Dragon Warrior

Chapter 119 Bold Artists 【Subscribe! 】

"What do you mean?" He Chunfeng's dark eyes flashed, and when he shifted his gaze to the monitoring screen, a bloodthirsty gleam appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"I don't know who is so skilled and bold enough to go here alone. It turned out to be Wu Yi!" Situ Lingyun snorted coldly. He hated Wu Yi to the core. When he saw Wu Yi this time, He can't wait to eat meat and drink his blood!

"Situ, let me go first, I am very confident that I can defeat him with one punch!" He Chunfeng clenched his fists tightly, and his eyes showed a look of eagerness to fight.

Situ Lingyun smiled, and said: "Mr. He, don't worry, how can you kill a chicken with a bull's knife? Let's see how much Wu Yi weighs. If he can't even deal with those treasures under me, then just let him go!" It won't be too late to catch it and hand it over to the two of us."

Situ Lingyun thought to himself that he would rely on these biochemical soldiers under his command to deal with Wu Yi, so that his sense of accomplishment would be even stronger. He wanted to tell everyone that even those who are not martial arts practitioners can be powerful and invincible!

Wu Yi trampled on Situ Lingyun's self-esteem, self-confidence and pride, so Situ Lingyun hoped to use his own strength to trample Wu Yi under his feet. Only with self-confidence can he regain his pride as a man.

Although, he will never be able to become a normal man.

Wu Yi and Qin Lan followed the tracking device all the way to the abandoned factory in front of them, stopped the car, Wu Yi looked around, suddenly his eyes moved, and a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Wu Yi, could it be this place? It's so remote?" Qin Lan saw that the place was so dilapidated that it seemed that it had already been deserted. She was a little worried that there was something wrong with Wu Yi's tracking device.

Wu Yi smiled, pointed to the monitoring probe in a corner of the factory entrance, and said with a smile, "It must be here. Presumably our friends should have prepared a biochemical feast for us."

"What? We were discovered? Will they run away?" Qin Lan asked her doubts. If those people knew that the police were coming, they would definitely run away.

Wu Yi was taken aback, and the corners of his mouth twitched. Your grandfather, your nerves are really not normal. After pointing a middle finger towards the monitoring probe, Wu Yi said: "Okay, let's go in, but don't worry. Don't keep our friends waiting too long."

After speaking, he walked in first, Qin Lan also pulled out the gun from his waist, and followed directly.

Walking into the factory, the inside is dark and empty, but there are some disposable lunch boxes and other garbage in the corner, which shows that someone here has brought them here before, and judging from the degree of change of the lunch boxes, it should not be long.

"Remember, don't shoot lightly later, just follow me closely." Wu Yi stopped and reminded Qin Lan again.

It was pitch black all around. When Wu Yi spoke, the echo was a little loud. This weird atmosphere made Qin Lan feel a little timid. After all, she was just a woman, and it was almost a woman's nature to be afraid of the dark.

"Well, I know." Qin Lan followed closely behind Wu Yi, as if as long as he could feel the man's body temperature, he could feel a little bit of safety.

Without further ado, Wu Yi searched around the factory, but he couldn't find any flaws, but just when the two were about to give up, there was a rumbling sound from a room in the factory. It seems to be the sound produced when some metal is opened and closed. This immediately attracted the attention of Wu Yi and Qin Lan.

Quickly rushing to the room where the sound came from, a "door" like an underground manhole cover opened, and there was a faint light below, sometimes accompanied by low growls, which made people feel shuddering.

"What, what is this?" Qin Lan gave Wu Yi a weak look and asked in a low voice.

"Our opponent is really kind. It seems that he found that we couldn't find the entrance, so he took the initiative to invite us in." Wu Yi sneered, his eyes flashing sharply.

"These guys want to invite you into the urn?" Qin Lan frowned, and tightened his hand holding the pistol again.

Wu Yi smiled, thinking that this chick's idioms were pretty good, "Let's go, no matter what the other party thinks, since he invited us in, it would be really shameful if we didn't go in."

After finishing speaking, Wu Yi walked directly through the "door".

"Hey, Wu Yi, wait for me." Seeing Wu Yi leaving, Qin Lan followed closely.

As soon as the two of them walked down, the round door that was originally open unexpectedly closed with a bang. Qin Lan jumped in fright, grabbed Wu Yi's arm tightly, and asked, "Wu Yi, what's the deal now?" But what to do? The door is closed."

Regarding the sudden closure of the entrance passage door, Wu Yi frowned tightly. If this is really a trap set up by the other party, and if the entire tunnel suddenly explodes, then he and Qin Lan may really die dead body, and this place is so secret, even if there is an explosion underground, no one may find it.

