Dragon Tamer

Chapter 801: New identity, I wish the lord

There is no problem with free-range dragons at the end of their life.

They will recognize the hazards themselves, and they will start directly when they encounter delicious food. If they encounter something tougher that they can't cope with, they can run back and call other brothers and sisters.

But Fengyue Yingchen White Dragon, Tiansha Dragon, Yan Wanglong, Cangluan Blue Phoenix Dragon, and Refining Cinder Black Dragon shouldn't be in trouble. Their strength is already at the top level in Tianshu.

Little Golden Dragon and Peach Demon Deer Dragon need to be stared at by Zhu Minglang, so most other dragons are free to move around. Zhu Minglang will follow the Little Golden Dragon and Peach Demon Deer Dragon leisurely, raising lambs and calves. Anti-wolf.

The little golden dragon is an extremely energetic type. After a few days, its current size has grown a bit longer, like a little golden dragon.

It's just that this guy dared to take a bite when he saw anything, regardless of whether it was a demon who had cultivated for thousands of years, or a holy spirit beast whose wild aura had faded from his body.

Peach Demon Lulong is relatively timid, holding a small basket for collecting spirit flowers and leaves in his hand, staggering behind Xiao Jinlong's brother, and applying one or two Taoyao spells from time to time to add some protection to Xiao Jinlong.

The little golden dragon broke into a beast demon's lair, and if a wolf entered a chicken coop, it quickly disturbed the beast demon's lair.

Not long after, Xiao Jinlong discovered another Dragon Valley, and happily took out the young mother dragon, and then presented it to Zhu Minglang with a flattering appearance.

Zhu Minglang saw that Dragon Valley was a group of kind-hearted herbivorous dragons, and finally returned it to others. This kind of thing would still damage some yin virtue, it is not necessary.


After stocking for about ten days, the Little Golden Dragon and Peach Demon Deer Dragon have advanced, and they have entered the growth stage.

Now that the dragons who have a contract with Zhu Minglang, even if they don’t need to be nestled in the spiritual realm, they will still enjoy the nourishment of the spiritual realm aura. Those full, special, and ample spiritual energy will be delivered to each dragon through the soul bond...Of course , If the distance is too far, no effect can be produced.

The border of the Ming **** clan is indeed a very suitable place for grazing. Zhu Minglang is not very anxious, so he walked slowly in the direction of the God Kingdom of Xuan Ge.

The boundaries of the Ming God clan are very broad. The God Ming Meng is warlike and likes to declare war with other gods. Those gods do not want to engage in meaningless battles, so they can only cede some of their territories to the God Ming Meng. He is extremely bad at governance, so his territory is vast, but messy, and there are no decent **** cities or giant cities at all.

Slaves, tribes, wars, divided gods...

Walking through the territory of the **** Mingmeng, what Zhu Minglang saw the most was the land where the boundless growth was savage, the abundant aura was not picked, and the demons and holy spirits walking all over the floor were not hunted down.

The other scene is: the mighty army in uniform, the tribal army, the city army, the god-born army, the rebellious army, and the slave army are fighting wildly on a blood-stained battlefield, as if only fighting is the romance of their life. ...

It is precisely because of such folk customs that widow towns, orphan towns, and mu clan tribes can be seen everywhere in the Mingmeng God's territory. Don't ask, ask that the husband died on the battlefield.

Zhu Minglang originally wanted to weaken the power of the Ming God clan, but after wandering around in their territory, Zhu Minglang felt that there was no need at all.

They are warlike and extremely aggressive, and they are not aimed at the Ji Ting Continent. Even if such a subordinate organization slams them on a foot, it does not make any sense.


With the richness of the Mingshen clan, Zhu Minglang can be said to have gained a lot of cultivation.

Fengyue Yingchen, Bailong and Yan Wanglong, had a tendency to be promoted after a month-long arduous battle. Sure enough, they wandered around the Mingshen clan for a while, and their cultivation levels all improved. , Entered the top Shenlongzi level, very close to the **** general level.

The state of Tianshalong is obviously about to enter the level of Shenlongzi.

It originally had the heart of God, and then it was strengthened by the Void Sky Demon Crystal...

Mr. Koi also said that in order to become a **** child, at least three characteristics of the dragon must reach the **** level, to be considered a true **** dragon child, the Tiansha dragon is the last one, but it is a pity that no corresponding **** has been found. .

Cang Luan and Blue Phoenix Dragon successfully entered the demigod cultivation base.

The 300,000-year-old Silver Cedar Holy Lu is indeed a powerful divine object, and it fits perfectly with the attributes of Cangluan and Qinghuanglong. Cangluan and Qinghuanglong just experienced it in the borders of the Ming God Clan before entering the demigod. Level, and it should still be improving to the Quasi-God level...

The fairy dragon **** spirit veins everywhere, there are too many spiritual veins of the Ming God tribe, and the little dragon can't wait for the clone technique to **** frantically on this vast and fertile land.

Zhu Minglang bought a large number of spiritual crystals from the Taoist priest before, which was actually for the fairy Yinglong.

The fairy Yinglong is also moving towards the half-god realm, but the little guy is naturally friendly and likes gifts.

To upgrade, everyone upgrades together, so the elven dragon gave a large amount of psychic power of the spirit crystal to the black dragon, the little golden dragon and the peach deer deer dragon...

