Dragon Warrior

Chapter 1166 Life-saving Straw

Not only did Wu Yi hear that something was wrong, but even Song Qingmu and Song Ziyi felt very surprised. Song Qingmu asked suspiciously: "Mother, how can you say such a thing? Even if you don't want my little sister to talk to Wu Yi Together, it’s still a bit inappropriate to say that.”

"What's wrong, you've already grown up, and Ziyi is eighteen this year, why don't you just choose a date and arrange your marriage, so as to save her from thinking wildly here and causing many troubles." Nie Lanxiu wanted to let Song Ziyi completely gave up, and said out the idea that was suppressed in his heart. In fact, this idea had already existed when Song Ziyi was born, and he has been hiding it until now, and he no longer wants to wait any longer.

"What? Ask me to marry my little sister? This is simply absurd!" Song Qingmu stared, this was the first time he directly contradicted Nie Lanxiu, but this whimsical idea had a real impact on him It was too scary, and I couldn't bear it for a while.

Two red clouds flew up on Song Ziyi's face, and she was shy again, and asked in shock: "Mother, what are you talking about? He is my own brother, how... how can I marry him?" Woolen cloth?"

"Why can't we get married? Now the ancestors' blood is getting thinner and thinner, and it has been very weak when it is passed down to your generation. If it continues, I'm afraid it will be cut off. I think about it, only the two of you get married. Only the descendants born can continue to continue the precious blood of the ancestors and ensure that the inheritance will never die. This is related to Fangcuntai's luck and future, is there any problem?" Nie Lanxiu had a reasonable expression, and this idea was already in the air. She has been brewing in her heart for more than ten years, and it has long been a firm, unquestionable decision.

Wu Yi was still guessing at first, but now it can be confirmed that Nie Lanxiu's unethical decision may have a certain effect on blood cohesion, but it can only treat the symptoms, not the root cause. The power is fully stimulated, and the golden bloodline is gradually revived, so that the continuation of one generation after another will naturally be cut off gradually. Even if it can be continued for another generation, the result will still not change in any way.

But this decision was too expensive for Song Qingmu and Song Ziyi. After all, they were not really closed in the square inch platform, but also had some contact with the outside world. The pressure can be imagined, I am afraid that the cultivation base will stagnate at this point, and this life will be ruined if it is not done well.

"It's impossible to reason with this domineering woman now, and we must prepare early." Wu Yi looked different, with an expression of indifference, but his fingers were sliding slightly, and his movements were very slow and careless Observing, I can't see anything unusual at all, and Nie Lanxiu is also facing this huge challenge at the moment, only thinking about how to persuade these two darlings, and has no time to take care of his little tricks.

"No... I don't agree with... what family responsibility? I don't care... I don't care about everything, anyway, I will never agree." After listening to Song Ziyi, her attitude was unusually firm, no matter how simple she was, she knew this decision It is about the happiness of your life, you must fight hard.

Song Qingmu has always paid attention to maintaining his mother's authority, but at this time, he didn't care so much, and directly retorted: "This decision is too absurd and unreasonable. The inheritance of the family depends on the succession of future generations. Forge ahead, carry on the past and open up the future, follow the footsteps of our ancestors, explore unknown areas, instead of standing still and relying on Weibo's blood and divine power to ensure our status. What's the difference if it lasts one less life?"

This idea coincides with Wu Yi's. The most important thing in martial arts cultivation is to rely on yourself. No matter how precious your blood and divine power are, it is just the wealth left by your ancestors. If you want to go far and steadily, you still have to rely on yourself. Afraid, Song Qingmu was able to say these words, which made Wu Yi look at him with admiration. It has been a while since he stepped into the Tianyuan Continent, and until now he has met a like-minded peer with his own interests, and he has a little more appreciation in his heart.

However, these words touched Nie Lanxiu's rebellion. She did not expect that her son, who has always been well-behaved and sensible, would sing against her. Her strong and domineering personality made her directly issue an ultimatum, and said sharply: "This decision is not to follow You discuss it, but let me tell you that as a member of Fangcuntai, you must be responsible for the future of Fangcuntai, let me go back and face the wall and think about it, and come out if you figure it out, and never come out if you can't figure it out."

Nie Lanxiu has always been very strict with herself, and it is the same with her children. She desperately hopes that Fangcuntai can rise strongly, no longer curl up in Fangcun, and truly feel proud in Tianyuan Continent. This is her lifelong goal, and she will never There will be no wavering in the slightest, so she is not joking when she says this, if they don't follow, they will really be trapped here forever.

"Brother Wu Yi, take me away, will you take me away?" Song Ziyi knows Nie Lanxiu's temper. The last time he broke into the fire-extinct situation, he was imprisoned for three years, and he has not let her go until now. She stepped out of the range of Tianxuan Peak, and every time she went out to take a breath, she had to be escorted by Qingluan, or accompanied by Song Qingmu, and was always under surveillance. She had already had enough of this feeling, and she didn't want to continue endlessly .

If she hadn't witnessed all this before, Wu Yi would have refused without hesitation, but now, the only life-saving straw that Song Ziyi could grasp when she was about to despair, pulled her up unexpectedly.

"Okay... I'll take you away." Wu Yi's tone was calm, but his eyes were extremely confident and firm. This simple sentence was equivalent to putting his own wealth and life on him, and it weighed more than ten thousand gold.

"Stinky boy... I knew it would be a disaster to keep you in this world. I didn't expect it to come so soon. I will kill you now, so as not to confuse people here." Nie Lanxiu was full of anger and had nowhere to vent. , Seeing Wu Yi jumping out, the monstrous killing intent poured down like a flood, and the mighty coercion caused the whole bamboo building to shake slightly, making a crisp sound of "creak... creak...", as if it had been endured Can't stand it, it may collapse at any time.

"If you still want to kill me, it depends on whether your hands are fast enough!" Wu Yi sacrificed the golden cauldron to protect his whole body. At the same time, his hands quickly carved in the void. With complex and mysterious lines, the space begins to distort, and everything seems like a dream.

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