Dragon Warrior

Chapter 1072 A Free Lunch

The medicinal materials in the Herb Garden can be picked at will, but this copper alchemy furnace is not so easy to take away. If there is no alchemy furnace, no amount of medicinal materials will be effective, and the efficacy of the medicine will naturally be greatly reduced.

After the ruffian dragon got a satisfactory answer, he said slowly: "This copper alchemy furnace has been nourished by the owner of this small space for at least a thousand years. If you want to take it away, you will naturally erase the magic left by the original owner." If you can recognize the imprint and make it an ownerless spiritual weapon, you will be obedient."

"I know this too, but I didn't find any imprint of mystic consciousness when I checked it with my spiritual consciousness, and I didn't see any effect when refining the Nine-Turn Returning Pill. How can I erase it if I can't find it?" Wu Wu Yi rolled his eyes, spreading this kind of basic knowledge with a dignified craftsman, it would be too small to look down on him, these conventional methods have already been tried.

"Young man, this deity has mastered more spiritual weapons than you have ever seen before. Don't think that you have mastered a little trick, and you will be arrogant. Look around the world. Who is not a master of refining weapons? One day you can refine them. Only when you make a real holy weapon can you be honored as a "Master of Artifact Refining" by future generations. As far as your current level is concerned, you are just a coolie." The ruffian dragon can read his mind and put on a high-ranking appearance. Old-fashioned reminded.

Wu Yi was a little unconvinced, but he had to admit that this guy's level of knowledge was far higher than his, not to mention that he still had to ask him at this time, so he patiently asked: "Could it be that this alchemy furnace has other mysteries? Did you intentionally hide the imprint of your spiritual consciousness?"

"That's right, every spiritual weapon has its own unique imprint of spiritual consciousness. The higher the level of spiritual weapon, the more secretive the imprint of spiritual consciousness is, and it is difficult to copy. If you really want to accept this alchemy furnace, you have to let the deity Entering the Sea of ​​Divine Consciousness, with the deity's many years of experience, he can naturally capture it with his own hands." Pi Zilong suddenly made a request.

"Well..." Wu Yi hesitated a little. As early as in the Sumeru Realm, he had already noticed that the purpose of the ruffian dragon was not simple. Later, he experienced the Blood Ancestor, Ge Hongyu of the Blood Bat Palace, and the white-robed monster that he just encountered recently. They all want to occupy their own sea of ​​consciousness and gain rebirth. Once they succeed, it will be over for them. Therefore, what kind of intentions ruffian dragon has in making this request is unpredictable, so he dare not take this risk , asked: "Is there any other way? My comprehension ability is not bad, if you give me the method, I should learn it soon."

"Damn it... You kid is too cautious! This deity and you belong to the same line anyway, and I don't even have this trust. Forget it, isn't it just a broken furnace? Don't worry!" up.

The materials Wu Yi has collected now are enough to refine two furnaces of Nine-Turn Returning Pills. This kind of elixir is of great benefit to himself, Xiao Huo, and Xiao Saner. He replied immediately: "I was just asking casually. Good things must be taken away, so I will trouble seniors."

"That's about the same. If I really want to seize the house, I will be upright. How can I use these indecent methods?" Ruffian Dragon wagged his tail in satisfaction, but soon discovered that the eleven paths were already silent. Five ways of blood and divine power have emerged. Obviously, Wu Yi is still holding back. He blew his beard and stared angrily. If it wasn't for Murong Xiaoxiao's sake, he might have gone on strike long ago.

The soul is placed in the body, and the body does not belong to him at all. This feeling has been felt in the Sumeru Realm. Compared with before, Wu Yi has been completely reborn now, possessing blood and supernatural power. Once there is any change in the ruffian dragon, he can be in time. Make a move, guide the Soul-devouring Orb to devour it, this guy is already a human being, and he will definitely not take this risk, the evil Soul-devouring Orb has instead become his amulet at this moment.

The same is the detection of spiritual consciousness, and the method of the ruffian dragon is really much more clever. After a while, the quiet copper alchemy furnace shines brightly, and a golden rune appears at the bottom, which is difficult to distinguish, profound and complicated, and then the ruffian dragon Backing out and letting Wu Yilai erase the imprint left by the ancient power, this is a hard job, it took a full half a day, and finally put this last treasure into the sea of ​​​​spiritual consciousness.

If it hadn't been for thousands of years of passage of time and the continuous weakening of the imprint of divine consciousness, it would have been impossible to do it with Wu Yi's strength. As time goes by, in the long river of time, everyone is just a glimpse, a flash in the pan, and there is no real eternity.

Everything was ready, and it was time to leave. The three of them had packed their bags and gained a lot, but when they came to the gate of Baicao Garden and wanted to open the wooden door, the familiar purple light curtain appeared again Well, not only Baicao Garden, but also the entire fairy garden's defensive array was triggered, and the dazzling purple light reflected the sky, covering the sky and blocking out the sun.

"Damn it, I won't be hit by this guy's crow's mouth again!" Wu Yi suddenly remembered that when he returned to the alchemy at the ninth turn, the ruffian dragon once said, "you will know when you go out." At that time, he was busy refining weapons and didn't take it to heart. Now it seems that he has already sensed it, so he quickly invited him out to ask what happened.

Ruffian Dragon was sleeping soundly. After being awakened, he said impatiently: "Isn't it obvious? It's easy to get in, but you have to pass the test to get out. Where in the world is there a free lunch?"

"You said this is a kind of test for us?" Wu Yi asked in surprise. In fact, he was also very puzzled. The core of Xianyuan was unimpeded. He did not expect that the most difficult hurdle to pass was here , the wooden door that once opened with a light push is now like a wall of iron and steel, impenetrable.

"That's right, what you took away was his whole life's hard work, and only by passing this hurdle can he escape unscathed." Ruffian Dragon said with certainty.

The defensive formation has been opened, so it is meaningless to say more, so Wu Yi had to ask Huangfuyu to go forward and check carefully to see if there is any way to break it. As a result, she just glanced at it, then shook her head and said, "This set of magic formation It is too huge, covering the entire fairy garden, and we are trapped in it, we can't even find the eyes of the formation, and it is impossible to talk about breaking the formation."

"Then what if we attack by force?" Murong Xiaoxiao asked unwillingly.

Wu Yi shook his head helplessly and said: "The bombardment of the sky thunder failed to break through. It's just the three of us. I'm afraid self-detonation is useless. Breaking through the formation by force is simply a waste of effort."

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