Dragon Warrior

Chapter 116 - Father-in-law is wise

Situ Lingyun is worthy of being one of the three sons of Nanhua. He quickly realized the seriousness of the matter, but he was not afraid, because he was looking forward to this day even more. Now the finished biochemical soldiers in the underground laboratory are also There are already more than 20 of them. If these big guys are dispatched together, they will probably cause terrible destructive power.


That's just a joke. These biochemical soldiers are not afraid of pain and life and death. How could they be subdued by bullets?

Finally, the blue potion was injected into He Chunfeng's body...

However, at the police station, Wu Yi had asked Dai Wenming to find some experts in this field, ready to study the horror of this biochemical soldier.

In Dai Wenming's office, Dai Wenming helped Wu Yi pour a glass of water, then returned to his seat, and said with a dark face: "Wu Yi, the test results have come out, the cells in that guy's body are very weird, The cells in its body grow very fast, but it maintains a delicate balance. However, experts also said that the lifespan of that guy should not be too long. Under normal circumstances, it can only survive for ten years! "

As a result of this, Wu Yi naturally knew that although these biochemical soldiers looked tyrannical, they only exerted great power by stimulating the huge potential in their bodies.

This can be regarded as a way of drinking poison to quench thirst, and it belongs to the next strategy. He is also a martial arts practitioner himself, and he still has a good understanding of the human body.

"Old Dai, are you wondering why there is such a strange thing in Nanhua City?"

This is the biggest doubt in Wu Yi's mind. The biochemical warrior is a very unharmonious existence, but now it suddenly appeared in Nanhua City, which is really counterintuitive.

Dai Wenming also frowned, pondered for a long time, and said, "I don't know, maybe some people wanted to study some kind of medicine, and came up with such experimental results by accident, right?"

As soon as these words came out, Wu Yi's eyes moved, as if he had thought of something, a wicked sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth, and Dai Wenming, who was looking at him, was puzzled for a while, and thought to himself, this kid smiled so wickedly, did he think of something? no?

"Wu Yi, did you think of something?" Dai Wenming asked, thinking that Wu Yi might know something.

Wu Yi was pulled back by Dai Wenming's words, smiled mysteriously, and said, "Old Dai, I'm not sure about this matter now, but if there is no accident, it should be close to ten. I have something to do, let's go first, Just ask Qin Lan to contact me if something happens."

Before he finished speaking, Wu Yi got up and walked directly outside.

"Hey, you..." Seeing Wu Yi in such a hurry, Dai Wenming was speechless, smiled wryly, and thought, young people are young people.

After leaving the police station, Wu Yi directly called Su Qingxue, "Xiaoxue, where are you now? Okay, wait for me over there, and I'll go find you right away."

After hanging up the phone, Wu Yi directly took a taxi back to Su Tianhong's residence.

"Come back?" Su Tianhong asked with a smile when he saw Wu Yi came back in a hurry.

Wu Yi nodded slightly, looked at Su Qingxue, and asked, "Xiaoxue, is the drug our company researches a drug that can weaken or even make cells gradually die?"

Su Qingxue was slightly taken aback by Wu Yi's sudden question, but soon came back to her senses, nodded and said, "Yes. What's the matter?"

After receiving an affirmative answer, Wu Yi sneered, "It seems that my guess was wrong!"

What Wu Yi said was inexplicable, and the three people in the room were a little confused. Obviously, Wu Yi had been out for such a period of time, and everyone couldn't accept it when he said such strange words as soon as he came back.

"Wu Yi, did something happen?" Su Tianhong asked in a deep voice after having experienced a lot.

"En." Wu Yi nodded and said, "I'm cooperating with the Nanhua City police in investigating that murder case, but today, guess what kind of murderer I caught?"

"Things? Xiao Yi, didn't you say that you are a murderous maniac? Why is it a thing again?" Lu Lao blew on his beard and stared, a little confused.

Wu Yi smiled and said, "It really can't be called a human, because it's a biochemical soldier!"

Among the four people present, except for Su Qingxue, the other three all knew what biochemical warfare soldiers were, and they knew even more how terrifying biochemical warfare soldiers were!

"Wu Yi, are you saying that this murder was done by biochemical soldiers?" Su Tianhong's face also became a little ugly, "If it is really taking something, the matter will be a little serious."

But soon, Su Tianhong frowned, changed the topic, and said in doubt: "That's not right. How could biochemical soldiers suddenly appear in Nanhua City?"

Nanhua City is an inland city, and it is not yet a first-tier big city in China. Biochemical warfare can be said to be a type of war weapon, but it suddenly appeared in an inland city. If it was a high-level terrorist attack, it would definitely not make sense.

Even if Su Tianhong was far-sighted, he really couldn't think clearly.