On the contrary, it was the Refining Cinder Black Dragon. After receiving the demigod ancient dragon soul orb and the lavish aura gift of the fairy luminous dragon, it reached the demigod cultivation level after a month and a half.


After two months and nearly three months of this kind of free-range grazing, Zhu Minglang felt that the spiritual land of the Mingshen tribe was going to be bald by himself.

And because of the relatively high cultivation base, the past two or three months of grazing and free-range breeding did not cause any major problems. It should have been a difficult and difficult practice against the rapids. I wish Minglang a happy life with the shepherd boy. There is no difference in life, it is too pleasant, if the future practice is so simple, I will still be a dragon shepherd in my next life.

Of course, the big reason for being leisurely is that the fate is relatively high.

If his life is low, Zhu Minglang needs to find those extremely rare Heavenly Ability and Divine Roots. Most of those places are extremely dangerous places, and they are also accompanied by the looting and fighting of major organizations, major forces, and major border countries. It is also mixed with the intrigue and deceit of righteous gods, false gods, scattered immortals...

In fact, many places in the Tianshu divine border are also performing this scene after another. The Shura field is just like, but someone is still strolling comfortably on the green grassland, listening to the melodious shepherd flute... He has nothing to do.


What a great place.

The border of the Ming gods is too suitable for grazing.

They attacked them and swept the spirit veins themselves. Many times the tribes on both sides killed dimly, in fact, they were fighting for a spirit mountain **** field. After the fight, they found that the spirit mountain **** field was all dried up, and there was no trace of aura left.

Zhu Minglang has also criticized the fairy dragon after plucking its feathers. Seeing people play so hard, I will keep a little bit, but every time I see the improvement of my dragon pets, I wish Minglang not. Bear the blame.

I finally passed through the territory of the Mingshen clan. If the Mingshen clan had a land father, seeing Zhu Minglang's departure from the back, I was afraid that he had already covered his face and wept. This good area would be bald...


After crossing the territory of the Mingshen clan, Zhu Minglang arrived in a place where God abandoned.

Everything is fine here during the day, and it is no different from the Great Court, but at night, all monsters and ghosts will appear. The most terrible thing is that those monsters and ghosts are still integrated into the world of living people. Some old men with the surname of Wang like to turn over people’s yards. I was about to discuss life ethics with the little lady who was glaring at him during the day, but the little lady showed her fangs, and the old Wang opened a row of eyes on his forehead.

With Yan Wanglong and Ye Niangniang as Ye Emperor level subordinates, Zhu Minglang also walked sideways in such a deserted place. Even at the darkest hour of midnight, Zhu Minglang did not have any psychological burden at all, so he snatched one by the way. The Flower of the Underworld, finally got the last dragon item for the Heavenly Fiend Dragon Circle!

The Dark Flower acts on the tail of the Heavenly Fiend Dragon, causing its Dark Light Tail to become a god-level, so that the Heavenly Fiend Dragon is smoothly promoted to the Dragon Child!


After walking for a month, I passed through the land of God abandoned.

In fact, ordinary people take a detour in this god-forsaken land, mainly because they don't want to be targeted, and then they become the fish of others at night.

Zhu Minglang passed through here and saved a lot of time. Otherwise, it would take nearly half a year to reach the boundary of Xuan Ge Divine Kingdom.

Finally arrived at the border of the God Kingdom of Xuan Ge, Zhu Minglang could feel the peace and tranquility that came after entering this land...

Whether it is the mountains, birds and beasts, the smoke-smelling villages, or the ancient cities with a long history, they all give people a gentle feeling...

Walking through the territory of the Mingshen clan and the land of God abandoned, both of them are like turbulent river valleys. The God Kingdom of Xuan Ge is like a calm lake, refreshing and peaceful. As for whether there is also the same in the depths of the lake. The danger that people know is unknown.

The Kingdom of Xuan Ge and the Kingdom of Hua Chou are adjacent.

These two great kingdoms represent the most prosperous place in Tianshu, and the land they occupy, as well as the richness of spiritual veins, are far superior to other borders.

Therefore, if Fengyue Bailong and Yan Wanglong are to reach the level of Shenlong General, I am afraid that only these two places can find these rare things, and I am afraid they are still controlled by the gods under the jurisdiction of these two gods.

The Kingdom of Xuan Ge is very vast.

It is equivalent to at least ten polar courts.

Zhu Minglang is now only in the southwestern frontier of the Kingdom of Xuan Ge, and the more you go toward God, the more prosperous the UU Read www.uukanshu.com.


"Identity, we need you to show your identity document."

Zhu Minglang was stopped at the heavily guarded gate under a huge city.

This has never been a question of identity in some previous cities, and Xuan Ge Divine Kingdom seems to be less welcoming of floating populations.

It's hard to get in directly, although Zhu Minglang has this ability.

"Do you think this is okay?" Zhu Minglang found a sect seal and handed it to the guard who was extremely proud.

"Sect Master Lou Long-Zhu Qingzhuo??" The guard immediately put down his arrogant attitude.

"Yes it is."

"It's rude, please come into the city."

Zhu Minglang withdrew the seal of the sect and stepped into the largest border city of Xuan Ge in the eyes of a group of people around him admiringly.

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