Dragon Tamer

Chapter 967: Pine Tree Fairy

After a full meal, Zhu Minglang started to train the dragon in the mountains again.

Now Zhu Minglang has a relatively complete dragon training technique. If he wants a dragon to grow up at the fastest speed, he must be tamed alone.

Designate an opponent and target and complete it without the assistance of any other dragon. Just like a disciple who goes down a mountain to practice, he cannot live forever under the protection of his master and must face powerful enemies independently.

Zhu Minglang started the exclusive domestication, starting from the little golden dragon and the peach demon deer dragon, these two guys have long been under the care of the big brothers and big sisters. Although the cultivation base has reached the king level, the actual combat ability is not very good. Even if I wish Minglang let them out to hunt, Nuwa Dragon always has to keep up with each other step by step.

Zhu Minglang is about to start to be a stern dragon father, it is rare to have such a good wild environment.

However, the little golden dragon itself is combative and reluctant to admit defeat. It must not only dominate the Young Dragon Garden, but also dominate the Xinghai World. It specifically finds those old monsters whose cultivation base is a lot higher than it, although at first It will be very difficult, but Xiao Jinlong will not be discouraged.

Little Golden Dragon is very good, so Zhu Minglang likes it a lot.

That is victorious but not reckless. Once it encounters an opponent that was initially lost, it will choose to detour first, or even choose to escape. After the opponent thinks that Xiao Jinlong has escaped in panic, Xiao Jinlong will follow like a cunning little hunter. , Observe each other’s habits carefully and find weaknesses.

It’s clever and slippery, and it’s never the slightest blood baggage of the Jinyao Canglong. It runs away if it fails, and then uses various methods to weaken and torture the opponent. It can escape seven or ten times, but as long as the enemy is finally killed, the victory is it!


The little golden dragon uttered a cry like a desert wolf. It swam in the dense canopy of tall trees, and was as vigorous and flexible as a jungle golden python.

On the ground, a demigod demon wolf was running wildly, with bites and claw wounds on its back and head, all thanks to the little golden dragon.

At first, the little golden dragon was beaten by this demi-god demon wolf without any chance to fight back, but after three days of roundabout, now little golden dragon began to chase the demi-god demon wolf.

The demigod demon wolf turned his head and glanced fiercely at the little golden dragon in the canopy.

Suddenly, the demigod wolf opened his mouth and spit out a mouthful of poisonous fire fluid towards the little golden dragon. The poisonous fire fluid instantly ignited the canopy and formed a terrible curse of poisonous fire, like a red spider silk, densely spreading the jungle. .

The little golden dragon was caught in the poisoned fire, immediately turned his head and ran away, and quickly disappeared into the jungle.

The demigod wolf took the opportunity to escape into a valley. The valley was made up of countless cliffs, with complex terrain and countless caves. You could see some huge pine trees. They would sway their bodies from time to time, just like ancient giants.

The demigod demon wolf deliberately jumped into the cold spring river when passing by the valley spring river, so as to wash away all the remaining breath on his body, and then walked wet into his hidden cave.

Originally, it was thinking about eating a purebred Jinyao Canglong so that he could be one step closer to the real wolf god. How could he know that this was a cunning and quite shameless Canglong. After several days, this demigod wolf had already Exhausted by the opponent, he finally had to give up this blue dragon.

Although there will be some unwillingness in my heart, it is a waste of time to spend time with each other.

Shaking the wet hair on his body, the demigod demon wolf stepped into his dry cave, and then lay down on the sleeping place covered with silver fox skins, and began to close his eyes and relax.

It didn't take long for the demigod demon wolf to fall asleep, and what it didn't notice was that something was squirming suddenly in the thick silver fox fur.

Pieces of golden scales came out, followed by a slender but powerful body, like a golden python who has been practicing for tens of thousands of years in the cave, especially the sly breath, it is easy to ignore it. The majestic dragon horns, golden dragon muscles, five-toed claws...

The little golden dragon wriggled quietly, and suddenly wrapped his body around the body of the demi-god wolf, and tied the most powerful part to the neck of the demi-god wolf!

The demigod wolf woke up violently. It stroked its limbs desperately, trying to get rid of the golden dragon strangling, but the little golden dragon had perfectly entangled it, and even face to face spit out a golden dragon at the demigod wolf. inflammation!

The dragon flame caused the face of the demigod demon wolf to fester. It wailed, but it was difficult to make a sound because its neck was tightly squeezed!

Soon, the whole body of the demigod demon wolf began to stiffen.


Finally, the demigod demon wolf's neck was strangled, its whole body limp, and it fell into the cave where it felt most secure.


Xiao Jinlong finally won the victory, and groaned as if to announce to the world.

Not long after, Zhu Minglang walked in, glanced at the demigod demon wolf that had been killed, touched his chin, and began to think deeply about a question.

Who taught Xiao Jinlong this kind of ridiculous play?

Nuwa Long is obviously a very upright and simple teacher who doesn't like to play tricks.

"This reward is for you." Zhu Minglang reluctantly took out a Canglong Divine Soul Orb and attached a mist ginseng fruit.

