Dragon Tamer

Chapter 677: Feng Bolong

If Shangzhuang hadn't killed himself, he wouldn't have won it so easily, but Shangzhuang really took himself seriously. You must know that this star and land border and the gift of time, Zhu Minglang is considered a pioneer, and his strength has improved. The speed is far beyond that of the domineering Shang Zhuang.

"I'm very curious that people like us are only stronger among the ants in front of the Sparrow Wolf God. Since he appeared to interfere in this dispute just now, why didn't he slap all of us here again? Death, isn't it more convenient for your temple to dominate and conquer?" Zhu Minglang provokes while directing his dragon pet to kill those obstructive beasts. The fastest full text of 噺⒏⑴祌 んττρs:/м.χ八㈠zщ.còм/

   "I am the next choice of God, this is a test of God to me." Shang Hanxu said.

"That is indeed the Sparrow Wolf God just now. It turns out that the magical technique he exerted with all his strength seems to have affected a city-state. His skills are inferior to the Huaqiu who crushed the Saint Que continent. There are more than one or two levels." Zhu Minglang continued.

   Shang Hanxu's face was blue.

   This **** is just talking about himself!

   He would never reveal any information about the Sparrow Wolf God, after all, the situation of the Sparrow Wolf God at this time was indeed very bad, and he actually showed a bit of difficulty in displaying this Baili Quicksand.

If the Sparrow Wolf God can slap all the people here to death, he will naturally do so without hesitation. However, after using the Baili Quicksand Divine Art, the Sparrow Wolf God is now only better than the top king. Some.

   In this state, it is absolutely impossible for the Sparrow Wolf God to stay in this place. If the God of Rain and the other quasi gods know about it, they will hunt the gods at all costs in order to seize his righteousness!

   "This wish is bright, don't have a purpose, you can't say a word of nonsense with him." Shang Hanxu secretly said in his heart.

   must not let the other party know that Sparrow Wolf God's divine power is blocked at this time, and the divine status has not been restored.


The barren beast dragon that Shang Hanxu was riding stood tall, its whole body flowing with golden brilliance, and those special rosary beads seemed to accumulate energy. When the barren beast dragon raised its forefoot At that time, countless golden thunder rings appeared, and they stepped forward to form a terrifying golden thunderstorm! ! !

   A thunderstorm appeared between the sky and the earth where Zhu Minglang was, violently ravaging Zhu Minglang and Fengyue Baichen Dragon. Fengyue Baichen Dragon could only fly low and escaped the terrible golden thunderstorm stepped on by this alien beast! !

   pulled a certain distance away, and after seeing a huge golden thunder field around Shang Hanxu, Zhu Minglang didn't dare to venture in like before.

This Shang Hanxu should also be a dragon shepherd, that strange animal barren dragon is his dragon beast, but the golden rosary beads are not what they are, they can be arranged into imperial curtains for him to resist attacks, and can be transformed into this The battle armor of the wild dragon of different beasts has soared in strength, and it is somewhat difficult to deal with!


   Shang Hanxu has three identical monsters and wild dragons, each with three angry horns.

  Angry horns are like bronze, more like three bronze bells standing on the heads of wild dragons.

When Zhu Minglang retreated, the three strange beasts and wild dragons raised their heads at the same time and collided the angry horns together. Suddenly the sound of the huge copper slamming sounded, spreading towards the land of hundreds of miles of quicksand. !

The three strange beasts and wild dragons kept hitting each other. Their physique was huge, and the impact force was very exaggerated. In the end, this force was all displayed on the horns of the chimes that collided. For a time, these angry horns sounded into a kind Smash the sound waves and sweep towards the chaotic battlefield around! !

This sound wave of angry horns did not directly overturn people and dragons and beasts, but blew it like a strong wind, but soon those dragons that were swept by this sound wave of angry horns all had their hard dragon scales broken. crack!

Not only this area, but also the idle forces and the flying dragon army of the flying dragon camp, they are all affected by this frightening horn sound wave, as long as they are hard objects, such as dragon scales, metal dragon horns, armor, battle armor, Even some weapons have serious cracks!

   Zhu Minglang glanced back and found that all the dragon herders of the Saint Que Continent who had followed him had been affected, their dragon beasts and dragon scales were all shattered, and they lost their most important defense ability...

The wild dragons of these strange beasts in the Sparrow Wolf Temple do not have dragon scales, but grow thick dragon skins. The power generated by Shang Hanxu's three-headed angry horned wild dragon has little effect on their own people. . The fastest computer terminal of the new 81 Chinese website: https://www.@x81zw@@

   "This power is too terrible, I am afraid that it is a god's tool, and then relied on the power of the three-headed angry horned dragon to activate." Pang Kai said to Zhu Minglang behind Zhu Minglang.

   I wish Minglang are naturally prepared for this. The power of the subordinate organization is not their cultivation base, but that they have mastered a variety of god-given abilities that can make their strength above ordinary practitioners.

