Dragon Warrior

Chapter 1147 The Strength of the Ruffian Dragon

Wu Yi sensed this brand-new change. The situation in the sea of ​​consciousness changed suddenly, as if there was an invisible big hand stirring it, and it became no longer calm. The wind howled, the huge waves emptied, and it seemed that it would collapse at any time. Engulfed by huge waves, the ups and downs of the body are involuntary, the light of the spirit body is shining, and it is almost falling apart.

"Isn't it the state of advanced concentration? This movement is too loud. If the evil spirit takes the opportunity to come out, we will be in danger!" Ruffian Dragon tried his best to stabilize his figure while reminding him through voice transmission.

The string of rosary beads also fluctuated in the sea of ​​divine consciousness. The soul-devouring beads emitted a dark light, and the evil energy became extremely active, especially the ray of evil energy that had escaped. Almost breaking through the confinement of the bloodline divine power, trying to devour the ruffian dragon not far away, once he succeeds, the bloodline divine power will be difficult to confine, and the consequences will be disastrous.

"I was a little too impatient, and even forgot that in the sea of ​​​​spiritual consciousness, besides you, there is a time bomb hidden. If I can recite the "Subduing Demon Heart Sutra" several times before hitting the bottleneck, maybe it won't be so difficult." It's dangerous." Wu Yi took the initiative to admit his mistake. At this time, the power of spiritual consciousness has been completely exhausted and almost dried up. Fortunately, with the nourishment of the power of heaven, the blood and divine power are extremely active, so it doesn't take too much effort , and guided more than a dozen bloodline divine powers hidden in the bloodline to the sea of ​​consciousness, and tightly wrapped that ray of evil energy to avoid any accidents.

However, the divine power of the blood that Wu Yi inspired could only suppress the ray of evil energy. Because of the violent fluctuations in the sea of ​​consciousness, the dark light of the Soul Devouring Pearl broke through the envelope of the white Buddha light, affecting Wu Yi's mind again.

Suppressed anger and violent killing intent hit Wu Yi's mind like a tide. This kind of mental shock would not make Wu Yi completely out of control, but at the critical moment of breaking through to the advanced level, any fluctuation in mood would lead to catastrophe. As a result, once the sea of ​​consciousness collapses, even if the god king is still alive, it will be difficult to reverse it.

Beads of sweat appeared on Wu Yi's forehead, and his whole body began to tremble slightly involuntarily. He originally thought that after the accumulation of Yuanli reached perfection, it would be a matter of course to break through and advance, but he didn't expect that a moment of negligence would make him lose his strength again. Faced with life and death choices.

If he gave up hitting the bottleneck at this moment and mobilized the power of his consciousness to recite the "Heart Sutra of Conquering Demons", he would be able to awaken the Buddha power contained in the nine relics, suppress the Soul Devouring Orb, and ensure his own safety. It is tantamount to declaring the failure of the advanced stage, and the practice in this life is likely to stop here. If you want to break through again, unless you have a great opportunity, this kind of opportunity that can be met but not sought, is illusory and uncertain, and can only be slowed down in the rest of your life. Waiting slowly, but for Wu Yi, this kind of waiting is simply worse than life.

To give up or to persevere, a choice must be made. Wu Yi only hesitated for a moment, and finally chose the latter without hesitation. He forcibly invoked the general blood power to try to suppress the Soul Devouring Orb, and at the same time focused his attention on sensing the way of heaven, striving to achieve the goal in the shortest possible time. Within a short period of time, complete the transformation of spiritual consciousness concentration.

"You boy, I knew that sooner or later I would be tossed to death by you. I didn't expect this day to come so soon. It's too cheating!" Seeing Wu Yi's posture, the ruffian dragon knew that he was determined in his heart and prepared to fight with his back , the intestines were almost remorseful, and he wailed loudly.

"My life is up to me. I am not even afraid of God, so how can I be at the mercy of this little soul-devouring bead?" Wu Yi's attitude was very firm, but the tremors of the sea of ​​consciousness became more and more intense, and the sea of ​​consciousness became more and more violent. Just when the strength showed signs of concentration, it was shaken away again, and the mind was exhausted, all supported by a sense of arrogance.

"What is the origin of your 'Soul Devouring Orb'? When you were born out of nowhere, it almost turned the Tianyuan Continent into a demon realm. Even though it has been heavily sealed now, it is not a matter of minutes to devour you? That's all... that's all... ... This deity and your boy are now grasshoppers on the same rope, so I can only risk my life and gamble with you." The ruffian dragon is very aware of Wu Yi's temperament, he has never taken life and death seriously, and will never Because of the fear of death, he changed his decision, let out a long sigh, his whole body lit up with a dazzling golden light, his half-meter-long body quickly extended to a hundred meters long, and the thick dragon body occupied most of the sea of ​​consciousness, showing a powerful spirit Power, dragon beard fluttering, scale armor shining, very mighty and domineering, after hovering for a while, rushed to the deepest part of the sea of ​​consciousness, covered the string of rosary beads under the body, and immediately suppressed the hatred emitted by the soul-devouring beads. Isolated from killing thoughts, the stability of the sea of ​​​​spiritual consciousness is maintained.

"I'm sorry, I'm really moved by working so hard." Wu Yi said in surprise. He didn't expect that the ruffian dragon, who looked so weak, would have such a strong side. It was deliberately pretending to show him, so as not to arouse his vigilance, and it was not until the real critical moment of life and death that he revealed his true skills.

"Don't be such a jerk, I won't be able to hold on for long, this soul devouring orb is too evil, if you swallow me, you will definitely die!" Pizilong said angrily, and kept avoiding it for fear of being too late. The soul orb has a terrifying devouring power for spirit bodies. If it hadn't been for its cultivation beyond the realm of the god king, it would have disappeared in smoke.

Wu Yi knew that the ruffian dragon was not joking, so he took advantage of this rare moment of calm to try to condense the power of his consciousness. Finally, in the void, a thin white thread as thin as a gossamer appeared, almost invisible, but it was Incomparably real existence, the most critical step, has already been passed.

With the first strand, soon there will be the second strand, and the third strand, the nearly transparent thin lines criss-crossed by the condensed power of spiritual consciousness, and finally form a round sphere, the feeling of mental exhaustion dissipates instantly At this moment, Wu Yi has become a real cultivator in the state of concentration. The control of the power of consciousness is no longer just based on feeling, but an incomparably real existence. With his thoughts, changes Create different shapes, move with your heart, and operate freely.

"Okay, you kid really don't care about this deity's life or death? I leave it to you here, and this deity is going to retreat." Seeing that Wu Yi had passed the most dangerous moment, the ruffian Long quickly pulled away and turned into half a meter long again. The light has dimmed a lot, and it is almost transparent. At that moment just now, the power of the soul has been absorbed a lot, and it may collapse at any time.

The dark light of the Soul Devouring Pearl rose sharply, and a monstrous killing intent surged out, but at this moment, Wu Yi was already fully prepared, his eyes were slightly closed, and he was chanting words, like an old monk in meditation.

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