Dragon Tamer

Chapter 831: Tu Zun


   talked about late at night with the girl Yusuo, Zhu Minglang sent her back to the Xiashan half-yard, and gave the drunk Nan Yusuo to Fang Niannian.

   Fang Niannian helped Nan Yusuo into the house. After walking out, those eyes seemed to be a bit suspicious, suspecting that Zhu Minglang was deliberately drunk with Nan Yusuo for some ulterior purpose.

   Zhu Minglang kept a gentle smile as before, and the other side said: "Your sister Yusuo has just castrated a god, do you think I dare to have any crooked minds?"

   "Who knows." Fang Niannian was very worried about Zhu Minglang's morality.

   "You girl, look at her carefully. She should haven't seen me for many years. She is in a good mood and drank a few more glasses." Zhu Minglang said.


   "Aren't you happy to see me?"

   "A Narcissist."

   "Don't let her run around, there are still some very dangerous existences in God, and she is on the wanted list."

"Know it!"

   This Xiashan Banyuan was bought by Zhu Minglang and let Fang Niannian buy it as a relatively hidden residence for himself.

   There is the magical consciousness of Zhu Minglang in the half courtyard, which can shield some special people's magical powers to a certain extent.

Before leaving, Zhu Minglang deliberately left a divine sense, and at the same time let his Fuchen stars shine here, to ensure that Nan Yusuo would not be discovered by those people here, and also used his divine light to protect this Half the courtyard, and the people in the courtyard.

   After doing all this, I wish Minglang to leave.


  Considering that many gods in Xuan Ge are in a sensitive state, Zhu Minglang is also temporarily staying in Zhishengzun's mansion. It is obvious that not returning home at night is more likely to arouse suspicion, especially when Liu Shen and Ying Luohan have just died.

   returned to the mansion of the Lord, I wish Minglang to practice quietly till dawn.

   Early in the morning, Zhu Minglang intends to go out and go to Hao Yulin.

   It’s also time to take a look at the situation of Hei Fang and Qingzhuo in the double jungler, but he hasn’t left Shendu yet, Zhu Minglang immediately felt a very weak spiritual connection...

   This weak spiritual connection is like a very slender thread. For a long time in the past, this thread has been connected to a mist. I don't know where the other end is going. There is just such a spiritual connection.

   But at this time, it was slightly fluctuating, and at the same time, it gave Zhu Minglang a sign that it would break at any time!

   Such a slight connection is obviously not from Black Tooth and Qingzhuo. They are both their own dragons, and their soul bonds are very strong and clear. Generally, this slight connection is more like between a young spirit, and is just a spiritual mark.

   "Is it Ono Jiao??" Zhu Minglang immediately realized this.

I heard Fang Niannian say before that Xiao Ye Jiao would come back every once in a while, and see if Zhu Minglang was back. At the same time, Nan Yu Suo would wash Xiao Ye Jiao’s wild aura from his body and wash it away. Train towards a stronger dragon.

It's been more than three years. Ono Jiao’s spiritual connections are getting more and more. If the distance is far enough, the spiritual bond between them will not even be noticed at all. However, there will be fluctuations, which shows that Ono Jiao’s detachment from the gods is not the same. Not far away!

   Fortunately, I wish Minglang now has a very strong spiritual sense, and he can trace this thread of spirit through his own spiritual sense.

   is to the west of Shendu!

   I wish Minglang did not hesitate, and immediately flew towards the west of the capital.

   To the west of the God Capital are sacred mountain cities one after another, each of which is biased towards fortresses and defenses, and most of Xuan Ge’s divine army is stationed in these sacred mountain cities.

   I wish Minglang flew over here and found that it was in a state of martial law. Looking down from a height, the gabled towers that rose from the ground formed a magnificent line of defense, separating the entire vast gods from another complex territory.

   "This direction should be the legendary Baiyu?" Zhu Minglang recalled what Song Shenhou had said.

Leaping over the defensive line of the holy mountain, Zhu Minglang flew toward the gray-white long domain, and soon he saw a large army of Xuan Ge gods, they formed a huge array on the undulating land, they Everyone was holding Xuan Ge's unique flying lock hook spear, and most of them stepped on it with their feet, while the front end was swung in their hands, forming one after another in the shape of a fan.

   "Put it out!!"

   On the ups and downs of the earth, there was a man in an armor yelling.

Suddenly, the flying lock hook spears that rotated by the rotary fan whizzed into the air, and the densely packed hooks and locks formed an extremely amazing scene. All the long lock hook spears seemed to set up a black chain between the sky and the earth. The mountain came, suddenly rose from the ground, the bottom end was huge, the tip was narrow, and finally pointed to a purple dragon dancing in the sky.

The purple dragon is not small in size and has dense scales, but those hooked spears can just penetrate into its scales, so the long lock hooked spears flying from the ground hung on its body frantically, even if only one out of ten was just pierced. Into the crevices of its scales, the number of long lock hook spears left on its body is unimaginable! !


   On the ground, the man wearing the armor yelled again.

In the Divine Army array, those who did not hit the target immediately rushed to the tight chains. A dozen people pulled a hook together. The power of tens of thousands of Divine Army even made this undulating land. It's all cracked! !


