Dragon Warrior

Chapter 1128: Gluttonous Feast

"I didn't expect there to be such a quiet place here. I really didn't notice it before." Song Qingmu said in surprise. He is the future successor of Fangcuntai, and Nie Lanxiu's demands on him are naturally much stricter. In addition to practicing, it is to deal with family affairs, and there is very little leisure time. How can he be like Song Ziyi, racking his brains to find fun places.

Song Ziyi said very disrespectfully: "I brought you here today because of brother Wu Yi's face. If you dare to tell mother, then I will never talk to you again."

"Am I still your big brother? Guarding me is like guarding against thieves. This elbow is too bent. I won't say...don't say...it's okay!"

Song Qingmu sighed sadly, the moment he met Wu Yi's eyes, he showed a knowing smile, the little girl's entire square-inch platform formed a boundary of its own, the scope is not large, and no small corner can escape Nie Lanxiu's spiritual detection, how could this little trick escape her eyes, but it didn't break through.

There are many good things in the river valley, such as wild fish picked up at random, pheasants and hares running all over the mountains, and a lot of them can be obtained without any effort. The clear river water plucks the hairs, washes them, puts them on branches, and frames them. Slowly grilling on the bonfire, the tempting fragrance will soon spread out. Wu Yi is already familiar with these things, and he doesn't need the hands of his two brothers and sisters to do it neatly.

After completing the most basic steps, Wu Yi's secret weapon will be used next. He takes out a bunch of small porcelain bottles from his Qiankun bag, and knocks out a little powder from them from time to time. The colors are different and disappear instantly. The rich aroma of barbecue became more and more vivid, stimulating the taste buds, and the saliva came out unconsciously.

"Brother Wu Yi, I haven't seen you for a few years. Your craftsmanship is getting better and better. I have tried it many times, but it was either burnt or undercooked. I can't make your taste. Today I can finally taste it again. Here, I'm really looking forward to it!" Song Ziyi's eyes rolled up and down with the rhythm of the barbecue, swallowing hard, and was about to pounce on it.

"Looking at how impatient you are, eat a small fish first and try something new!"

Wu Yi looked at her eagerly, picked a small river fish, sprinkled it with a little pepper and cumin powder, rummaged through it a few times, and handed it over with a smile.

The meat of the river fish is delicate and tender, and the fire must be controlled well. Once the best time has passed, the meat will become old. Wu Yi is now an expert in controlling the fire. At that moment, it was the moment when the meat was just cooked, and it tried its best to maintain the freshness of the fish and the aroma of the barbecue. It was indeed a rare delicacy to have both.

Song Ziyi took it, took a small bite cautiously at first, but immediately began to feast on it, completely forgetting her ladylike image, and in the blink of an eye, there was only a thin fish bone left, even those tiny little fish bones. The thorns were also swallowed by her. Fortunately, these small thorns had been baked by the fire and became very crispy, otherwise they would have stuck in her throat.

"You, you, can't you eat more slowly? This image is too indecent." Song Qingmu couldn't stand it, and muttered to the side.

"Wuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu This is the best delicacy in the world. I've never tasted it before. It's so delicious." Li, said vaguely.

Tianyuan Continent focuses on asking questions and cultivating, especially martial arts monks, who pay attention to staying away from the world of mortals, guarding against arrogance and impetuosity. Naturally, the lighter the diet, the better, but for a natural foodie, it is simply a kind of torture, and The spicy and delicious taste blooms on the tip of the tongue, and the happiness brought by that moment is incomparable to anything and cannot be described in words.

"Hehe...Brother Qingmu, Sister Ziyi loves delicious food, so she is naturally forgetful. I am not an outsider. It doesn't matter if I am a little bit presumptuous, so don't be restrained. Come, come, come, and try my little brother's cooking."

Wu Yi tore off half of a roasted pheasant and handed it over to Song Qingmu. The remaining half was intended to be distributed to Song Ziyi, but the girl couldn't wait and took one by herself. Yilehu, he also tore a piece and started to eat slowly.

The education Song Qingmu received was very strict since he was a child, and he sat with his back straight. Naturally, he would not be as unscrupulous as Song Ziyi when he ate. He tore off a piece and chewed it slowly in his mouth. At the end of the amazement, the movements of the hands unconsciously accelerated a lot. For those who eat barbecue for the first time, this is definitely an irreplaceable feast.

"It's a pity...it's a pity...there is good food but no good wine, it's a bit less delicious."

Wu Yi rummaged through the Qiankun bag for a long time, and sighed with disinterest, the monkey wine he took away from Shiwan Dashan had already been drunk, but last time he robbed a lot in Xianyuan, and ended up being full again Qu's Ao Guang drank it all up, and he didn't even think about it when he left. At this moment, he saw that there was not even a pot left.

"Brother Wu Yi didn't mean to say this to me, did he! It's not easy to want to drink, and the Baihua brew made by my mother is the best in the world. I'll go and get it."

Song Qingmu stood up immediately, with a little apology on his face, after all, Wu Yiyuan came on the way, he was a guest, there was food but no wine, it was because Fangcuntai didn't greet well.

Wu Yi thought of Nie Lanxiu's imposing manner, rushing over to ask for a drink, wouldn't it be self-defeating, so he quickly pulled him back, and persuaded: "It's better not to go, I'm just a nobody, I don't have such a big face, just sigh In one sentence, don’t take it seriously.”

"What are you talking about? You are my little sister's savior and my respected brother. How can you be a nobody? I'll go right away, and my lord mother will definitely agree." Song Qingmu said stubbornly.

"Oh, you two, stop arguing, people have already secretly prepared it!"

With a wave of Song Ziyi's little hand, there are three wine jars quietly suspended in the air. The blue and white glazed porcelain is very exquisite in workmanship. The totem of Qingluan is carved on it, which is vivid and lifelike. It looks like it was made by a master and belongs to Fangcuntai. things.

Wu Yi patted open the mud seal, raised the wine jar, took a big sip, it was clear and sweet, with endless aftertaste, as if there were thousands of flavors blooming on the tip of the tongue, grasping carefully, there were many changes, it was indeed a treasure, he laughed loudly .

"With good wine, good food, and brothers, it can be regarded as a gluttonous feast."

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