Dragon Warrior

Chapter 1224

Harmonization of yin and yang With the protective mask laid by the white-bearded old man, walking in this big melting furnace is not so strenuous at all. The deeper you go, the hotter the temperature and the stronger the coercion, even though the body is not so strong. Painful, but the mental tempering still continues, as if it will never end.

"Brother, when are we going to go? This place is at least four or five kilometers away from the ground. If we continue to go deeper, we will really go to the center of the earth. It will not be easy to get out!"

The further Song Qingmu walked, the more uncertain he felt. There were red rock walls above and around his head, and their life and death were completely controlled by the whim of the white-bearded old man.

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo..." Xiao Huo was also a little anxious, and came over to rub Wu Yi's trousers from time to time, making a low whimpering sound in his throat. Obviously, this invisible pressure made him feel very uncomfortable. .

"Hey... it should be here soon. If you want to control Tianhuo, how can you not suffer a little bit? If you persist, you will definitely get through." Wu Yi patted Xiaohuo on the head, comforting it, and at the same time doing it for himself Cheer up, it seems that there is a big mountain pressing on his heart all the time, and he can't feel it anymore, but he hasn't shown it all the time.

The white-bearded old man didn't seem to feel anything at all, and he didn't even need a protective mask. He walked directly in the crimson cave, and the cluster of flames above his head danced erratically, as if cheering and dancing, swaying left and right with the rhythm of his progress. , projecting a tortuous phantom, which looked a bit weird. After walking for a full hour, he finally stopped.

The dark and hot cave has come to an end. In front of you is a very wide stone room, about the size of a football field. There are many rock pillars, stalagmites hanging upside down, and the ground is also full of potholes. The only trace is that in the middle of the stone room, there is a huge magic circle. The silver-white brilliance flows, forming a light curtain, covering the entire stone room, and the scorching temperature and terrifying pressure are all isolated. Walk into the stone room , the pressure suddenly disappeared.

"If you can persevere until now, you have passed the first test, playing with fire and self-immolation. You should all understand this truth. If you don't have a little endurance and want to control the sky fire, you will kill yourself. If you give up this idea as soon as possible, how much more can you do?" Live for a few years." With a wave of his sleeves, the white-bearded old man removed the shield of Yuanli defense, and with the protection of the silver light curtain, he can move freely.

Song Qingmu heard that he had passed the first test and had the qualification to control the sky fire. He was very excited and quickly echoed: "What the senior said is right. The sharp edge of a sword comes from sharpening, and the fragrance of plum blossoms comes from bitter cold. Where will there be a free lunch?"

"Could it be that this is the place where seniors retreat and practice? I never expected that seniors are proficient in magic circles. It's amazing to arrange such a complicated magic circle deep in the center of the earth!" Wu Yi observed carefully for a moment, thinking Secretly surprised, this magic circle is very unusual. With his understanding of the magic circle, he can't see through the mystery. He only knows that such a complicated magic circle is not just a defensive magic circle, it must have other magical functions, but He just couldn't penetrate it in a short period of time, which also shows that the old man with white beard's attainments in the magic circle has far surpassed him, and also surpassed the Huangfu family based on the magic circle.

"Hehe...you two brats, don't you think that the sky fire really grows in the sky? The center of the earth is where the source of the fire gathers. If you want to breed the sky fire, the closer you are to the center of the earth, the better. Here is It is an excellent place to cultivate the power of heaven and fire. I created this magic circle to gather the source of raging fire and speed up the speed of cultivation. You are lucky enough to set foot in this blessed place. Hurry up and experience it!" The old man with white beard explained with a smile.

This point is very similar to Han Lidian's idea. The pure yang fire in Wu Yi's body was transformed in this way, but the Wulong mountain is nothing compared to the flame mountain, and the condensed place Huo Yuanli's magic circle cannot be compared with this complicated big circle in front of him. The two lead to the same goal, but there is a big difference.

Wu Yi was a little puzzled. If the white-bearded old man was really just an illusion of the original power of the fire, how could he arrange such a profound magic circle? Thinking about Song Qingmu's previous worries, he was even more heartbroken. He kept an extra thought in secret, and didn't reveal anything. Instead, he stepped into the magic circle according to the fingerprints of the white-bearded old man, to feel the original power of the raging fire.

Anyway, with the strength of the white-bearded old man, any resistance seemed superfluous. Showing doubts and worries at this time will only lead to death faster. It is better to take one step at a time and find out the truth first.

Song Qingmu and Xiaohuo followed closely behind and walked into the very center of the magic circle. There was a jade platform there, the whole body was snow-white, exuding bursts of chill, like a piece of ten thousand-year-old ice, even the terror deep in the heart of the earth High temperature is also difficult to melt.

According to the fingerprints of the white-bearded old man, Wu Yi and Song Qingmu were all sitting cross-legged on the jade platform. Suddenly, a piercing chill invaded and flowed along the blood vessels, almost freezing the blood vessels. At the same time, the magic circle began to operate. Another wave of heat surged up, bringing bursts of warmth, extreme heat and extreme cold, two completely different yuan forces collided in the body, almost shattering their bodies, the meridians burst inch by inch, the yuan force rampaged, the drama Heartbreaking, excruciating pain.

Wu Yi has experienced this feeling several times, but he can still bear it, but Song Qingmu is different. He opened his mouth wide and wanted to shout, but he couldn't make a sound, and his forehead was covered with fine beads of sweat. , was soon transpired into water vapor, completely blinded his eyes, Xiaohuo didn't stand on the jade platform, and felt less pain, but the terrifying high temperature still made it unbearable, so he had to run the purple fire's power to the extreme, Form a small light curtain, barely able to protect itself.

"Little Huo, come up quickly, without this icy cold power, you won't be able to resist for long." Wu Yi also exhausted all his strength before he managed to pass a divine thought, pulling Xiao Huo up who was still struggling , he has roughly understood the secret of the white bearded old man's cultivation, extreme heat and extreme cold, just like the yin and yang recorded in the ancient scriptures circulating in China, seem to be diametrically opposite, but there are many hidden changes.

All things bear yin and embrace yang. Only when the qi is in harmony and the yin and yang are in harmony can they run smoothly and be omnipotent.

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