Dragon Warrior

Chapter 1138 The Lost World

The light dissipated, the dust settled, and the crazily surging energy quickly receded like a tide, and everything returned to tranquility. Only the dark hole in the flattened river valley silently told what had just happened.

Standing on the edge of the black hole, Nie Lanxiu wanted to get closer several times, but she had to retreat when she sensed the strong devouring force. She knew very well that with her strength, if she rushed in like this, she would soon be It will be completely out of control, and everything that will be faced next cannot be decided by her. Life and death are just in the blink of an eye, which is very dangerous.

It's not that she doesn't dare to take risks, but she can't take risks. The square inch platform is not big, but she can't do without her support. After all, Song Qingmu is still too young, and it is impossible for him to be alone.

"You can't change your temper. You have been told to be measured in your actions a long time ago, but you just can't remember it. This is great. It has completely broken the knot and lost my precious granddaughter." The white-haired old woman said. Seeing Song Qingmu return to the river valley, I thought that there would be no problem for Nie Lanxiu to deal with the rest of the matter. After all, I am two generations older. If I take action against Wu Yi again, it would be bad for her if the Dragon Clan came to ask for an explanation. Confession, she simply escorted Song Qingmu away, who would have thought that Nie Lanxiu would be so decisive, when she sensed the devouring power, it was already too late.

Nie Lanxiu felt a little annoyed, but she didn't dare to say anything, and remained silent. Song Qingmu came over to investigate carefully for a while, and asked, "How did this black hole form? Could it be that the barrier of Fangcuntai has been pierced? Will they reach Tianxuan Peak?"

"Looking at the situation, the enchantment should be broken, but Fangcuntai is a world of its own, existing side by side with this piece of heaven and earth. Once broken, it will fall into the cracks of the void, unless the ancient god king and other unrivaled powers, otherwise In an instant, it will turn into powder and disappear completely." The white-haired old woman murmured, Wu Yi was still a hundred and eight thousand miles away from the God King Realm, so naturally he had already been torn into dregs.

"Isn't that little girl?" Song Qingmu's last hope was also shattered, and he knelt on the ground with a 'plop', and said with great self-reproach: "It's all my fault that I insisted on competing with Wu Yi on the spur of the moment, but my skills are not as good as others , and caused such a big incident, and brought my little sister into trouble, I am really incompetent as an older brother."

Song Ziyi has been doted on since childhood, even his elder brother is the same, he is very arrogant towards her, the relationship between the two siblings has always been very good, the burden on his shoulders is too heavy, I only hope that the younger sister can live a relaxed and happy life Some, but I didn't expect this kind of thing to happen. They were swallowed by void cracks, and the chance of surviving was completely zero. I felt very guilty, my eyes were red, and I tried not to let the tears fall.

"I was at fault for this matter. If you want to blame Ziyi, you can blame me for being too cruel as a mother. If I had stopped earlier, I wouldn't have ruined her life." Nie Lanxiu was also filled with this sorrow, but proudly Her nature made her not give herself a gap to release her emotions at all, she left a word, turned around stubbornly and left without taking another look, but the pain, like a sharp knife, cut countless bloody wounds in her heart , can not heal for a long time.

"Hey... good fortune tricks people, and the world is unpredictable. I didn't expect that in this world, the descendants of the Song family would not be able to keep. Is it true that the sky is going to kill me?" The white-haired old woman looked up at the night sky, her heart was full of helplessness , now it has really become a single lineage, and the inheritance is on the verge of extinction. Even if life is about to come to an end, there is still no peace of mind.

Song Qingmu knelt on the ground blankly, unwilling to get up for a long time, he didn't blame Wu Yi, let alone his mother, he could only blame himself for all the faults, this guilt lingered in his heart, like a huge rock, He was so overwhelmed that he couldn't breathe, and he really wanted to jump up and disappear completely, and all the pressure and troubles would naturally disappear.

The white-haired old woman sensed that something was wrong with Song Qingmu's mood, waved her sleeves, and took Song Qingmu away without explanation. There was only one hope left in Fangcuntai, and there must be no more mistakes. With a flash of her figure, she disappeared into the vast In the darkness of night, this restless night finally calmed down completely.

The sudden vortex made Wu Yi also unable to guard against it. Fortunately, in order to fight against Nie Lanxiu's lore, he had already sacrificed the golden cauldron, and with the assistance of Xiaohuo and Xiaosan'er, he blocked the mouth of the tripod with all his strength, forming a In a relatively confined space, when they fell into the void, they were not instantly swallowed, but passed through the cracks at high speed like going through a teleportation array.

The Golden Cauldron has been enshrined by the Han family for generations. It comes from a family of refining tools. It is already a real artifact. Even a crack in the void cannot smash it. Only the open mouth of the cauldron is the only weakness. Wu Yi and the two little guys At the critical moment of life and death, don't dare to be careless, the Yuan force is running wildly, desperately resisting the engulfment of the void, persisting for about half a minute, and finally, like a meteor, passed through the crack and came to another space.

"Bang..." There was a loud noise, the golden cauldron smashed on a boulder, shooting out sparks all over the sky, Wu Yi and the others inside were also staring at gold stars, with several big bumps on their foreheads, but at this moment they didn't feel it at all. Feeling pain, full of joy for the rest of his life, he couldn't wait to climb out of the cauldron and look at the world around him.

"Oh, I can't even open my eyes, what the hell is this place!" Song Ziyi rubbed his forehead, seeing the flying smoke and dust and twinkling little stars in front of his eyes, he couldn't see anything clearly.

"I don't know either, so I might as well go to the sky to have a look." Wu Yi took Song Ziyi and flew into the sky. After passing through the smoke, the scenery in front of him gradually became clear. The lush forests are verdant, the waterfalls hang upside down, the flowing water is gurgling, and the aura is unusually strong, forming rounds of white mist on the peak, lingering around, as if wearing huge hats.

"Squeak... squeak..." Xiao San'er yelled a few times excitedly, his body flashed like a sharp arrow, and rushed into the dense forest. Judging by his posture, he must have found something good, Xiao San'er Huo was afraid that he would be left behind, so he hurriedly chased after him. Surrounded by blue light, he was soon on par with Xiao San'er.

"Brother Wu Yi, do you know where this place is? It feels a little familiar, but I can't remember where I saw it. How strange!" Song Ziyi asked suspiciously, looking at the beautiful scenery in front of him.

"Could it be the lost world in the dream?" Wu Yi said to himself, because he also had this feeling of deja vu.

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