In other words, if Shang Hanxu is closer to the city-state, as long as he displays this power, Li Yunzi's armor of hundreds of thousands of soldiers will be shattered by it. This will have a devastating blow to the army, no wonder God. Even if the number of the organization is small, it never fears a million masters!

   Baili quicksand paralyzed hundreds of thousands of elite soldiers and guards, and could only shrink in the city like other ordinary citizens waiting to be buried alive.

   And this angry horn sound wave caused the dragon beast army to lose the dragon scale defense again, and the situation became more serious for a while.

   "Pang Kai, you come to protect my law, and I will also cheer them up!" Zhu Minglang said to Pang Kai.

   Pang Kai nodded and stood in front of Zhu Minglang.

Zhu Minglang fell into the quicksand and stepped on the sand. Zhu Minglang was able to feel a soft wrapping force and was slowly pulling his feet down. If you don’t keep moving fast enough, use It won't take long for her feet to sink into the quicksand, making it quite difficult to struggle out.

   Zhu Minglang took out the confiscated wind disaster scroll and began to inject his spiritual power.

Spiritual power is flowing in the picture scroll, and you can see that this picture scroll is quickly enveloped by a special layer of light, followed by a beam of aurora rushing into the sky, as if praying to the **** of wind He came to help himself!

   The brilliance of the gods is so obvious, especially for these gods organizations, they will never fail to notice.

   Shang Hanxu glanced at Zhu Minglang, who had fled to the distance, and saw the typhoon scroll in his hand, his face immediately became ugly!

   That picture scroll is theirs! !

   was originally handed over to a few people from the rivers and lakes, hoping that they could destroy the entire Zulong city-state's defense line during their own conquest, but never thought that these wine and rice bags were actually captured, and the treasure was still in the hands of others!

   "Stop it, you can't let it ask Feng Bo for help!" Shang Hanxu naturally knew the power of this typhoon scroll, and hurriedly said to the guardians of the gods.

   There are three guardians of the gods, wearing black, blue, and yellow animal robes. They are the mainstays of the Sparrow Wolf Temple. They have reached the top not to mention they have some vast magical powers.

Among them, the black beast-robed protector showed a terrifying suppressive power. Vice-President He and Bai Tou Da Shou worked together, but they were unable to gain the upper hand. You must know that Vice President He and Bai Tou Da Shou were to train the dragon. The leader of the Academy and the Sword Sect of Yaoshan...

The guardian of the blue beast robe is for Venerable Xinglong. Venerable Xinglong knows that he is not as strong as the opponent, so he uses a variety of different types of dragon pets to make roundabout moves. Basically, he does not do deathly, but he does not let the opponent do other things. thing.

   And the one who came to stop Zhu Minglang was the yellow robe who served the great guardian of the gods. He led three powerful men with python pattern beast robes to kill Zhu Minglang.

   Pang Kai fought against this great guardian, but there was no time to protect Zhu Minglang. Zhu Minglang could only let Bai Qi, Moxie, and Qingzhuo three dragons to hold the enemy's offensive for him!

Those three powerful men with python-patterned beast robes have high-level cultivation bases. Originally, Zhu Minglang thought that the sword spirit dragon and Cangluan and Qinghuanglong might be a bit difficult to deal with, but he never thought that Xiaobai would fly to those three, one dragon and three People continue to take offense to suppress!

Fengyue Yingchen Bailong is also extremely powerful, and his true strength is no less than the existence of those high-ranking kings. This made Zhu Minglang begin to feel that Xiaobai Qi should also have a certain part of Shenlong-level. , Otherwise, how can you beat any king-level realm at will?

   And ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ experienced the last fight with the 90,000-year-old dragon, Fengyue Yingchen White Dragon seems to have grown a bit, and it is getting stronger every day!

   Sword Spirit Dragon and Cang Luan Blue Phoenix Dragon simply accompany Zhu Minglang to deal with some enemies who fished in troubled waters, mainly due to the bravery shown by Fengyue Yingchen Bailong, which made their guarding tasks a lot easier.

   "If you hold on for a while, you can invite the storm." Zhu Minglang said.

   There are restrictions and bans on some gods' tools, which are only allowed to be used by people who believe in them, and they must be gods.

   But the typhoon scroll is obviously universal, even those ordinary people can use it in their hands, but if used by people of higher personality, the power will be stronger!

Zhu Minglang is a chosen person, and his personality is still above most of the gods present. When he injects his spiritual power into it, a trace of God’s bud power hidden in his spiritual power will make the picture scroll. Unleash the highest level of wind disaster!

As a result, a large thick cloud appeared in the sky of the Zulong City-state. It was black and compact, squeezing the plain land into a narrow and depressed state. In the quicksand where Zhu Minglang stood, the painted scroll aurora turned into the sky. It's stronger, like the morning light of Tianshu, with auspicious purple light...

   A majestic and sky-shattering silhouette is slowly emerging in the thick clouds of the sky, a windy dragon, like a cloud and mist, and is called to this heavenly realm.

   It slowly poked its head out, overlooking the earth, then opened its dragon mouth, and spit out a breath of wind towards this world! !

  :. : M.x

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