice and snow arrows formed a terrifying mountain of ice and snow.

As the arrows fell rapidly, these arrows were like a terrifying scene of a snowy mountain collapse! !


Wave after wave of arrows made the avalanche-like sky more magnificent!

Although Lichuan is not frozen and snowy, some peaks in Qixia are covered with snow. Mountains, soil, snow, wind, fire, and rain are all sources of power on the chessboard of heaven and earth.

These arrows made of ice may not be as sharp as iron arrows, but the effect of the ice and snow collapse formed by them is even more threatening to those warriors with cultivation base!

Chess master, the power he shows does not depend on cultivation, but on the right time and place and the number of people!

The number is the key, and there are 200,000 troops in Lichuanqi Gorge!

This astonishing arrow avalanche seemed to fall in the sky, and the warriors of the Mingshen tribe showed horror when they saw this scene, as if the same doubt came in everyone's heart: There is such a powerful Five Elements Master in Lichuan. ? ?

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"Hurry up!"

Ming Lianjie shouted loudly to all the gods and people behind him.

The avalanche fell, filling up some deep gullies and long valleys in the mountain gorge, and you can see the members of the Mingshen Army who were flying over the walls were covered by this heavy avalanche arrow!

The mountains are frozen, and those warriors with copper skin and iron bones may be able to withstand the attack of swords, guns and swords, but the taste of the cold is uncomfortable, especially when they are only wearing half-length clothes, skin and those arrows of ice and snow. The intimate contact made the body turn purple from the cold, and the bones became more rigid!


In the Qixia wilderness, Zhu Minglang heard the movement of the war, so he did not hesitate anymore.

"Destroy the Ming God Race!"

Zhu Minglang gave an order, and suddenly dozens of king-level experts flew into the sky at a very fast speed. Some of them rode the Dragon King, and some had the ability to fly in the air.

They don't have such a huge momentum, but each one can be described as possessing unique skills and terrifying killing intent!

Zhu Minglang summoned Cangluan and Qinghuanglong and flew to the same height as the clouds.

Looking down from here, you can just see the members of the Mingshen tribe who have been blocked in the remnant mountain. They obviously have not realized that they have been attacked by Zhu Minglang and Zheng Yu back and forth!

A pure ambush does not necessarily have a great chance of winning, after all, there are many king-level powerhouses in the Mingshen clan army.

But the effect of an ambush and a flanking attack like this is completely different. The Mingshen clan was obviously blinded by the illusion of the previous mountain and fortified cities, thinking that the Ji Ting Continent, Lichuan, was really vulnerable.

Moreover, after all the Mingshen clan people saw the strong appear behind them, that face was even more incredulous.

How could the Divine Kingdom of Xuan Ge, who first entered the Great Court, appear behind them? ? ?

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