The little golden dragon was very happy. The two treasures were like eating jujubes, almost because the spiritual energy was too strong, it swelled and cracked its internal organs.

Zhu Minglang hurriedly used his mind to guide, and dispersed the psychic energy of these two treasures to other parts of the little golden dragon, dragon horns, dragon claws, dragon tail...

"Don't think about eating into a big fat dragon with one bite. You have to use your other abilities evenly. The first time you fight with this half-demon dragon god, your dragon scales are easily torn apart by it. It's not you who ran away. Hurry up, there will be no life, now concentrate, and guide the food you eat to your dragon scale dragon muscles, and first ensure the toughness of your own scales." Zhu Minglang said.

Little Golden Dragon wants to join the battle in the big scene, and hopes to be promoted to the Dragon God as soon as possible, and go on the battlefield with the big brothers and sisters.

"After digesting these two spiritual things, you should also be able to reach the semi-god level. Go back to sleep first, and then Yaoyao's special training!" Zhu Minglang said.

The little golden dragon flew around Zhu Minglang for several times, and did not forget to lick Zhu Minglang's cheeks, making Zhu Minglang's face full of haarazi.

Lively, naughty, and aggressive, the little golden dragon has been like this since its birth.

The Peach Demon Deer Dragon is kind, spiritual, a little timid, and very persistent in things that persist. It is very similar in temperament to the Nuwa Dragon. Basically, it is also taking the Nuwa Dragon as an example and is learning some ancient spells.

The Peach Demon Deer Dragon is a wood attribute, and also good at some spiritual powers. In addition, it has a little understanding of recovery and healing. It has a relatively high aptitude. Zhu Minglang usually rarely conducts any special training on it. After all, there are Nuwa dragons teaching and teaching. If so, Zhu Minglang, the Dragon Shepherd is indeed dispensable.

This time, Zhu Minglang's special training for Peach Demon Deer Dragon is to ask Peach Demon Deer Dragon to make Songxian in this entire valley obey its orders.

The pine immortals are just those huge living pine, and they do not know how many thousands of years they have lived in this valley. Every pine fairy possesses spiritual consciousness and has mastered some special magic arts.


As soon as the Peach Demon Lulong stepped into the cliff where these pine tree immortals were piled up, he heard the pine tree immortals sneer.

Their voices sounded like hundreds of old men laughing together, more like those self-righteous elders in the family, planning to give pointers to your life!

"No...no...no laugh." Tao Yao Lulong speaks exactly the same way as Nuwa Dragon. She is studying human language very carefully, except that she and Nu Wa Dragon can only speak very simple things. Sound, not very good at speaking fluent sentences.

The voice of Peach Demon Deer Dragon is also a childlike voice. A five or six-year-old girl is as immature and timid. No matter how determined Peach Demon Deer Dragon is to subdue these pine fairy, the pine fairy hears its cute and childlike voice. The smile is even more crooked!

"Don't underestimate...Don't underestimate me!" Peach Demon Lulong said angrily.

The peach demon deer dragon jumped up, and a large flower vine would immediately grow where it walked. These flower vines grew in groups on the cliffs and began to squeeze the activity space of these pine tree fairies.

The pine fairy is not completely rooted in the rock wall. Their roots can be pulled out and turned into huge feet, like long-legged giants from one end of the cliff to the other.

The pine fairy seems to be teasing the Peach Demon Deer Dragon. They traverse back and forth between the cliffs of the mountain wall. The Peach Demon Deer Dragon has no effect after casting various spells, and the Peach Demon Deer Dragon is not good at it. Those skills that are more destructive.


The pine fairies were still mocking the peach demon deer dragon, they even stood on the same cliff, like a group of old men, shook their shoulders and laughed so that the crown of the tree shook drastically.

Peach Demon Lulong was a little angry, but Zhu Minglang was on the side, and patiently told him that to deal with such a rough-skinned enemy, he must not always use the same method, and he needs to find the right method.

All monsters are refined. Zhu Minglang still remembers the 900-year-old rat demon that almost wiped out the fledgling dragon school students~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and these pine fairy , Although they can't compare with the monsters in wisdom, they also have the ability to survive, and they have to find their key points before they can be feared and surrendered.

"Didn't we see a spring river when we came to this valley?" Zhu Minglang said.

"Yaoyao!" Peach Demon Lulong nodded and raised the face of the deer, thinking seriously.

"I haven't seen this kind of pine tree fairy in other places, but there are a group of them in this valley. It must be this special spring river that made them become immortals here. You can go to the upper reaches of the valley spring river to see." I wish Ming Lang Road.

The Peach Demon Deer Dragon immediately understood that it leaped over the cliffs in the valley, agile and light, but its seemingly feminine figure can always burst out with breathtaking power and speed...

It leaped towards Quanhe Duanyuan, and the pine fairy saw the whereabouts of the Peach Deer Deer Dragon, and immediately showed a panic. They hurriedly stood like a fortified guard, standing on both sides of the cliff and waving. The huge branches, like terrifying tree claws, slapped at the Peach Demon Deer Dragon, wanting to knock down the Peach Demon Deer Dragon!

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