Dragon Tamer

Chapter 960: Dove occupying magpie's nest

To tell the truth, I was hunted down here, and there is nowhere to hide. Zhu Minglang said this quietly in his heart.

"Then now, since I am here." Zhu Minglang asked.

"You can stay here for a while, but please don't reveal your identity." The woman in black phoenix clothes said seriously.

Isn't he the **** here? Why do you feel cautious.

"Someone wants to harm me?" Zhu Minglang sensed this.

The woman in black phoenix nodded. She looked outside the house and walked to Zhu Minglang's vicinity. She whispered to Zhu Minglang, "Fuchen God has always been given high hopes by God, but it is also the gods and the great heaven. It’s a thorn in the eye, before I fully control Longwei Mountain, your arrival will undoubtedly be a disaster for you."

"What is going on in Longwei Mountain? It was invaded by outsiders?" Zhu Minglang asked in confusion.

"Well, when I came, it was already a mess," said the woman in black phoenix clothes.

"You have just arrived?" Zhu Minglang asked a little surprised.

The woman in black phoenix nodded.

Before she entered Longwei Mountain, she did not expect that this place would be occupied by the dove, and the other party's backing was not small, so she could not use too strong means to take back all of this place, and could only temporarily move away from the main cliff to let all the girls. Arrived in this Xiaoxiuya Peak.

"Our Xuan clan has always been watching Fuchen Dragon Tail. Only those who are the most outstanding in the clan will be like a blue bird transforming into a phoenix. When you become the queen of this Dragon Tail Mountain, you are named Fuchen. I left the Xuan clan and came here," said Xuan Wu, a woman in black phoenix clothing.

"Then your entire Xuan clan believe in Fuchen?" Zhu Minglang asked.

The black phoenix-clothed woman nodded and said, "Although it is far from the vastness of the major Divine Regions, it has always respected the inheritance...If it were not for the rebellion of the previous generation of **** queens, this place should be orderly and clean."

"The last generation of **** queen?" Zhu Minglang asked in confusion.

"Some people are easy to forget their mission after all and abandon the belief that they should be on duty. Such selfish people are actually just as sad. Even if they will be brilliant and dazzling in the future, they will not be able to get rid of this mark of apostasy." The black phoenix-clothed woman said.

Her remarks woke up all of a sudden, wishing Minglang.

Zhu Minglang clearly remembered that Xuan Ge had a seal of attending the gods on his chest. The girl Qin Xiang was tattooed on her back before, and the woman in black phoenix clothes must have the same seal of attending the gods.

"Can you show me your breasts..." Zhu Minglang said suddenly.

The woman in black phoenix clothes widened her beautiful eyes.

"Ahem, I mean, can you show me your mark of the **** of worship, I once saw a person with the mark of Mei Ding on her chest. Just now you mentioned the rebellious **** queen of the previous generation. , So I suspect that person may be the last generation **** queen you mentioned." Zhu Minglang explained hurriedly.

"The queen of god, the **** of service is printed on her heart, and the daughter of service is on the back of her heart." The woman in black phoenix clothes replied.

"Or let me see, if it's the same as yours... I don't mean anything else, I just want to figure out what is the relationship between the woman I know and God Fuchen." Zhu Minglang said.

The woman in black phoenix clothes hesitated a little.

Although she knew that this man was the **** she wanted to serve, it was the first time she met after all.

She gently pulled open the corners of her clothes, but deliberately carried out some concealment and peeling with her palms, only revealing the skin of the seal of patronage.

I wish Minglang hold your breath.

The seal of the Mei Ding is big and round, and the small palm can't hide it.

Both the position and the shape are exactly the same as the imprint of the goddess of worship on the heart of God Xuan Ge. Of course, the woman in black phoenix clothes Xuanwu is clearly clearer, but God Xuan Ge personally described the remnants of the imprint as exotic flowers. .

Hei Fenghuang Yi Xuanwu finished her clothes again, and her cheeks slowly showed a trace of rosy, but considering that it was impossible for her to get rid of this kind of service relationship in her life, she tried to calm herself down.

"Only the Queen of God is it in my heart?" Zhu Minglang asked.

"Well, that's why the deviation will pay a huge price." Hei Fenghuang Chang Xuanwu said.

