Dragon Tamer

Chapter 695: Shenbing Heavenly Flag

69, the fastest update of Dragon Shepherd!

The morning light spilled in from those thin windows and shone in this elegant study.

The smell of last night’s cold dishes still remains in the room, and Zhu Minglang still can’t believe that this old man who often eats alone in this study is so powerful!

"Don't believe me?" Zhu Tianguan laughed.

"It's a little bit." Zhu Minglang sat down and carefully stroked through what Zhu Tianguan had said.

In other words, the strength of Zhumen has long surpassed the royal family. Whether Zhu Tianguan wants to be the emperor is purely based on his mood. Considering that any dynasty is difficult to endure, Zhu Tianguan decided to let Zhumen live forever. Maintain the position of the six major clans, so that no matter how many dynasties you have gone through, Zhumen will not decline!

Zhu Tianguan is an uncrowned king of Ji Ting, who has surpassed Ji Ting's practice level by virtue of casting skills that the world does not recognize!

"Practitioners need to compete for the rare spiritual resources between heaven and earth, and the royal family will inevitably compete with the major forests and the major clans. However, no one in the entire polar continent competes with us for what we need, and they even try all kinds of things. The way to send those rare materials to us is to create a satisfactory weapon and armor for them. We wish the door needs inexhaustible, plus the release of divine power In this casting art, which force we want to become the dominator is which force dominates." Zhu Tianguan said.

"People have ignored the power of the caster after all." Zhu Minglang said.

"Yes, before I told you this, why would you think that the caster is the master of this court? And you also have a prejudice against cast art. You are the only son of Zhumen, everyone else. We don't even take us seriously. We have no natural enemies. We win people's hearts. We are harmless to humans and animals. Why not be strong?" Zhu Tianguan said.

"I have no prejudice against casting art, but I am simply not interested." Zhu Minglang said frankly.

I wish Tianguan looked unlovable.

I have dominated the world by relying on casting art, but I can't convince my son to devote himself to this great cause. Isn't it because he was defeated indefinitely!

"It's a pity, the situation has changed. The royal family has already taken refuge in the subordinate organization. After experiencing this time, they should also know our true strength. It is not difficult to deal with the royal family. The subordinate organization behind the royal family is the most terrifying. Yes!" Zhu Tianguan was a little serious.

He has the confidence to be king, but he is not yet numb and confident enough to contend with the powerful subordinate organization of the Tianshu Divine Territory...

If the next step is not cautious enough, they hope the door will still be destroyed in a few days.

Tianshu Shenjiang is a monster to Ji Ting after all!

Moreover, no matter how powerful Zhu Tianguan is, he can't know what he will face next. When Xinglu collides with Shenjiang, no one can be safe.

"The master, son, there is a vision in the city of Dishui." Qin Yang walked in, opened his mouth to report, and looked a bit solemn.

"Zhao Yuan is already a little mad, he can do everything now, go and see from a high place." Zhu Tianguan said.

"Do our people want to mobilize?" Qin Yang asked.



Zhu Minglang went to Xiaolou first and called Li Xinghua, Hong Geng, and Ming Ji.

Walking towards the Shenliu Pavilion in the inner courtyard, Zhu Minglang recounted the situation of Zhumen on the way.

After Hong Geng listened, he fell into deep thought.

Li Xinghua also looked surprised, apparently she had never seen this scene in her foresight.

"Insidious and cunning, your father and son are all insidious and cunning people, and my dignified goddess has been miserable by you!" The boy Ming Ji said angrily.

Knowing that Zhu Sect is so strong, their Ming Shen Clan will not cooperate with that trash Da Zhou Clan.

However, wishing to come to Zhumen is not a type of mercy, it is likely to pit them Mingshen Clan even more miserable!

I boarded the Shenliu Pavilion, which is the oldest willow tree in the drip lake. The willow tree is huge and comparable to some tall buildings, and the tall pavilion is also built on this ancient huge willow tree. This kind of project is not too big for Zhumen. difficult.

When he went upstairs, Li Xing's steps were slightly slower.

Zhu Minglang also slowed down, and walked up slowly with her. He saw how she wanted to talk and stopped. Zhu Minglang asked in a low voice: "What's wrong, isn't things going wrong?"

"Since Prince An's Mansion has been destroyed, the Sparrow Wolf God has not appeared, so the Sparrow Wolf God has been colluding with the royal family..." Li Xinghua said.

"En." Zhu Minglang nodded.

"After all, the royal family has some background. I am worried that the Sparrow Wolf God has used the royal family to collect various rare divine roots for him and restore a lot of divine power for him." Li Xinghua said.

"Why do you think so?" Zhu Minglang asked.

"Dengyu, this thing is in the hands of the royal family, and the lantern jade is the most effective item to heal injuries and restore the soul. If the sparrow wolf **** always stands behind the royal family, his recovery may be possible. It will be better than I expected." Li Xinghua said.

"Then we are now too risky to deal with Sparrow Wolf God?" Zhu Minglang asked.

"Well, but you can try..." Li Xinghua said.


"The son keeps a calm heart and faces it, no matter what happens." Li Xinghua said.

Although Zhu Minglang didn't understand what the prophet was trying to express, he nodded.

Seeing Zhu Tianguan, Zhu Minglang roughly recounted the concerns of Li Xing painting just now.

"Aren't you looking for the ancient lamp jade of the gods before, so I ordered someone to investigate it, and the royal family did indeed master most of the lamp jade and ancient lamp jade of the gods on this continent." Zhu Tianguan said.

Zhu Minglang's face also became solemn, so it is not that there is something wrong with Sparrow Wolf God's ability to use Baili Quicksand's supernatural powers, but his strength has changed.

Suddenly, a beam of light caught Zhu Minglang's attention.

Looking at Zhu Minglang, you can see most of the Dishui City from here. The location of the vision Qin Yang said before is on the Wulin Street of Dishui City, which belongs to the more prosperous Dishui Imperial City.

The streets are wide, towering pavilions, clusters of mansions, gardens, martial arts fields, fighting animals pavilions, weapons lanes...

The light that Zhu Minglang looked at was very familiar, rich and with some purple radiance, and went straight above the sky. In the light, Zhu Minglang saw a huge flag, and that flag sail obscured the huge Wulin Street! !

Oracle flag! ! !

Zhu Minglang knew exactly what it was, but he couldn't tell for a while which **** had organized them to descend from the sky and appeared in the dripping water imperial city controlled by Zhumen!

"It's the divine soldier descending the oracle flag!" Ming Ji recognized the flag at a glance.

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