Dragon Warrior

Chapter 1 I, sentence you to death!

On the border of country M, a secluded small town.

The light rain was falling, and the whole sky was covered with haze. At this moment, all the residents in the town were asleep, but there was a group of people in camouflage uniforms walking cautiously towards a destination.

"Captain, are we really listening to that kid and just harassing a few guard points?" A tall and burly soldier was a little dissatisfied.

"This is an order, we must carry it out! And this time the bones are too difficult to crack. If it is us, I am afraid that it will be a disaster!" The captain replied with a cold face, and continued to move forward.

Although the others were equally dissatisfied, they didn't say anything more. Carrying out orders is a soldier's bounden duty!

When these soldiers were advancing, not far away, a middle-aged man with a square face in an officer's uniform said in a deep voice, "Xiao Yi, thank you for your hard work."

"Brother, if you really want to thank me, after I help you solve Sang Kun, how about asking me to go to the heaven and earth to get a top card? Don't worry, I will tell my sister-in-law that we will drink at the food stall. "

This is a young man in his twenties, with sword eyes and star eyebrows, those star-like eyes are shining with sly and playful colors, the bridge of his nose is straight, and there is a smirk at the corner of his mouth.

"Ahem. Xiao Yi, don't make fun of me." Zhou Chufeng was a little embarrassed by Wu Yi's words, "It's you, I heard that the old master is going to send you to Nanhua to protect a beautiful woman? So Su I have seen the little girl at home, she looks really good-looking, please go ahead and put on a story about a beautiful woman and a bodyguard for everyone to see, so that we soldiers can see hope, right?"

Wu Yi smiled and said, "Senior brother, don't fool me. The last time you went to meet the Su family seemed to be a few years ago. I was only in my teens at that time, and that girl was probably in her teens. Who knew that?" Has she been ruined by the elders for many years, hey, I really don't know what the old man thinks, he actually asked me to protect a girl, what if the girl from the Su family falls in love with me, what should I do?"

After a pause, Wu Yi chuckled and said, "Of course, if that chick is good-looking and she is willing to actively pursue me, I can consider letting her have my first time."

Seeing Wu Yi Deser, Zhou Chufeng rolled his eyes angrily, and turned serious and said: "Xiao Yi, you haven't gone back to see your grandfather for a long time, if you have time, go back and see his old man."

As soon as these words came out, Wu Yi, who was already smiling, frowned, and said in a deep voice, "Let's talk about it later. Brother, just give me the head of Sang Kun. I will go directly to Nanhua City after completing this mission." Hehe, I heard that the few waves of brothers sent before were wiped out by the entire army. I really want to see how Nanhua City is a place where dragons and tigers are crouching. Alright, let me deal with those scumbags first. , Ms. Su may not be able to wait any longer, hahaha..."

After speaking, Wu Yi laughed and walked towards the center of the town.

Looking at the stubborn back of the little man in black casual clothes, Zhou Chufeng smiled wryly and shook his head. He knew that this kid was used to freedom, even in the army! No one can control his thoughts. Logically speaking, it is impossible for such a disobedient thorn to stay in the team, but he has to rely on his own ability to make the master hold him in the palm of his hand.

If the special forces are the best fighters among the soldiers, then the king of soldiers is the king of the special forces, and that little man is the well-deserved king of soldiers!

This task was really too simple for Wu Yi, he really didn't know why his superiors sent him here.

But when the master spoke spontaneously, Wu Yi knew that he must have the master's own thoughts.

All he has to do is to cut off the head of Sang Kun, the biggest drug lord in China and Burma, and that's it!

It was still raining, but Wu Yi's body was not stained with any rainwater. If a master of the inner family saw this scene, he would be very surprised.

This is an ability that can only be used by masters in the energy transformation stage. It can turn one's internal energy into heat, and evaporate the rain that has not yet fallen!

It would not be surprising if an old man in his fifties had such strength, but it would be surprising or terrifying to appear in a young man in his twenties!

This town was taken by Sang Kun a few days ago, and the information showed that he came here to receive a guest, but Wu Yi was very strange, but the guest's information did not tell him.

"Damn, I don't know when this rain will end, it's so annoying."

In the large yard of a two-story building in the center of the town, a group of men armed with the latest submachine guns were hiding in the house.

"Don't complain, the boss is receiving distinguished guests today. After the distinguished guests leave, we can go back and enjoy them. Damn, Chinese women are delicate skinned and tender, and they are very comfortable to play with." A mouth full of yellow teeth, like yellow The man with the leather monkey gave a wretched smile.

As soon as the words came out, the others also laughed.

"Really? It's a pity that you will never have the chance to touch Huaxia women again." Just as everyone was laughing, a faint voice came from nowhere, and the originally pleasant atmosphere immediately changed. Got nervous.


"Who? Get out quickly."

"Who the hell is it? Do you know whose territory this is? Hurry up and die!"

The group of yellow-skinned monkey guards raised the submachine guns in their hands nervously, pulled the safety, and held the trigger tightly with their fingers. No one would doubt that they would shoot.

