Dragon Tamer

Chapter 992: Dige

Zhu Minglang shook his head. He didn't intend to tell the name of the Changxian god. He just said: "Choose your own choice. Be a servant for a lifetime, or let me kill the domestic violence of Mo and give you the freedom of the whole clan."

"..." Chang Xu was speechless for a while.

Chang Xuan originally wanted to beg this great **** to forgive himself by selling miserables, but he didn't expect that the other party's speech skills would be good, so he directly pushed himself into the revolution.

How powerful is Mo Jiabao, and the underground organs are even more complicated and dangerous. Chang Xuan knew that if he wanted to survive, he would probably go with him. Although he did have a little hope in his heart, he hoped that this **** could defeat Mo Shoushen, but This expectation is really low. How many years Mo Shoushen has been in Tianjiba, can you destroy it with an unknown god?

"That...thank the great **** for not killing, I still have to consider the destiny of the whole family, it is better to die than to live, hehe, then I go...huh, why die than to live, how can my generation as a land **** rather die than surrender? Turning over, we must bring hope and light to the whole clan!" Chang Xuan said awe-inspiringly, as if he was a revolutionary fighter who would never back down!

Zhu Minglang nodded in satisfaction, and this made the big fangs of the black dragon of refining cinders farther away from Chang Xuan.

It's really nothing, it's not necessary.

Knowing that there is another underground pavilion here, Zhu Minglang won't waste time in this puppet city.

He merged with other people for the first time, and sure enough everyone was attacked to varying degrees after they were separated. Those puppets in the city were not dead. Once they found someone alone, they would gather together strangely, and then Launched a crazy attack on that person like a demon.

When Zhu Minglang found the He family brothers and sisters, they were being surrounded by a group of officers and soldiers in the maze alley. Those officers and soldiers were no different from the Yin Soldier monsters.

After helping them get out of trouble, Zhu Minglang will look for Caiyou again.

Caiyou was on a beggar street, and those puppets were basically destroyed by Caiyou. When Zhu Minglang arrived, the street was full of wreckage.

"My god!" Cai You saw Zhu Minglang and immediately trot up, looking aggrieved.

Zhu Minglang glanced at Caiyou, who looked like "I'm afraid of being afraid", and then at the gang of puppet beggars wiped out...


Just like most girls are afraid of spiders and cockroaches, Cai You feels that fear is real.

However, there are two types of girls. One is to shrink into a ball in fright and stay in place, and the other is to scare Huarong into discoloration and scream while screaming while holding shoes. The chaos didn't cry until it was completely inconsistent.

Chang swallowed.

This girl is too fierce!

Beggar puppets are a group of sophisticated puppet gangs. Each of them is imprinted with martial arts memory. Ordinary practitioners can't even match a little beggar puppet. This girl destroyed the whole thing!

The people of the Qi Shenzong were not so lucky, their strengths were uneven, and many people were lost.

If there is something to be gained, then reluctantly accept it. After all, when their group of people broke in, they were already prepared for a decisive battle with the people of Mojiapu. However, it would not make sense to transit in the puppet city for a long time. This is a dead end.

"Really?" Bei Yaoying frowned and frowned.

"I think the credibility is very high." He Haohan and Zhu Minglang agree.

"But if there is a pavilion here, why there is no rumors from the outside world, it is impossible that every intruder has been a stupid for decades and can't discover this secret?" said a silver helmeted man from the Artifact God Sect.

"That's because none of the people who entered the underground pavilion have ever come out alive." Chang Xu whispered.

"The closer you get to Mojiapu, the more dangerous it is, and the more terrifying the structures and traps that can be laid under the ground, like breaking into a vicious tomb. I'm just here to tell everyone that I will break through no matter what. Time Urgent, everyone make your own choices." Zhu Minglang said to the people of Shen Qizong.

The life and death of Xuanlong is uncertain, even if he knows that the following organs are numerous and his life is nine deaths, Zhu Minglang has to break!

"Don't underestimate our God Sect, you are a casual cultivator who dares to break through, how can we retreat, although lead the way, life and death!" Bei Yaoying is also a man.

The grievances and grievances of the major forces in Tianji Shenjiang, Zhu Minglang, are not well understood, but from Bei Yaoying’s words, it can be heard that their Qi Shenzong and Mojiapu have a deep hatred, and their group of people is definitely not a whim. Broke in!

It can be seen that Mo Jiapu has provoked the anger of the people over the years, not only the great powers like the God of Weapons Sect, but many casual cultivators also hope to defeat them and become famous among the gods.

After finding the entrance where they came, everyone started walking backwards, straight down all the way.

When they went back, everything in the cave changed. Both the specimen dragons and the downward cave mechanism were triggered, so that the downward process became particularly difficult!

"There is no mechanism for going up, but there is going down UU reading www.uukanshu.com, so we are on the right!" He Haohan said.

"Well, this Mo Shou design is really outrageous!"

"Yeah, there were all kinds of strange rumors before this Mo Shou was not a god. When I heard that when he was young, he turned his mansion into a murderous mansion and killed their family. Since then, Mo Shou stays at home. He devoted himself to the art of organs. Although some of his craftsmanship has benefited many people, he has also used people's greedy psychology to kill many people..." He Haohan said.

When they found the cave well that Chang Xuan said, and everyone was still hesitating how to find the way, Zhu Minglang had already jumped straight down.

Be cautious when you should be cautious, and be bold when you should be bold. Since you know that the following is a underground pavilion, then go decisively. Zhu Minglang does not have so much time to accompany Mojiapu's people to play this organ game slowly.

Falling straight down, Zhu Minglang finally fell into a cave in the pool. The water was cold, and there was a biting cold through the skin. Zhu Minglang called out the Nuwa dragon now, so that he could be comfortable underwater. some.

Nuwa Dragon was swimming in front, she spat gently, the pool water was slowly pulled apart like a curtain, Zhu Minglang didn't have to soak in the cold water.

Soon, other people also followed. After they discovered that it was a deep and secluded cave, their faces were a little nervous. People have a natural fear of water itself, especially in such a closed pool. Under the secluded pool, God knew that something terrible would be waiting for them at the bottom of the pool that couldn't be seen at a glance.

Diving all the way down, finally Zhu Minglang saw a huge stone gate at the bottom of the lake, the stone gate was covered with some silt, if it hadn’t been for the Nuwa Dragon to push them away, he would never know that the bottom of the lake was still There is an entrance.

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