Dragon Warrior

Chapter 1201 Bear Infestation

What is the most important thing in life is a goal worth striving for. This goal should not be too big or too illusory, but it should be close at hand and within reach. With this goal, there will be motivation and you will not feel confused , confused and hesitant.

Song Qingmu also had a goal in the past, which was the goal that Nie Lanxiu set for him when he was born, to revive Fangcuntai and carry forward the inheritance of his ancestors. This goal has been with him for nearly twenty years, but the inheritance of his ancestors How to make it flourish, how far Fangcuntai must develop before it can be regarded as a revival, I am afraid that even Nie Lanxiu herself can't explain all this clearly, she only knows that she is weak and weak, and it is impossible to complete this task. The mission is over, so I pin all my hopes on Song Qingmu.

But can Song Qingmu make it through? God doesn't know, and he himself doesn't know. So this goal is too ambitious, too illusory, so that he can't see any hope, even if he scratches his head anxiously, he doesn't know where to start, so he can only practice desperately, advance desperately, most of the time, Still in a very dazed and muddled state.

However, it is different now, he has a new goal, not only does this goal not conflict with his grand ambition, but once realized, it will be closer to his ultimate goal, then the situation will be quite different.

Lie Yanshi is not an illusory fairy, but a real existence, sitting not far away, raising his proud neck, unwilling to even look at him, and his current goal is to take down this proud Peacock, let her follow him obediently and follow his footsteps with adoring eyes all the time. This goal is within reach, and it fills him with fighting spirit.

With Wu Yi's analysis and guidance, the confusion in his heart was swept away, and his mind was clearer than ever before. With a goal and a direction, what should he do next? It is natural to go step by step.

"Big brother, I will call you big brother from now on. Thank you for lighting up the light for me. Fingerprint the direction. I ran out with you. This move is considered right. From now on... I will follow you from now on." Song Qingmu sprayed Smelling of alcohol, his tongue was a little knotted when he spoke, but his expression was extremely excited.

Wu Yi quickly evaded and said: "You are the successor of Fangcuntai, and behind you there is such a powerful mother and an old grandmother with unfathomable cultivation. I am a widow and have no family, how can I be your eldest brother? If you hang out with me, don't you have no future at all?"

"No...no...it has nothing to do with status, power, or half a dime. I just admire you. I have admired you since the time of Sumeru. I am very convinced, you are my big brother, I will recognize you wherever you go, as long as you think highly of me, you will be a brother for life." Although Song Qingmu didn't speak very fluently, he spoke from the bottom of his heart.

It is still not easy for Song Qingmu to say these words. After all, in Tianyuan Continent, his status is comparable to that of sect inheritors like Shi Kong and Linghuyu, while Wu Yi just came from Huaxia It is already very sincere for an unknown person to condescend to be so condescending.

"My good brother, I support you. If you work hard, you will surely succeed." Wu Yi felt a little excited in his heart. He has been in Tianyuan Continent for nearly three years, and it is also very rare to have a close brother.

The grandson of the Han family, Monkey, is also a teacher and a friend. Although he speaks freely on weekdays, he regards Wu Yi as his master in his heart. , but in his heart he was regarded as the young master, but Song Qingmu was different. The two were about the same age, not much different in strength, and had many similarities, so they could be regarded as real brothers.

The two hooked up shoulder to shoulder, and chatted more and more speculatively. Before they knew it, three hours had passed. Song Ziyi leaned on Xiaohuo's back and had already fallen into a deep sleep. Lie Yanshi at the side finally couldn't stand it anymore, got up and walked Come over and ask: "Have you two had enough to drink? If you don't continue on your way, we will split up. You can afford it, but Fenglai Pavilion can't afford it!"

"Haste makes waste. Opportunity can't be found. Maybe we'll stay here, and some wild beasts will come out to contribute the purple fire crystal?" Wu Yi was drinking happily, and didn't want to leave, smiling Said.

"Hmph... don't think about making progress, don't think about making progress, don't seek each other when we have different ways, let's go first." Lie Yanshi has endured to the limit. With such a wonderful combination, if they continue to form an alliance with them, it will definitely drive her crazy.

"Aw... aw... aw..."

As soon as Lie Yanshi turned around, the ground suddenly began to tremble slightly, and then there was a loud roar, a firemane bear wobbled out, waved its huge bear paw, and rushed towards them.

This firemane bear probably couldn't stand the temptation of the smell of barbecue, so it rushed over regardless of the danger. It's a bit fierce, and it looks a little naive. It's brown all over, with a 'V'-shaped fluff under its neck. It's no different from Wu Yi's soul sealed in the mace, except that its body is twice as large. There are more than five meters high, and every step forward will cause a lot of vibrations, as if an earthquake is about to happen, and the momentum is still very alarming.

"woo woo woo woo……"

"Squeak... squeak..."

Xiao Huo and Xiao San'er, who were sleeping soundly, suddenly became alert, rolled over and sat up, with a low warning in their throats, ready to rush over to fight at any time, only Song Ziyi rubbed his sleepy eyes, still not clear about the situation.

Wu Yi grinned and said: "I'm right! It seems that God is kind to us. Knowing that we haven't had enough wine, he specially sent two bear paws to accompany the wine. It's so considerate."

"Don't move, all of you don't move, I'll let my younger brother cut this pair of bear paws, just treat it as a snack for my elder brother." Song Qingmu stood up, gearing up, his whole body surrounded by cyan energy, as if he was ready to attack .

"I was just joking, you kid, don't be impulsive. Although this kind of firemane bear has not yet evolved into a monster, it is already a real ancient beast. It must have extraordinary supernatural powers. It is still unclear whether it is real or not. You can't do it rashly, let it grab two pieces of barbecue, and it will go away naturally." Wu Yi said with a wave of his hand.

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