Dragon Warrior

Chapter 1203

Song Qingmu's reaction made Wu Yi a little surprised. In the past, when he was in danger, he always pinned his hopes on himself. Before Wu Yi could make a move, he took the initiative to ask for help. He didn't give up, he changed his previous elegant image, and became a bit more manly. This kind of personality is more in line with Wu Yi's appetite, so after hearing this, he simply stood aside and really became a bystander.

However, he didn't completely ignore it. The power of his spiritual consciousness diffused out, forming an invisible big net, which firmly controlled the firemane bear. Xiong's actions saved Song Qingmu, but Song Qingmu didn't break through the state of concentration and couldn't sense this kind of power, so he wouldn't have a kind of dependence and face everything alone.

Now that Wu Yi has made this choice, Lie Yanshi will naturally not be in a hurry to make a move. She also transmits the power of divine consciousness to form a tighter net. Of course, this is not Song Qingmu's YY. The reason is that when Lie Fentian entered the secret realm, he once told her to ensure the safety of the two brothers and sisters as much as possible. After all, he is the only bloodline inheritor of Fangcuntai. Completely lost hope, there was some misunderstanding between the two forces, but Lie Fentian didn't want to see this kind of situation.

"Brother, don't be brave, this brown bear is so powerful that it will tear you apart!" Song Ziyi was anxious like an ant on a hot pot, struggling to get rid of Wu Yi, and at the same time Said hastily.

"Isn't it just a brute force? How can the majestic young master of the square inch platform be put down by a savage beast? You can stay at the side with peace of mind and see how your brother can turn things around!" Although Song Qingmu was almost squeezed into A piece of meatloaf, but the momentum is extremely high-pitched, the whole body is shining with dazzling blue light, and it starts to fight back vigorously, with both arms exerting strength, the veins on the forehead are bulging, and it is almost used up all the strength of breastfeeding.

The ideal is full, but the reality is very skinny. Song Qingmu thought that if he fought hard, he could at least jump out of the firemane bear's arms, but he didn't move at all. Those bear arms were thicker than his thighs. The strength is so great that it is difficult to shake it at all, but the firemane bear has not exhausted its strength, so it directly hugged him and aimed at a huge boulder, which was about to smash it down with all its strength.

"Brother, you have to use your brain when fighting, don't always be tough!" Wu Yi couldn't stand it anymore, and reminded him from the side, but he didn't understand it, but just pointed out a direction and let him go by himself perception.

Song Qingmu just lacked experience in battle, and his nature was very upright, even simple, so he naturally seemed a little slow in action. Hearing Wu Yi's reminder, his heart suddenly moved. He couldn't come hard. Where is the softest place? The place he can attack is naturally the firemane bear's head. Instead of fighting with those arms, it is better to attack its most vulnerable head.

The front chest was tightly strangled, but the lower body was free. Song Qingmu bent down, hooked his feet upside down, and kicked directly on the pointed nose of the Fire-maned Bear. This hit hit the Fire-maned Bear. He was busy covering his nose with his palms, and unconsciously let go of Song Qingmu, and finally got rid of those iron arms, breathed fresh air again, and the hanging life finally fell to the ground.

"Brother, thank you for reminding me, this time it's my turn!" Song Qingmu finally regained his freedom and found the weakness of the firemane bear. He hit the Firemane Bear's head, punching it to the flesh, causing it to bleed profusely from the nose, whimpering again and again, and almost sat on the ground.

Song Ziyi saw that Song Qingmu had finally reversed his decline, laughed through his tears, and cheered from the sidelines, clapping his hands and applauding: "Brother is so powerful, come on, brother!"

"Will it be so strenuous to fight like this earlier?" Wu Yi also showed a gratified smile. At least Song Qingmu is not pedantic and can adjust his strategy in time. If he continues to fight so stubbornly, Xiang will probably be squeezed out.

When confronting an enemy, momentum is very important, especially in the face of an evenly matched opponent. With strong self-confidence and courage that will never retreat, many times it can determine the victory or defeat of this battle. After Song Qingmu succeeds in one blow, his momentum is like Hong, launched another storm-like attack, forcing the Firemane Bear to retreat again and again, spilling bright red nosebleed all the way, clutching his nose, almost unable to hold on anymore.

"No... No... How could this injury make it so defeated, no good... Come back, come back!" Wu Yi was looking vigorously, when he suddenly saw the eyes of the Firemane Bear, and there was a hint of panic in his seemingly flustered eyes. Hidden cunning, cold sweat suddenly broke out on the spine, and before he could figure out where the danger was, he loudly warned without hesitation.

However, he was still one step too late. The Firemane Bear, who was retreating one after another, stopped suddenly at the moment Wu Yi gave the warning. The two red eyes emitted terrifying power of consciousness, before Wu Yi could use his consciousness to imprison him. , to completely seal off this space.

It is obviously an ancient savage beast with undeveloped spiritual intelligence, but it knows how to use divine consciousness to attack. Neither Wu Yi nor Lie Yanshi expected this. The two attacked almost at the same time, and a big net intertwined with the power of spiritual consciousness completely enveloped it , but the strength of the firemane bear is already comparable to them, this kind of confinement force can only delay its action, but cannot completely stop it, while Song Qingmu completely lost the power of action, watching the huge bear The palm print was on his shoulder, and the bone was broken immediately, bleeding profusely, and the whole right shoulder collapsed a large part, exposing the white broken bone, which was shocking and tragic.

Zang Zhuo, a wild beast that seems to be manic and violent, actually knows how to hide Zhuo. Song Qingmu didn't perceive the power of consciousness transmitted by Wu Yi and Lie Yanshi, but it did, so it pretended to be invincible , retreating again and again, let them relax their vigilance, just this moment of relaxation, it has a chance to make a move.

Wu Yi has an instinctive intuition about danger. This may be because he has experienced too many desperate situations and cultivated a mysterious sixth sense. That unobvious look in his eyes suddenly tightened his heart. If the wild beast fell into a frenzy, how could it retreat because of this little injury? The herd of wild boars just encountered had their abdomens torn apart and their intestines fell out, and they were still rushing upwards screaming, but did this firemane bear give up resistance just after being kicked a few times on the nose?

This is absolutely impossible. The reason why it made such a choice was because it realized the mortal danger and wanted to save its own life.

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