Dragon Tamer

Chapter 985: Snake Palace

The road is tortuous and there are many paths to high places. At first, everyone chooses to walk together. Maybe a lot of people can bring them a sense of security, but gradually some people choose to walk alone, basically just choose a different one. Fork off the road, those people will never see again...

When stepping into a surrounding mountain step, there was a huge noise from the surrounding step that was suddenly invisible. A huge iron ball that was burnt red by the flame rolled down the narrow step, and the few wives who walked in the front It was too late to dodge, and it was crushed into flesh by the huge red iron ball...

He Haohan pulled out the knife behind his back and chopped it with one knife. He was about to split the giant iron ball in half. Unexpectedly, when the knife went down, the iron ball suddenly burst open, and then the flaming iron flakes went crazy. With a burst of fire all around, those who are around the stairs will be wiped out!

"This road is a dead end, this road is a dead end!" Behind, someone shouted loudly, and a large group of people began to flee...

However, as soon as they ran back, those solid stairs suddenly collapsed, collapsed step by step, and the place where they collapsed was suddenly covered with spear traps, and those who fell were even pierced.

These are some very common traps, and they often appear in the tombs of some high-ranking officials to guard against some tomb thieves, but even if these traps are common, a group of people still die tragically!

"Those guys, they don’t know where they are watching us. They always enjoy it. As long as they see someone dying in the trap they designed, they will enjoy it... It’s said that they appraise the most difficult institution every year. The organ that kills the most people, correspondingly, the disciple who designed the organ will be promoted and rewarded.” He Haohan said.

"Really a group of perverts!" He Yiling cursed.

"These are all trigger-type organs. It should be what we stepped on to appear. Pay attention to the stairs under our feet." Zhu Minglang said.

"Look at your feet, look at your feet!" A Wu Fu heard Zhu Minglang's words and hurriedly said to everyone around him.

Naturally, Zhu Minglang would not be hurt by such a low-level organization, but other people could be killed instantly. Their lives were too cheap, and they could barely be regarded as a group of people in the same group. Zhu Minglang pointed them out loudly to prevent them from being killed or injured. many.

As Zhu Minglang said, the falling hot red iron **** and the fallen stairs are all triggered by people stepping on them.

As long as you pay attention to the problematic steps, there will be no such trap.

A group of people passed the surrounding mountain steps smoothly, and many people were already paralyzed on the ground, too scared to have the courage to go on the road afterwards.

"There is some gold here, you divide it, it's still too late to look back." Zhu Minglang was the first to walk up, and when he walked up, he saw a box of golden sands.

After breaking through one or two places, there will be corresponding rewards, otherwise so many people will not come here to die.

"This little money is not enough for us to buy a god-fan pill. If we can't become a god-or-desire, we will have to be ordinary people for our whole life, and we have no connection with gods. We people have a lifetime of strength, but we can't even deal with a night monster. Watching people in the village being tortured and killed..." The Takeo didn't ask for the money.

"These people from the Mo family are not much more merciful than the Night Demon." He Haohan said.

People die for money and birds die for food. Zhu Minglang doesn't know what these people think.

There are many ways to practice. As long as you work hard to find, you can still find this kind of spiritual power in Shenjiang. To come to this place is completely gambling. The bargaining chip is your own life. How about it, without the ability to become stronger, it will be just as powerless as a catastrophe.

Zhu Minglang also knows that there is no point in persuading.

In the front, there is a water pool, and behind the water pool is a magnificent long palace.

It's easy for people with cultivation skills to step through this water pool, just jump over it directly, but those martial artists and ordinary people can only swim through it, but the water pool is very deep, and it's really hard to tell what's inside.

Although Zhu Minglang called out a dragon at will, and carried them across the pool is actually very simple.

But Zhu Minglang did not do so.

How easy it is to climb high, Zhu Minglang, as a god, can make many people reach the top of the mountain easily, but they can be sent to the top of the mountain, how do they climb down alive, whether they can deal with the fierce monsters on the mountain, the cold of the mountain can be Easily defeat their willpower...

Only those who climb from the foot of the mountain to the top one step at a time can adapt to the harshness of the mountain.

At the water pool, they realized that the danger was terrible, so they would naturally leave, and helping them to the long palace, the danger of the long palace is even worse, and it will only make them die faster.

Here, ordinary people and practitioners are separated. When Zhu Minglang entered the Long Palace, he had already heard a scream from the back of the pool.

Zhu Minglang didn't look back.

If they can't help themselves, Zhu Minglang can save them.

The choices you make yourself have to bear the results.

"This seems to be the Snake Palace." He Haohan said.

"Snake farmer?" Zhu Minglang asked. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

"It's not the kind of snake demon that we usually see, it's a mechanical snake..." He Haohan said.

As soon as the voice fell, the walls of the Long Palace suddenly opened, and giant snakes made of iron and wood as bones and blades as scales crawled out. Although they are composed of cold instruments, they still give people a terrible feeling. !

"A pile of rubbish!" The female swordsman He Yiling shot her hands. She put her double knives between her arms, and while the arms were dancing, the willow-shaped knife energy flew out frequently.

As soon as those cold-hearted mechanical snakes approached, they were chopped into several sections by He Yiling, and they were all scattered on the ground.

"Cracking squeaking!!"

However, the joints of these mechanical snakes are very ingenious. Even if they are cut off, they can be locked together like a tenon and tenon. So the chopped mechanical snake crawls over again, and from More and more mechanical snakes crawled out of the wall.

"Huh, let's be crumbs!" The female swordsman He Yiling once again displayed a fierce and powerful sword technique.

The huge sword energy swept out one by one, and saw the mechanical snakes that crawled all over the long palace being chopped into sawdust and iron filings, and once again scattered all over the ground.

The practitioners who walked in together looked at the female swordsman He Yiling like monsters. It is not common for the sword to reach this level. The most important thing is that the opponent seems to be waving these powerful weapons at will. The snake was chopped into pieces!

"Let's go, this level of weapon beast can't stop us." He Haohan said.

After the first snake palace, they went to the second long palace. This long palace was bigger and deeper. There were still seven or eight-meter-long mechanical snakes crawling out of the wall. These mechanical snakes were obviously harder and their skeletons were smelted. Made of metal, even the blades covering the whole body are sharpened and sharpened, and they are more flexible and faster...

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