Dragon Tamer

Chapter 970: The hardest part

With this violent claw, the dragon-eating eagle's bones were broken, and the body rolled out of most of the mountains and forests. On the way, I didn't know how many little demons were crushed to death.

The Mt. Skeleton Great Ape uttered a **** roar, and it rushed forward, but was evaded by the Cinder-Refining Black Dragon, and then the Cinder-Refining Black Dragon was backhanded with a violent shattering dragon claw. This full-strength claw matched the ancient dragon combat technique Zhiwei even smashed the huge bones of the giant ape on the Mt. Skeleton Mountain.

The bone head was the rock shattered and rolled down when the mountain collapsed. The giant ape of Skeleton Mountain wailed in pain, and hurriedly fled to the side, awkwardly picking up the bones, trying to splice them back to his body.

Lin Kun saw that his two demon saint good brothers had been injured, and he had to go up again to relieve their pressure.

However, Lin Kun had the lowest cultivation level among them. If it weren't for a thick-skinned Lin Yan body, it would have been scraped by the predator's frenzy of the Cinder Black Dragon and there would be no more flesh left!

Lin Kun also has some magical powers. It can swallow a mountain forest in one bite, and then spit out the entire mountain forest like a rushing mudslide.

As a dragon, Jinjin Black Dragon hates others spitting out in front of him most.

Seeing Lin Kun spit out a violent mudslide, the black dragon of Refining Cinder did not evade, he took a deep breath, and the belly and chest of the black dragon of Refining Cinder swelled up!


The black dragon of refining cinders has a huge mouthful of super dragon flames, which gushes out from the stomach cavity of its furnace, just like a black million-year-old volcanic rock venting its molten fury wantonly. For this mountain, it is a black flame disaster. !

This dragon flame turned the mud-rock flow back, and sprayed Lin Kun’s huge body more than ten miles away. The path where Lin Kun fell were all traces of scorched black terror, like black flames sweeping across the gorge. , More like the iron hoof of the mighty fire beast army stepped across this area.

Lin Kun's whole body was scorched black, from Zhu Minglang's perspective, it was like a giant grilled fish, the burnt smell that exudes had a somewhat attractive aroma, and a little salt and pepper would make it more perfect.

The dragon-eating eagle adjusted its state. It flew rapidly over the forest. Every time it passed by, it would send out a piercing thunderous rumbling, and at the same time, it would produce a terrible tear, which opened a long crack in the mountain forest.

It goes back and forth, every time it rips in the air, it is avoided by the black dragon of refining Cinder, the black dragon of refining is a muscular and flexible dragon, and its dodge skills are also very simple, that is, the Tyrannosaurus rolls, the legs are not counted. It is extremely long, and it rolls more flexibly than some pangolins. If there are some spines on its back, it can really be a simple battlefield stunt like a bone spur chariot!


Cinder-refining black dragon can't fly. After avoiding the volley and tearing of the dragon-eating eagle, it stood in this messy mountain forest and roared and provoked non-stop at the dragon-eating eagle.

Grandson, come down!

As a demon saint of raptors, the dragon eagle is not stupid enough to fight against the overlord on land. The dragon eagle has changed the way of offensive. It opens its wings and keeps dropping towards the ground. A kind of bone nail feathers, densely packed bone nail feathers pierce this land with hundreds of holes...

The Cinder Black Dragon stood at the place where the bone nail feathers were the densest, and the sharp nail feathers hit it with a clanging sound. However, the Cinder Black Dragon’s current armor is quite thick. As an ancient dragon, its dragon scales are almost There are not a few pieces, but the flesh and skin are harder than some profound iron.

Scratching his belly with his claws, the Cinder-Refining Black Dragon stared at the dragon-eating eagle and gave a big snort.

Master Ying, Sha has been shaved well, and the old dead skin has been shaved off by you, just two words-comfortable!

How could the dragon-eating eagle fail to see the provocation of the black dragon of refining the cinder, it was so angry that the whole body was puffed up with the turquoise demon holy heat.

The dragon-eating eagle obviously realized that some spells were impossible to injure this ancient dragon, and as a god-level demon saint, its most powerful weapon was its sharp beak!


The dragon-eating eagle made a sharp cry, and it was telling the black dragon of Lianjin that it would surely chip away its skull and **** up its brains!

Going fiercely, the dragon-eating eagle did not dare to fight with the black dragon of refining Cinder, so it began to violently order its other two demon saint brothers to attack the black dragon of refining Cinder.

The Mt. Skeleton Great Ape and Lin Kun could only bite the bullet, they rushed up at the same time, and forcibly hugged the Cinder Black Dragon, preventing the Cinder Black Dragon from using its simple and unadorned Tyrannosaurus to roll.

This kind of behavior is actually very dangerous. After all, the violent claws, fangs, and black horns of the Refining Black Dragon are the most powerful sharp weapons.

Sure enough, the Mt. Skeleton Great Ape and Lin Kun paid a painful price. In order to lock the black dragon of refining, they had to dismantle several important parts, especially the great ape of Mt. Skeleton, almost all of them were bitten alive by the black dragon of refining. died.

