Dragon Tamer

Chapter 876: Beat Ming Meng

The negotiations really fell on Zhu Minglang's head.

After clearing the suspicion, God Xuan Ge seemed to realize that many people looked at God God Xuan Ge. A **** like Zhu Minglang who dared to do anything could give him some power and let him remove some obstacles for himself.

Xuan Ge didn't particularly care about the death of Zhan Shengzun.

Zhan Shengzun has gradually become a moth of the gods in recent years, and he has begun to try to seize power and try to control the gods. Xuan Ge himself is not good at moving this kind of veteran who once made contributions to the gods of Xuan Ge, but if it is an outsider. Handling, things are much simpler.

Moreover, the way that Zhishengzun dealt with it also made her very satisfied. She did not raise the contradiction to the level of the dignity of the kingdom of God, and tried to cover up the whole thing with some personal grievances and jealousy.

As for whether or not to lead a wolf into the room, God Xuan Ge couldn't care too much.

Tianshu is in a very embarrassing period.

The seven divine frontiers were close together, but Hua Qiu, the supreme leader of Tianshu, was wiped out in the dragon gate, which was tantamount to a heavy blow.

Moreover, Hua Qiu has always focused on faith, not caring about people's livelihood at all.

The entire affairs of Tianshu, large and small, fell on the **** Xuan Ge. Not only must he maintain the etiquette that Xuan Ge should have, but also not appear weak and be despised by Tianshu's other Zheng Gods and other Shenjiang Zhengshens. , What she needs now is someone who can handle things well. As for whether this person is loyal or loyal, it really doesn't matter.

Lai Yunzi and Zhu Minglang are both outstanding and capable.

Xuan Ge Shen acted very boldly, and he had already handed over the God Forbidden Army to Zhu Minglang, and let Zhu Minglang confront Mingmeng.

"Mingmeng, do you have the courage to break into the temple and dare not come out and confront me!"

"Mingmeng, I know you are inside, and now I order you to get out of Xuan Ge Shendu, otherwise I will chop off your two thieves and feed the dogs..."

Zhu Minglang didn't think the matter was too big, and pointed at the Bai Shengcheng occupied by Ming Meng, and cursed.

The sword spirit dragon has reached the top position. Although you are at the level of the **** master, your sword spirit is not obedient. I am afraid that you will get a ball?

Zhu Minglang now wished that Ming Meng could harden his temper and come out to compete with him. He directly slashed him, gained a lot of feats from the God Lord, and rushed to the level of God Lord in one breath.

"Doubt!" Ming Mengshen was hiding in the iron formation of the Sword God Army in Baisheng City, gritting his teeth with anger.

To be blocked by a rising star at the door, he knows when Mengshen suffered such humiliation!

"My God, it's better than we retreat tactically and trespass into the temple with the intention of assassinating. This violates the bottom line of God Xuan Ge, and I am afraid that they will really use force with us." said the weak military commander.

"Afraid of being a fart, now Xuan Ge is full of gods, and how many of them are ghosts. I don't believe that Xuan Ge really wants to fight with me. Sending a fox, fake tiger, does not mean that Xuan Ge still doesn't dare to move. Are we?" Ming Mengshen said.

"This Sect Master Zhu is originally a small Sect Master of the Lou Long Sect. He is an unremarkable one among the leaders of Tianshu, and he has somehow been quite active recently, and his behavior is extremely arrogant. I would like to ask some of the gods who have entered the dragon gate. After inquiring, I have never heard of him, so he should not be a very high-ranking god. It may be that he has mastered some special cultivation method, and his cultivation base has skyrocketed." said the weak military commander.

"Report, the Shendu God Forbidden Army has arranged a cold lock formation, and our squad on the periphery was captured by the opponent."

"Report, the magic sword army hidden behind the mountain has been captured!"

Soon, all the Divine Sword Army teams distributed near the White Holy City were taken down, which made Ming Meng Shen also feel extremely shocked.

What a courage!

Xuan Geshen is not afraid to attack by himself!

He Mingmeng has tens of thousands of lion army, and there are tens of thousands of gods and elite troops. Can the Kingdom of Xuan Ge really bear the anger of his Mingmeng God!

"When will the Kaiyang people arrive?" Ming Meng was so angry that his whole figure resembled a furnace tripod emitting heat.

"Soon, just a few days." Wen Weijun said.

"Endure, endure them for a few days!" Ming Mengshen said.

"But if this continues, our Divine Sword Army will be continuously disintegrated. After all, this is their territory."

"Cede some territory to them."

"They don't want it."

"Then what do they want?" Ming Meng Shendao.

"The Lord Zhu said that he is an extremely vengeful person. When you teased Li Yunzi, he was very angry. Only when you got under his crotch did he reluctantly accept peace negotiations."

"Absurd!" Ming Meng Shen lifted the table in front of him, "Too much deception, too much deception!"

If it weren't for the fact that he couldn't handle the knife, how could he allow this jumping clown to say such rampant words in front of him!

Stealing Xuan ancient weapons failed.

God Ming Meng can only put hope on the heart of Kaiyang!

So he had to endure it before he got the Kaiyang Mind Method.

It's not that he can't fight right now, it's just that if he uses force now, he will basically be caught by other gods knowing that he is trapped by the demons.

Once the matter spreads, God Ming Meng will face revenge from countless enemies, and they will even join forces to attack themselves.

"Zhu Qingzhuo, wait for this god, as soon as the Kaiyang people arrive, I will let you die!!" Ming Mengshen said.

The God of Mingmeng is the **** of violence second only to Huaqiu in Quan Tianshu.

The entire God Kingdom of Xuan Ge suffered a lot from it, and many of the city residents lived in the fear brought by Ming Meng.

Recently, the matter of Zhu Minglang’s strong negotiation on behalf of Xuan Ge has been spread, and what makes the people of Shendu unbelievable is that this sect master Zhu captured Mingmengshen’s magic sword army 800 people alive. As a result, God Mingmeng was hiding like a tortoise in the oracle flag and the magic sword formation, and he did not dare to compete with this Sect Master Zhu!

"It's worthy of being the man who was vying for Wu Shengzun and Zhi Shengzun. It's too good. The first time I saw Ming Meng God like a grandson, it was too mad!

"Zhan Shengzun's bones are not cold, why do you say that this murderer is good?"

"Zhan Shengzun rides on the head of Ming Meng God like this?"

"He hasn't done it a long time ago. He didn't even have the courage to go on an expedition, so he hid in the capital of the gods... Our gods were bullied by the Mingmeng gods, and the people were even affected by the war. Respect is good. UU reading www.uukanshu.com is rooted in the gods and will not go out. The beautiful name is to protect my god. In fact, it is a lunatic."

"Why do you people have such a wave of faith? The Lord of War is the Lord we admire..."

"We believe in Xuan Ge, what does it have to do with the incompetent saint?"

"You are so loyal, and your mouth is so hard. You go to the White Holy City to kill a Mingmeng Sword Army, and you can bring back the White Holy City occupied by Bai Bai?

The people of Shendu were very satisfied with Zhu Minglang's rampant behavior.

Having been bullied by Ming Meng for a long time, someone can stom on Ming Meng fiercely, and they are especially admired!

Tianshu 33 is righteous, Mingmeng ranks the top three.

Compared with Ming Meng, Zhan Shengzun really counts nothing.

"Perhaps this Sect Master Zhu is the next Battle Sovereign appointed by my god."

"Zhan Shengzun's small position may not be able to keep this great god."

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