"One more question, is this **** queen, like the concubine queen, chosen for Fuchen god?" Zhu Minglang asked.

"Yes, you and I are already husband and wife." Hei Fenghuang Chang Xuanwu bit her lip before repliing after a while.

I wish Minglang suddenly realized.

It’s no wonder that when Li Xinghua calculates the marriage line for herself, Xuan Ge will have a Yuelao line with herself, obviously she doesn’t think too much about her, and she is not too close to herself...

God Xuan Ge is the last generation **** queen of this Longwei Mountain.

She should have a marriage contract with the previous generation Fuchen God.

The last generation of Fuchen God died violently. It is estimated that he hadn't even been to Longwei Mountain before, and died on the way to experience.

Thus, this marriage contract was passed on to his newly appointed God Fuchen.

"Girl Xuanwu, I don’t know how you believe in it, but since I am Fuchen God, then everything is up to me. You can believe in me, but you don’t have to dedicate yourself to me. You and I are innocent gods and gods. Is the relationship between believers okay?" Zhu Minglang said.

"Yes!" Xuanwu nodded.

"..." Zhu Minglang didn't expect the other party to answer so simply, but was stunned for a while.

No, girl, are you just waiting for me to say this, just now your faith and duty are so serious and sincere, making me think you are not the loyal nature of Fuchen God not marrying.

Alas, the words have been spoken out, and they can't be taken back.

It seems that the dream of that day is indeed not a false spring dream. Most of these women who believe in Fuchen have an unclear relationship with the Fuchen God, and they must be left by the Fuchen God who had absolute emperor treatment in earlier times. Fine... the feudal fault!

Sure enough, the traffic is very prosperous.

However, Zhu Minglang will not let his honest and gentleman set collapse.

"Being guarded is also a kind of belief and practice." The black phoenix-clothed woman said calmly, her tone and demeanor, as if expressing a point of view: Both men and male gods will only affect the speed of my cultivation.

There are too many puzzling commitments in the big world. Some are positive and some are unthinkable. Zhu Minglang doesn’t know how the Xuan clan instilled these beliefs in these women, but they are not talking about it now. At that time, Longwei Mountain was in a mess, and the enemy from outside emerged...

When these are resolved, then slowly train these believers.

"Let's talk about Longwei Mountain, what is the origin of those outsiders?" Zhu Minglang said.

"They are the wandering guests of Haotian Tiansu. The existence of Longwei Mountain is quite special. Probably every once in a while, some women who committed suicide in the Void Sea and the End of Void will be rolled to Longwei Mountain. Most of these women are desperate and full of heart. Being tortured by the present world, Fuchen God will listen to these women's demands and offer them for them, but the price is that the woman can never leave Longwei Mountain and serve Fuchen all her life." Xuanwu said.

Zhu Minglang nodded, UU reading www. uukanshu. The com legend is actually true. It seems that Ling Song knows a lot.

"Because of the long-term vacancy of the Fuchen **** position, Wushen stretched out for the women who were living here, and they couldn't leave Longwei Mountain, unwilling and resentful in their hearts, so part of the old Fengdian should go outside and extradite some foreign guests to Longwei Mountain. While looking for a way to leave Longwei Mountain, at the same time, he is also anti-visiting and occupying this immortal palace." Xuanwu said.

"Why can't they leave?" Zhu Minglang asked.

"Those who seek death at the end of the continent, they fall into the sea of ​​void, some may shuttle to other continents, some will be like drifting leaves, stranded under our foggy mountain. But they have to pass through the fog and reach our Longwei Mountain. There must be this Mei Ding serving **** seal. Most of those stranded under our misty mountain are desperate for the world. At this moment, our Longwei Mountain is like a fairy temple out of the red dust in their hearts. They can put aside all the disturbances. , All love, hatred and grievances. So most of them will accept the gods in Wushan and give them the mark of Mei Ding, let them serve Fuchen wholeheartedly. And they are drifting in the sea of ​​nothingness, in fact, their lives have long been exhausted, and they are the immortals of our Longwei Mountain. Yuyashui and the special Mei Ding God's grace locks their souls, allowing them to continue to live and have a long lifespan, but as soon as they leave, their lives will wither quickly." Xuanwu said.

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