Dragon Tamer

Chapter 987: Instrument spirit

"In this case, then I will also give you time for a stick of incense. If the long palace snake you created has delayed us more than one stick of incense, I will also reward you with a whole body?" Zhu Minglang said.

"Xianzun, Xianzun, there are weaknesses, this long palace snake has weaknesses, it is in the ninth long palace, there is the hub that controls all the organ snakes!" Mo Kuan hurriedly said.

Zhu Minglang nodded when he heard these words, so he loudly reminded He Yiling who was flying on the body of the long palace snake.

He Yiling didn't look back. After hearing Zhu Minglang's reminder, she immediately stepped on the corner of the eaves filled with swords and flew towards the ninth long palace.

The dense clusters of organs and snakes danced, like thousands of people scrolling the blades, and if they were not paying attention, they would be directly minced into flesh.

He Yiling is as light as a swallow, but she can find some special footholds. It has reached the Ninth Long Palace, which is exactly the position of the neck and body of the entire giant long palace snake. He Yiling didn't see any special place here at first. She turned over to the snake's body, and only then saw a crystal under the snake's neck!

This crystal is like the heart of a long palace snake, and the secret source energy needed by the mechanical snake comes from this special crystal stone.

He Yiling swiftly avoided the giant snake and turned around, and then slashed on the crystal with two knives, which instantly turned into fragments and scattered on the ground.

However, the long palace snake did not stop its activities because of this. It danced frantically, and every time its body made contact with the ground, it shot with great power, and the thorny scales and front skins on its body shot everywhere!

He Yiling was hiding under the snake, and his body was cut in several places, revealing shallow bloodstains.

"It seems that you don't even want the whole body?" Zhu Minglang said to Mo Kuan coldly after seeing the change.

Even if the secret source crystal is crushed, the Long Palace Giant Mechanical Snake is still alive, and it seems to have gained some violent power. Both its speed and power have increased by a level, and even the skin scales seem to be like sharp gears. Turning around, he didn't dare to approach at all. If it were placed on the battlefield, it would be the most terrifying meat grinder!

"This was not created by me. I am only responsible for maintaining it here. This is a masterpiece of our young God. I just come here every once in a while to replace some devices and re-press the crystal that can provide the secret source of power." Mo Kuan said very nervously.

"It's useless for you to say that." Zhu Minglang said, kicking Mo Kuan off the high base with one kick.

Mo Kuan fell to the hard ground, causing blood to flow all over his body.

The practitioners who came here with Zhu Minglang and others are martial arts practitioners. They are obviously from the same sect. While He Yiling was fighting with the giant weapon snake in the long palace, many people also suffered from the seedlings. Those master-level practitioners. People are too small in front of this kind of long palace giant mechanical snake.

These people saw that Mo Kuan was kicked off, they were already angry, and they were even more merciless and interrupted all of Mo Kuan's joints.

Mo Kuan screamed. He who was still arrogant just now would never have thought that he would fall into the hands of these lowly people and be beaten to hemiplegia.

Zhu Minglang was standing on a high point, when he could just see the head and eyes of this long palace giant mechanical snake.

This Longgong Giant Snake was violent, it seemed to be emotional and angry, especially when Zhu Minglang threw Mo Kuan down, this Longgong Giant Snake seemed to be staring at Mo Fan, if not for He Yiling many times Blocked, this long palace giant mechanical snake might have rushed to tear Zhu Minglang to pieces.

Sure enough, Zhu Minglang felt right.

When the Long Palace Giant Mechanical Snake hit He Yiling again, this terrifying monster rushed straight towards Zhu Minglang. It was murderous and angry. You could see the hot steam coming from its body. The joints of various organs spring out, like a metal beast that is burning hot!

After seeing this scene, Zhu Minglang had to admire this Mo Shoushen, who could rely on those instruments to create such a mechanical beast that was no less than a demon god.

It's just that as a person from a family of craftsmen, Zhu Minglang believes that this thing is definitely not as simple as a cold machine. It obviously has a certain spiritual sense, and it is a kind of existence similar to the spirit of a tool!

This long palace giant mechanical snake is not controlled by Mo Kuan, nor is it driven by some crystal secret source. It has passed through the craftsmanship of the **** Moshou, and has given birth to its own life, even though its body Composed of eleven long palaces, bones, organs, and blood vessels are transformed into countless organ gears, organ runners, and organ bonds, but it has its own soul!


The Long Palace Giant Mechanical Snake slammed into this towering barrier, and it was about to knock Zhu Minglang down from it. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

Zhu Minglang stared at the Giant Mechanical Snake in the Long Palace at close range. With spiritual knowledge, it would definitely be awe-inspiring!

Zhu Minglang widened his eyes, released his soul, and suppressed the arrogant arrogance of this long palace giant mechanical snake with the majesty of his superior.

Sure enough, the Changgong giant mechanical beast is suppressed by personality. This mechanical beast is a refined mechanical spirit, and is enshrined as a **** by the people of the Mo family. It has been out of the category of ordinary mechanical beasts. Autonomous activities, more self-consciousness!

Under the gaze of Zhu Minglang, the giant mechanical snake of Changgong could not move, as if its body had become rigid, and the manic enthusiasm on its body had also disappeared.

At this moment, He Yiling killed him again. She was glide above the Long Palace Giant Snake, but looked at Zhu Minglang with some confusion.

He Yiling didn't understand how Zhu Minglang made this violent mechanical snake stiff.

"Go in from its eyes and destroy all the devices in its head!" Zhu Minglang said to He Yiling.

He Yiling didn't think too much, she also observed that the eyes of the Long Palace Giant Mechanical Snake were the only breakthrough.

She flew in and cut open the eye mask of the Long Palace Giant Mechanical Snake with double knives. She was swift and fierce like the wind, and the sword came out like a shower. The head of the Long Palace Giant Mechanical Snake was composed of the eleventh long palace. The space in the palace was very large, and soon He Yiling discovered that there was a snake emperor on the top of the long palace.

The snake emperor is so pierced all over, as if it is shaped by glazed jade crystals. It is constantly swimming on the ring mark of the zenith, and the giant long palace mechanical snake seems to follow its continuous rotation. Obtaining the driving force, you can see that each section of the snake king has a huge inscription on the body, corresponding to the pattern on the zenith of the eleven long palaces!

He Yiling no longer hesitated at the moment, it split the mechanical snakes that came out, and pulled out the glazed snake emperor.

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