The purple dragon in the sky roared, and its volley ability was also extremely powerful. It actually relied on its physical strength to contend with the tens of thousands of hook and lock gods. Countless gods were dragged into the air. As a result, countless chains were broken, and the gods were reorganized. The neat array suddenly fell into chaos.

   "Bold beasts, so rampant!"

   The Zunkai man was furious. He held a whip lock in his hand, and the end was also hooked.

He waved the whip and lock claws and thrust the claws into the purple dragon's neck. Then the man in the armor burst out with terrifying holy power, and with the power of his arms, he smashed the purple dragon from mid-air. To the ground!

   "Tie!" The man with armor ordered again.

Suddenly, more hooks and locks flew up, entwining the tail, waist, body, and neck of this purple dragon like ropes. The heavy and heavy iron objects were originally stronger and heavier than ordinary iron objects. The dragon's body has already been **** with an unknown number of layers of hooks!

   The purple dragon struggled, but the number of the **** army is really huge, and there are many formations on both sides of the earth to support...

   When Zhu Minglang arrived, Zilong had been completely restrained.

   "Huh, wild dragons who don't know whether they live or die, where are gods!" Zhan Shengzun walked to Zilong's head and stepped his foot on Zilong's head.

   Zhu Minglang fell down, just to see this scene.

   He glanced at Zilong. Although a little strange, there is nothing wrong with that spiritual connection.

  This purple dragon...

   is Ono Jiao!

   It must have sensed that it was in the capital of God, and rushed towards it with excitement for a while, but accidentally broke into the martial law of the sacred mountain of the capital!

   It does not have the mark of the Dragon Shepherd, and it has some wildness. The Holy Mountain has obviously mistaken it for a fierce dragon attacking the gods!

   "The Lord of War, this purple dragon is my dragon, please be merciful." Zhu Minglang walked to the Lord of War and said to him politely.

   "Is that you?" Zhan Shengzun recognized Zhu Minglang at a glance.

These days, Zhu Minglang is dealing with Zongmen grievances for the Zhishengzun, and from time to time he will meet the Zhanshengzun, but because of the first thing in front of the Xuange Temple, the Zhanshengzun is very dissatisfied with Zhu Minglang's rampant at the time. .

   "It is here to find me, not to invade the capital of God." Zhu Minglang said.

"Blessed Sect Master, you don’t want me to be a fool. This dragon is full of wild aura. Anyone with divine consciousness will know that this is a wild divine dragon, and most of them come from the white field. The direction is coming. Sect Master Zhu has taken a fancy to this dragon, and he wants Ming Qiang to find a convincing reason, and don’t treat everyone in my Iron God Army as a fool!” Zhan Shengzun obviously didn’t believe Zhu Minglang’s statement and laughed. Up.

   "It has my mark on its forehead, you can look at it carefully." Zhu Minglang said, stretching out his palm.

   In Zhu Minglang's palm, the original imprint of the young spirit appeared, and the brilliance was looming.

   At the same time, a light mark slowly lit up on Zilong's forehead. The mark was exactly the same as that on Zhu Minglang's palm, and they began to reflect each other.

   Those of the Iron God Army were also stunned.

   I didn’t expect this dragon to have the mark of the Dragon Shepherd...

   But, just as the two imprints blended into each other, Zhan Shengzun suddenly stepped on his iron boots heavily on the forehead of the purple dragon, and while stepping on it, he also trampled the light mark on the forehead of the purple dragon! !

"Hey, this kind of mark can also be used by the dragon herder to track the target. This can only prove that this is the prey you are fond of, but it can't prove that it is your dragon. I wish Sect Master, you can use this ridiculous method less. Fool me..." Zhan Sheng Zun Rong Sha said these words while increasing his strength.

The mark of    is being wiped out.

   Zhu Minglang feels that the trace of weak spiritual imprint is disappearing. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

   But this is not the point.

  The point is that at this moment, Zhu Minglang's heart is filled with violent anger, like the lava bursting in the veins of the earth when the earth collapsed!

   "If you still want that leg, it's best to remove it from my dragon's forehead!" Zhu Minglang's entire temperament has changed, like a demon emperor who has just walked out of the night!

"Sect Master wish, you take a good look at where you are. This is Xuan Ge, this is outside the city of the Holy Mountain Army. There are one hundred thousand Xuan Ge soldiers here, and I am the commander of these one hundred thousand Xuan Ge soldiers. The **** Xuan Ge is fighting against the Lord!! You a little sect master threatened me with such words, you are so bold!! Could it be that you regard me as the running dog of Fanlong Palace?? I tell you, I slaughtered the wild dragon that invaded the capital city right now. You stand there and watch it carefully. If you dare to do anything to me, I and this hundred thousand gods army will make you wiped out!!" Zhan Shengzun has nothing to do with it. Not afraid of Zhu Ming’s threat, even with a somewhat provocative meaning.

   "If you want to die, I will fulfill you!" Zhu Minglang did not hesitate at all. The sky and the earth behind him swallowed the sunlight inexplicably and escaped into the thick darkness.

   In the darkness, a pair of nether fire pupils suddenly lit up, just like Zhu Minglang's eyes of angry flames, impacting the soul of every Xuan Ge soldier in this undulating land, cold and terrifying, extremely shocked!

   A holy person who is not even righteous, dares to challenge his own bottom line.

   is just a Sect Master of Lou Long Sect, just throw it away.

   can't stop it, I wish Minglang Tu Zun today! ! !

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