Dragon Tamer

Chapter 697: Yunguo presses in

69, the fastest update of Dragon Shepherd!

Morning light and dark clouds happened to occupy both sides of the sky.

With the Dishui Lake as the boundary, beams of morning light passed through the old Shenliu trees and shone into the Shenliu Pavilion.

On the other side of the lake, there was a thick cloud layer. The Emperor of Chenguang and the Emperor of Yinyun were like two completely different worlds.

"Daughter-in-law is right, whether it is Shenjiang or Mojiang, there will be a place for us to stand!" Zhu Tianguan nodded seriously.

Li Xinghua pretended not to hear this special name, she couldn't help but raised her head, focusing on this strange phenomenon in the sky.

Generally speaking, when the clouds are rolling and the clouds are comfortable, the clouds will also drift away and evenly distributed in the sky. At this time, it is not common to see half of thick white clouds and half of the blue sky full of morning light.

However, this phenomenon of half-sky clouds and half-sky blue seemed to be familiar to Li Xinghua. She turned around and focused on the central city of the imperial capital.

"What's wrong?" Zhu Minglang asked.

"Does the son think something is wrong?" Li Xinghua pointed at the sky above the central imperial city.

I wish Minglang take the opportunity to take a look, to say that there are indeed changes in the central imperial city, which are different from what he usually sees, but he can't say exactly what it is...

It seems that the central imperial city has become extraordinarily clear, with a bit of emptiness again, as if the background of some behemoth disappeared!

Suddenly, Zhu Minglang understood! !

"It's the Dragon Kingdom of Cloud!!!" Zhu Minglang spit out these words suddenly.

The symbol of the dynasty is the Dragon Kingdom of Clouds. The clouds of Nong Nong are suspended above the central imperial capital all year round, like towering white snow-capped mountains, continuous and magnificent!

But at this time, the sky above the central emperor turned into a blue sky, and the dragon cloud country composed of clouds and mountains actually moved towards them bit by bit! !

At first no one noticed it. After all, it looked like a thick cloud covering half of the sky. It was not until Li Xinghua reminded that Zhu Minglang realized that the Dragon Kingdom of Clouds was floating towards where they were, that snow-like cloud. Luan and the white snow sea are slowly covering Zhumen! !

"It seems that Zhao Yuan has been with us today forever." Zhu Tianguan raised his head and looked at the Dragon Kingdom floating in the Clouds, his expression also solemn.

The royal family's foundation is not so easy to deal with after all, not to mention that they still have the Sparrow Wolf God and his subordinate organization behind them.

What Zhumen wants to fight against is the royal family and the Sparrow Wolf Temple!

White clouds are pressing down on the city, and in the clouds, you can see countless dragons lingering around those clouds and mountains, and looking down at Zhumen in the water drop lake from above the clouds.

Even if the secret guards of Zhumen in the city of Waterdrop are strong and powerful, they still have a strong oppressive power in the Dragon Kingdom of Cloud!

"Sect master, Zhao Yuan was forced to jump over the wall!" The boatman's sword head flew over the tip of the willow forest, grinning with his teeth.

After saying this, the boatman's sword head also wanted to give Minglang a small gift, with a simple smile on his face.

"Each position, the dragons in the Dragon Kingdom of Cloud are not subordinate to the royal family, and the dragons they can drive are also very limited." Zhu Tianguan said.

The Dragon Kingdom of Cloud can move this matter, Zhu Tianguan really doesn't know, it seems that the ruler of Ji Ting Continent's dynasty is not as weak as imagined.

"The Ancestral House and the Dazhou Clan were all uprooted by our Thunder, Zhao Yuan should be completely panicked, but what is the huge banner that suddenly appeared just now, so that the Forbidden Army and Dragon Robe Envoy can appear directly in our city." The sword head asked.

"That is the oracle flag, the support given to those believers by the gods of the Tianshu Shenjiang." Zhu Minglang explained.

"This thing is a little hard to guard against." The boatman's sword head said.

"They are certainly powerful, but we also have unused power in Zhumen." Zhu Tianguan said lightly.

"God, the old man hasn't seen it yet. I don't know if my sword that has been practicing for a lifetime can scratch a wound on him." The boatman's sword head showed a bit of freedom and even a bit of expectation.

The highest cultivation level of the Extreme Court Continent is just the pinnacle. Those peerless experts who have spent a long life in the pinnacle do not want to see the so-called "man of the heaven"?

Otherwise, people like the sword head of the boatman will only age slowly as the years go by, and will never be able to see the true appearance of this world!


A dragon chant that shook the entire imperial city sounded from the Dragon Kingdom of Clouds. Suddenly, the peaceful world was breezy, poplars and willows in the garden were blown off, the eaves of houses on the streets were lifted, and the mid-air was filled with rubble. , Broken branches, lime soil, gravel...

Zhu Minglang looked up and saw a silver-blue dragon, whose body was comparable to the ridge in the distance, the dragon scales were dense and noble, and the two long white dragon beards showed the mighty aura of the Canglong King!

Silver Sky Deep Dragon!

Zhu Minglang vaguely remembers this dragon~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It was crawling under the deep cloud. At first, just glanced at it and made myself feel afraid and uneasy. Now this silver blue sky dragon appears in Zhu Above the door, the dragon's breath it spit out seemed to destroy the entire house of Dripping Imperial City. It was terrifying!

"This silver-blue blue dragon is afraid that it is the royal blue dragon!" The face of the boatman's sword head also showed a bit of surprise.

"The dragons in the Dragon Kingdom of Cloud, I am afraid that many of them are obedient to the blue dragon of this town country!" Zhu Tianguan said.

The clouds spread out slowly to both sides. The Yunlong, Tianlong, Yuanlong, Wulong, Luanglong that inhabit the Yunyuan...When their slender bodies covered with colorful scales fly out together, they are like colorful rivers pouring out. Next, the momentum is extremely magnificent! !

The slightly purple morning light from the east shed, dyeing the clouds and mountains into purple auspicious clouds, full of aura, and dyed the luxurious scales of the blue dragon very noble, like nine heavenly immortals descended on the earth!

And surrounded by these countless blue dragons, Emperor Zhaoyuan, wearing a holy dragon robe, finally appeared. He stood proudly on the head of a purple-gold candle dragon, holding the purple-gold dragon horns of the candle dragon with both hands. , The dragon robe flies, the heroic spirit is pressing, the eyes are coldly looking down at Zhu Tianguan in the Shenliu Pavilion, with deep hostility and anger!

He didn't say a word, just stared at Zhu Tianguan with those cold eyes, but it was still difficult to hide his inner anger!

Ji Ting is his Zhao Yuan's.

In the imperial capital, he belongs to Zhao Yuan.

I wish the gate had developed to such a point, you could easily destroy the Da Zhou Clan and An Wang Mansion that you had deliberately cultivated, and even arranged so many powerful people in the entire Dishui Lake Imperial City...

The strength of Zhumen is a shame to their royal family! !

The existence of Zhu Tianguan is the greatest irony to his emperor Zhaoyuan! !

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