But Su Tianhong is Su Tianhong, the founder of Tianhong Group, and he quickly grasped the point of the matter. He looked at Wu Yi with burning eyes, and asked in a deep voice: "Wu Yi, you just came back and asked Xiaoxue our heaven Regarding the issue of the Hong Group’s pharmaceuticals, is there any connection between those biochemical warfare soldiers and the pharmaceuticals we are researching?”

"Father-in-law is wise!" Wu Yi patted his ass in a timely manner, smiled, and said, "I have received news before that this anti-cancer drug actually requires the synthesis of two drugs to become a real anti-cancer drug." Pharmaceutical. I waited for the test results at the police station before, and the results of the biochemical soldier’s cells were exactly the opposite of those of the mice in our Tianhong Group laboratory, and the growth of the newborn cells of the biochemical soldier was faster than ours. The aging speed of the company's cells is much faster, and after such a synthesis, it is very likely to be a real anti-cancer drug!"

As soon as these words came out, Su Qingxue was taken aback for a moment, then she clenched her fists and said angrily: "Situ Lingyun is really despicable, he wanted our Su family to help him do a loss-making business from the very beginning!"

Su Tianhong didn't care about these, because he had guessed them since Wu Yi started, but the old god smiled on the ground: "Wu Yi, what are you going to do next?"

"I've already told Director Dai of the Municipal Bureau that I'm going to send the captured biochemical soldier back to the mountain and find their lair!" Wu Yi's eyes shone brightly. Wu Yi absolutely cannot allow his own ambitious behavior. Although he is only Su Qingxue's fiancé at the moment, he is still a judge respected by everyone!

Su Tianhong saw the coldness in Wu Yi's eyes, and nodded slightly. He knew that Wu Yi was really angry, so he took a breath and said in a harmonious voice: "Wu Yi, I know your ability, but you must also Be careful, the Situ family is not that easy to deal with, they have a backer behind them, you must be careful."

Hearing Su Tianhong's concern, Wu Yi nodded and chuckled, "I will be careful, as long as people from Situ's family don't touch my bottom line, I will be merciful, but some people have already touched my bottom line, then it's nothing We can talk about affection."

Wu Yi's tone was firm, and Su Tianhong didn't say any more when he saw this. Although he hasn't been with Wu Yi for a long time, judging from the few meetings between Su Tianhong and Wu Yi, he knows that this young man has his own ideas, and once he decides something, he will definitely put it into practice In action, no one can stop it!

"Okay, it's getting late, Xiaoxue, you and Wu Yi can go home and rest first, the company is still busy tomorrow." Su Tianhong waved his hand, looking a little tired.

Su Qingxue and Wu Yi looked at each other and left Su Tianhong's villa together.

"Wu Yi, are you really sure that Situ Lingyun is behind the terrorist incident in Nanhua City?"

In the car, Su Qingxue still couldn't help but wanted to ask Wu Yi. She had also read the news in Nanhua City recently, and she would feel terrified even when she heard about such horrific tragedies, but she never thought of that. It was made by Situ Lingyun.

After all, I've known Situ Lingyun for a long time, and Situ Lingyun has always been very personable.

Seemingly seeing the doubts in Su Qingxue's heart, Wu Yi sneered and said, "Do you think I'm the kind of person who casually put shit bowls on people's heads? This incident has nothing to do with Situ Lingyun in all likelihood. "

Seeing Wu Yi like this, Su Qingxue nodded slightly and stopped talking.

Wu Yi also felt that his tone was a bit harsh, smiled slightly, and suddenly grabbed Su Qingxue's hand lightly, and said softly: "Xiaoxue, I can't be by your side during this time, you must pay attention to safety, I'm worried that Situ Lingyun will use you to blackmail me if he jumps over the wall in a hurry."

Su Qingxue, who was driving, suddenly felt her hand being held by Wu Yi's. Her body trembled suddenly, her eyes flickered with complex expressions, her red lips moved slightly, she hesitated to speak, and finally reluctantly With a smile, "Well, I will pay attention, and you should also pay attention to safety."

"You don't have to worry about my problem." Wu Yi felt Su Qingxue's strangeness, and felt bitter in his heart. He knew that although Su Qingxue was doing very well now, she still had some grudges against him in her heart. Immediately, he also relaxed. She opened Su Qingxue's hand, "Well, for your safety, let that kid Huang Yulai follow you to protect you."

"Huang Yulai?" Su Qingxue's eyes moved, "Is that the big security guard you took in?"

Wu Yi pursed his lips and chuckled, nodded and said, "That's right, that kid is a trainer and a good player. You can consider training him, because I don't know if I will be busy in the future, so I need to train some brothers to Help me take care of you!"

Su Qingxue was startled, took a deep look at Wu Yi, and said nothing, she knew that Wu Yi was a wandering dragon after all, how could this small shoal in Nanhua City accommodate him?

[The first update arrives! Subscriptions, rewards, monthly tickets, recommendation tickets, all come to the bowl, everyone must be patient and read on, it will be very exciting later, hehe. 】

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