Dragon Warrior

Chapter 1228 See you soon

When Wu Yi saw the magic circle arranged by the white-bearded old man, he was wary in his heart. Facing such a terrifying master, I am afraid that only the Soul-devouring Orb can compete with it. The strange treasure I was chasing did not belong to the Tianyuan Continent at all, and had special attributes that could not be controlled by ordinary yuan power.

His initial idea was to arouse the evil energy, annihilate it with his spiritual consciousness, and die with the old man with white beard as a result of losing his mind. This would at least ensure the safety of Song Qingmu and Xiao Huo, but he learned that the old man with white beard was also The body of the soul is naturally overjoyed, the Soul Devouring Orb is born to devour the soul, even the ruffian dragon is very afraid, it is naturally suitable for dealing with this old guy.

"Boy, I advise you not to be impulsive. The Soul-devouring Orb is far more terrifying than you can imagine. It is not a treasure that you can control at all. If you force it, even if you can kill this old guy, you will definitely not survive. You must think twice before going down." After sensing Wu Yi's idea, Pi Zilong immediately warned through sound transmission that once the evil spirit invaded his mind, he would completely lose himself, and the consequences would be disastrous.

Ruffian Dragon and Wu Yi have already concluded a soul contract, which is equivalent to a grasshopper on a rope. Even if he doesn't think about Wu Yi, he still worries about his own life, so this is by no means a threat, but an irrefutable fact.

Wu Yi himself doesn't know why, the feeling of being controlled by the evil spirit is unforgettable, and he will never forget it in this life. The seals of the nine Buddhist relics are gradually loosened, and the soul-devouring beads are becoming more and more restless. It can be suppressed with blood and divine power. If he activates the Soul-devouring Orb rashly, the end will be miserable, but this time he not only has to consider himself, but also Song Qingmu and Xiaohuo. Wu Yi values ​​their lives more than himself , it is absolutely impossible to give up trying because of this concern.

And under such circumstances, even if he doesn't use this last hole card, he will end up dead. If the old man with white beard really wants to succeed in the tribulation, he will definitely leave them behind. If it is squeezed out, it will not be able to bear the scorching temperature, and it will eventually turn into a puff of smoke, which will be scattered with the wind. It is a death anyway, and it is better to risk your life.

So Wu Yi ignored the ruffian dragon's warning at all, but thought hard about the timing of the attack. The speed of the blood was getting slower and slower. If the golden blood was squeezed out, he might not have the strength to attack, so it must be The sooner the better, but the white-bearded old man was nearly ten meters away from him, and there was a magic circle blocking him, so it was difficult to get close.

"Hmph... I think I'm some kind of big shot, but I'm just a lonely ghost. With your remnant soul, I want to squeeze the golden blood out of my master's body, and I will die as soon as possible, unless you can drill into it. Put it in the young master's head, or you won't even think about it in this life." Wu Yi sneered with a look of disdain on his face.

If the white-bearded old man is really a soul body, he can naturally enter Wu Yi's sea of ​​consciousness, and control his consciousness just like a god king, so that Wu Yi can completely give up resistance. Some specific moments will have unexpected miraculous effects.

The white-bearded old man hit a large number of runes one after another, with little effect. After all, the golden blood belongs to Wu Yi. He is running at a high speed, and it is not easy to interrupt it with external force. However, after listening to Wu Yi's words, he His eyes lit up, and he said excitedly: "You reminded me, as long as you enter the sea of ​​your consciousness and control your thinking, how can you be right with me?"

Before the words fell, the short and fat body turned into a stream of light, rushing directly from Wu Yi's eyebrows into the sea of ​​his consciousness. Everything happened so suddenly that even Wu Yi almost didn't react, but in the white beard At the moment when the old man invaded, he withdrew his blood and divine power without hesitation, allowing the dissipated wisp of evil energy to run rampant. It was originally a black thread as thin as a gossamer, but after regaining freedom, it quickly turned into a roaring The black dragon went straight to the old man with white beard.

The Soul-devouring Orb has the special attribute of devouring the power of the soul. Naturally, he found the old man with the white beard who had the most powerful soul power from the very beginning. Barely maintaining a trace of emptiness in the Lingtai, his expression was very painful.

"Devil spirit? I didn't expect that the rare treasure that the two races have been fighting for for hundreds of years is actually hidden in the sea of ​​consciousness of a young boy. You really gave me many surprises. You are simply a lucky star coming to this world. "When the old man with the white beard saw this ray of evil energy, he was not chased into the sky like a ruffian dragon and was in danger. Instead, his eyes lit up, showing a look of surprise, and he was not nervous at all.

"Damn it, what the hell is going on? Could it be that even the devil's energy can't help him?" Wu Yi was delighted to see the white-bearded old man rushing into his sea of ​​consciousness, but he never expected that the white-bearded man would rush into his sea of ​​consciousness. Not only was the old man with a beard not swallowed, but he looked calm, his face was ecstatic, and his beard was about to stand up.

The black dragon transformed by the evil energy rushed to the top of the old man with white beard, and was blocked by a white light, unable to move. Finally, it was suppressed into a black thread, and the old man with white beard held him in front of his eyes and observed carefully.

"Sure enough, it's a strange treasure. It actually contains such a fierce evil spirit that can confuse people's minds. No wonder it caused such a big shock back then. With such a treasure, the road to heaven is just around the corner, just around the corner!" the old-fashioned white beard observed. After a while, he became more and more excited, and his voice trembled a little. The power of his spiritual consciousness turned into a giant hand, and he searched in Wu Yi's sea of ​​spiritual consciousness, and finally detained the string of rosary beads. The white and black rays of light intertwined together, and the Soul-devouring Orb slowly rotated, as if it was about to escape from the suppression of the Buddhist relics and completely regain its freedom.

"You also know about the Soul Devouring Orb, and you can even control the devil's qi, isn't that an exaggeration!" Wu Yi was completely speechless. When he met such a perverted old guy, he really kicked the iron plate. With a hole card, he didn't even blow the bubble, and was completely suppressed like this, and he felt extremely aggrieved.

"Hehe... Do you think that the old man has lived for 1,300 years, and he is trapped in this mountainside all day? When the old man was galloping in the Three Realms, he never saw any strange things, let alone shocked the entire Tianyuan Continent. It's a rare treasure from the demon world." The white bearded old man said proudly with a flash of arrogance in his eyes.

After a long time, Wu Yi finally understood what it meant.

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