"Death? I would never believe such words. On the contrary, I am the messenger who came to send you to hell. If Lord Yan asks who killed you after death, you should tell them that it was the Chinese who killed you!"

As soon as the words fell, a black figure appeared at the gate of the courtyard, and this person was Wu Yi!

"What the hell, kill him!" Seeing Wu Yi appearing, those guys no longer hesitated, and the submachine guns aimed at Wu Yi's direction and fired a burst.

The bullet shells kept falling like peanut shells, but after a burst of random shooting, someone suddenly noticed something was wrong, and hurriedly shouted: "Everyone, stop, something is wrong!"

Hearing this, the others stopped their frenzied shooting, and all turned to look at the man who spoke.

"Well, that guy is gone again."

As soon as this remark came out, everyone felt chills down their spines. They had clearly seen someone appearing at the gate of the yard just now, but they disappeared in the blink of an eye. Could it be, the hell?

"Hey, what's going on here? Could it be a ghost?" The timid person swallowed cautiously, shrinking his neck.

"You idiot, don't scare me, how can there be ghosts in this world? Even if there are ghosts, I can shoot him to death!"

"Tsk tsk, the courage and knowledge of the barbarians in a small country are indeed short-sighted. Do you know what Chinese kung fu is?"

When everyone felt chills and looked around cautiously, that damned voice sounded faintly again, "I'm not a ghost, but you're right, those who are afraid of me call me judge! Now, I sentence you death penalty!"

"chug chug~"

Hearing Wu Yi's voice again, some people's spirits could not bear the torment anymore, they yelled "Ah", and the submachine guns fired indiscriminately.

There was a "poof", the sound of the gun was very loud, but the heart-piercing sound was extremely clear in this chaotic environment, it was the sound produced when the knife was cutting meat.

The man who shot indiscriminately dropped the submachine gun in his hand and covered his neck with his hands. The gurgling blood sprayed out like a fountain. The comrades who were very close to him did not dodge in time and were sprayed with hot blood.

"Ah..." The bloody man screamed in fright when he saw his comrade's head rolling to the ground like a ball.

Yes, they also killed people, but they killed others. At this moment, seeing his companion being beheaded like grass, he felt deeply terrified!

The cry didn't last long, because before he was relieved, he found that he could actually see his feet...

This man who claims to be the "judge" is vicious and cruel, and he shows no mercy when he strikes. Every time he strikes, a big head rolls to the ground. No one can see his figure clearly, but the shadow flashes. The head falls to the ground!

Kill one person in ten steps! He silently killed five people. The entire first floor was covered with blood, turning into a Shura field.

Deep fear poured into the hearts of the remaining Sang Kun's subordinates. They dared not shoot again. At this moment, they only had one thought - escape! Escape from the clutches of this devil!

Seeing these guys trying to escape, Wu Yi sneered, "I said before, if you are sentenced to death, then you must die!"

His voice was ruthless and domineering, as if his words were the iron law, beyond doubt!

His figure flickered again, and within a few breaths, all the remaining people fell to the ground, a total of twenty-three heads rolled on the ground.

Their eyeballs were wide open, filled with disbelief and endless terror.

The gunfire downstairs quickly attracted the attention of the upstairs. Sang Kun knew that someone was making trouble, so he appeased Mr. Jie, picked up the Desert Eagle in his hand, and rushed downstairs.

But when he walked downstairs, he was completely stunned!

Twenty-three heads were piled up together, but a little man was wiping a handkerchief with a strange blue dagger that looked like a full moon. He was looking at himself with a sneer on the corner of his mouth. .

"You, who are you?" Sang Kun said while tightening the Desert Eagle in his hand.

"Sang Kun, the biggest drug lord on the China-Myanmar border, every year 30% of Huaxia's drugs flow into Huaxia from your hands. Rape, prostitution, burning, killing and looting are all kinds of crimes. I, now sentence you to death!"

Wu Yi seemed to be talking about reading out Sang Kun's crimes. Sang Kun opened his mouth to refute something, but just as he was about to speak, he saw the figure of his relatives from that year rushing towards him, and he opened fire with his gun, " With a bang, the world returned to calm again.

"Come out!" Kicking Sang Kun's head away like a ball, Wu Yi shouted towards the stairs of the small building.

"Master Yi..." The white-faced scholar with gold-rimmed glasses had long been terrified when he saw this scene, but when he saw that face, he felt even more terrified.

"Bring your mobile phone." Wu Yi ordered.

The white-faced scholar opened his mouth, and finally handed the phone to Wu Yi. Seeing Wu Yi holding his phone and pressing it continuously, the white-faced scholar was frightened out of his wits, sweating profusely, "Master Yi, I..."

"Since you made a mistake, you should accept the punishment you deserve!" Wu Yi glanced at the other party lightly, raised his knife and dropped his hand, "Be a good person in the next life!"

After finishing speaking, he threw the white-faced scholar's mobile phone on the ground, and there was a text message that had already been sent on the mobile phone, "I have no objection to you wanting to make money. If I catch you next time, don't blame me for being ruthless!" ——Wu Yi !"

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