"Don't be afraid. They're inside too." Wu Yi patted Qin Lan's hand, but looked around.

The place they are in at the moment is a relatively spacious tunnel, which seems to be excavated manually later, the ground is a bit uneven, and there are still some debris and bones around. When seeing these, Wu Yi frowned tightly .

This place is obviously the lair of biochemical warfare soldiers!


Just when Qin Lan was a little scared, low roars like wild animals came from the depths of the tunnel one after another.

Listening to these voices, there are probably more than a dozen biochemical soldiers. Qin Lan couldn't help but tremble when she thought of so many big men who were not afraid of death fighting with Wu Yi. She regretted agreeing to Wu Yi to fight with Wu Yi He acted alone, this is simply hitting an egg with a stone!

"Wu Yi, they seem to be a lot of people." Qin Lan said cautiously.

Wu Yi nodded slightly, and said, "It seems a bit much." Immediately, he pulled a sharp dagger from his legs and feet.

It is said to be a dagger, but in fact it is just a fruit knife.

Seeing the fruit knife in Wu Yi's hand, Qin Lan rolled her eyes immediately, and said angrily, "Wu Yi, I'd better give you the gun. Do you know how to use a gun?"

Wu Yi looked at the gun handed over by Qin Lan, pursed his lips and smiled, and asked, "The gun was given to me, what do you do?"

Qin Lan was taken aback, not daring to meet Wu Yi's gaze, thought for a while, and said, "I'm fine, don't you still protect me in front?"

Wu Yi smiled, and had a good impression of Qin Lan's subconscious behavior in his heart. He compared the fruit knife in his hand and said, "I like this thing better."

"But..." Seeing that Wu Yi was so persistent, Qin Lan opened her mouth and wanted to persuade him, but Wu Yi had already rushed forward alone.

Seeing Wu Yi being so capricious, Qin Lan stomped his feet angrily, grabbed the pistol tightly, and followed quickly, "I'll just cover him behind him, and I'll shoot when he is in danger."

But thinking that there were only eight bullets in his pistol, Qin Lan felt helpless again.

Soon, Wu Yi saw a big man lying on his back facing Wu Yi, with his head lowered as if he was gnawing on something.

It wasn't until Wu Yi saw the blood-stained cloth on the ground that Wu Yi frowned, and the anger in his heart welled up. He could see that these guys were eating!

The biochemical soldier who was eating seemed to smell the smell of fresh flesh. He paused for a moment when he was injured, then turned around suddenly, and saw Wu Yi holding a fruit knife.


A bloodthirsty light full of excitement shot out from its blood-red eyes, it licked the corner of its mouth full of blood and minced meat, and strode towards Wu Yi.


Wu Yi only saw the victim's corpse before, but now he saw these biochemical soldiers eating with his own eyes, which completely aroused Wu Yi's anger.

Although Uncle Yi, who was furious, was short in stature, he seemed to be more powerful than the huge biochemical soldier in terms of aura.

In the research room at the deepest part of the tunnel, Situ Lingyun sneered evilly, and said, "Wu Yi is really a brave man with a high skill. He actually wants to fight my babies so directly. He really wants to die!"

He Chunfeng narrowed his eyes and looked at everything on the screen seriously, but he was not as optimistic as Situ Lingyun. Instead, he said in a deep voice, "I don't think so."

"Oh? Mr. He, are you underestimating my bio-warriors or are you thinking too much of Wu Yi?" Situ Lingyun became a little dissatisfied with He Chunfeng's disappointment. In his mind, his bio-warriors were the strongest exist!

He Chunfeng did not answer Situ Lingyun, but watched the scene in the surveillance video lightly, "Look, your biochemical soldier is going to die."

"This can't be..."

Situ Lingyun only thought that He Chunfeng was joking. His biochemical soldiers were invincible and the most perfect existence. They didn't have any shortcomings. They were brave enough to die. Even if their heads were lost, they could still fight. Yes, how could it be possible to die?

But before he finished speaking, his voice stopped abruptly. Looking at the scene on the surveillance video, his mouth opened wide. He really didn't believe that the scene in front of him was real.

I saw the ridiculous-looking fruit knife in Wu Yi's hand pierced the biochemical soldier's body neatly, and then, the biochemical soldier who was originally extremely ferocious and ferocious fell to the ground like this?

"Wu Yi, you, who are you?" Situ Lingyun quickly calmed down, took a deep breath, and waited for the next thing!

Today, Wu Yi must stay here!

[Today's outbreak, the fifth watch, the first watch arrives! 】

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