At this moment, the Dragon-Eater Eagle finally launched its fatal blow.

It was diving upside down from the air again, the dragon-eating eagle's body was originally slender, and when it broke its wings back, the entire body and the long eagle's beak became a terrifying broken sky spear!

Still aiming at the head of the black dragon of refining cinders, the dragon-eating eagle also knew that this was the only way to kill the black dragon of refining cinders, as long as it penetrated the brain, no matter how great the black dragon of refining cinders was, it would be meaningless!


The Jinjin Black Dragon swayed from side to side, trying to get rid of the Giant Mountain Skeleton Ape that was holding him by the lock, but the Giant Mountain Skeleton Ape had obviously spared his life.

Seeing this scene, Zhu Minglang's expression also became solemn.

The situation of Da Hei Fang is very dangerous. If it can't find a way to escape, it will really be killed by the Dragon-Eating Eagle. Obviously, the Dragon-Eating Eagle used this nirvana to kill an unknown number of powerful dragons, and the Dragon-Eating Eagle This kind of existence itself feeds on the dragons. Its practice and its eagle beak were originally intended to scavenge the dragon’s powerful defenses. The most important thing is that it is very clear that the back of the dragon’s skull is a blind spot and a relatively fragile part...

The black dragon's horns are in the front position, which means that the back of its skull is unprotected.

If this blow is unbiased, it will definitely die.

Zhu Minglang naturally still has time to make a move now. With the current cultivation base of the sword spirit dragon, he can slay this dragon-eating eagle with a single sword.

But as a dragon shepherd, since he decided to train the dragon in this way, he must carry it out. The life-and-death fighting and fighting can make the dragons and beasts grow stronger, otherwise the dragons of the dragon shepherd will never be able to follow the law of the jungle. Compared with the demons and dragons who grew up in the garden, they are like the delicate flowers in the courtyard.

Zhu Minglang didn't make a move, but moved closer to the fighting place.

Strictly speaking, Da Hei Ya is the number one dragon beast on his path to become a dragon herder. It is not a talented person, nor does it have an outstanding bloodline, but its temperament is particularly attractive. Know when you should lie down and win. How to lie down to win, when you need to stand up on your own, you never hesitate at all, there is a little cleverness in the bravery and rudeness.

Keeping the most extreme distance, Zhu Minglang took a deep breath and watched quietly.

In the end, the black dragon of refining ember did not break free from the **** of the giant ape and the forest kun. The dragon-eating eagle swooped down, like a broken sky spear, sharp and terrifying, and the terrible **** demon's breath rolled into a terrible tornado, attached to it. Behind the beak of this broken sky eagle swooping down!

Lianjin Black Dragon realized that he couldn't escape.

Even if it is not pierced through the skull, as long as it is penetrated from any part of the head, it will instantly die.

On the other side, Zhu Minglang has already raised his hand.

But the Lianjin Black Dragon didn't give up, it suddenly raised its entire dragon face, trying not to expose its skull to the opponent's attack.

The dragon-eating eagle saw that the Lianjinheilong used his face to greet his Skybreaker Spear's beak, and he was even happier. With his face penetrated, he died faster!

At the moment of the moment, the Black Dragon Refining Jin suddenly grinned his dragon lips completely, and exposed all his fangs as much as possible, and then closed it tightly!

The Cinder Black Dragon was originally a big crocodile. The gums should not be too wide. It is not an exaggeration to describe that most of the face is full of teeth, especially when the dragon’s lips are completely opened...

The layers of black fangs are the hardest part of the body of the black dragon of refining cinders, and its claws are far inferior to the teeth of this predator!

Use fangs as a mask!

Use the black fangs clenched together to meet the deadly weapon of the dragon eagle!

Zhu Minglang's hands holding up in mid-air froze, and then he heard an extremely exaggerated crash. This sound was extremely crisp, and it was the sound of the dragon-eating eagle's eagle beak breaking!


The dragon-eating eagle let out a terrible scream, and rolled to the side in pain.

And the black dragon's teeth were also broken. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com only broke the outermost row of fangs. For the black dragon with fangs in its mouth, this kind of injury It's nothing at all.

Although its mouth was full of blood, the Cinder-Refining Black Dragon successfully withstood the fatal blow of the Dragon-Eater Eagle, using black dragon teeth that were still several times harder than his own body armor!

This tooth should be the strongest weapon used to tear the enemy...

As a result, the Black Dragon of Refining Cinder possesses the art of fighting as an armor, and the scene even has a bit of comical flavor in the fight of the **** behemoth.

The name of the dragon, Da Hei Ya, was not taken for nothing.

Zhu Minglang himself was stunned for a moment. Before he could recover, the Cinder-Chin Black Dragon had already launched its violent counterattack!

Without the eagle beak, most of the dragon-eating eagle is actually destroyed. There is no shortage of existences in this world that rely on one move to fight the world. This is the dragon-eating eagle. Its most powerful weapon is lost, and it is refining the black dragon. There was a baby bird in front of him, violently abused by the black dragon of refining embers, dripping blood donated on its feathers, and its feathers and skin and flesh fell together in pieces.

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