Dragon Warrior

1235 Chapter 1237: Do a Good Deed

Song Qingmu was only thinking about Song Ziyi's safety, so he didn't care about any danger, he didn't listen to Wu Yi's warning at all, rushed to Lie Yanshi, shook her shoulder and asked, "Where's my sister? Where is she? Didn't you promise me to keep her safe? "

"Brother... I am here, I am here, you are finally back, woo woo woo..." Song Ziyi heard Song Qingmu's voice, crawled out from a narrow crack in the rock, and saw his own Dear relatives, the repressed grievances and fears all came to my heart, and I couldn't help but burst into tears, but the voice was clear and loud, full of energy, and I didn't get hurt at all.

The Lieyan Stone was already at the end of its strength, being shaken by Song Qingmu so thoughtlessly, it could no longer support it, the suspended feathers fell to the ground, and the colorful rays of light scattered and disappeared like water waves, and its body softened, and it fell on the ground. Fortunately, at this time, Wu Yi and Xiao Huo had arrived in time, the golden cauldron slowly rotated, and countless misty golden lights hung down to protect them. The group of bloodthirsty killers , were also completely isolated, but they did not disperse, but continued to wander around, looking for an opportunity to strike.

"I'm sorry, I thought my little sister had already..., so I blamed you." Song Qingmu hugged Lie Yanshi cautiously, and explained with guilt on his face. It turned out that Lie Yanshi had hidden Song Ziyi in the boulder behind him long ago. Among them, as long as this last barrier is not broken, Song Ziyi's safety can be guaranteed.

"You guys are finally back, and I finally didn't break my promise. Now you should be responsible for her safety." Lie Yanshi had no energy to get angry at this moment, and there was a look of relief in his eyes, and finally slowly He closed his eyes, lost a lot of blood, and exhausted his vitality. At this moment, there was no external pressure, and he fell into a coma. His hair was disheveled, his face was pale, a little less fierce, and a little more poignant.

Song Qingmu gently wiped the blood from the corner of Lie Yanshi's mouth, and his heart was full of gratitude. In the world of cultivation where the weak prey on the strong and the winner is king, for a promise, people who can do this without regard to their own safety are already rare , can meet but not ask for.

"Little San'er, well done. Thanks to you this time, let's take a breath. Just leave it to us." After Wu Yi sacrificed the golden cauldron, he also quickly fed Xiao San'er a few pills to restore vitality. Maintaining the open state of God's Eye for such a long time has exhausted its potential. If it is not replenished in time, it may be like Xiao Huo, and its cultivation base will drop.

"Zhizhi...zhizhi..." When Xiaosan saw Wu Yi, the tense string finally relaxed a little, and he no longer maintained a violent state. He nestled in Wu Yi's arms, looked at Xiaohuo curiously, and looked at Xiaohuo curiously. I was full of doubts, felt very familiar, looked very strange, was about to ask something, suddenly my eyes went dark, and I fell into a deep sleep, without ten days and a half months of recovery, I am afraid it will be difficult to wake up up.

Wu Yi put Xiaosan'er into the Qiankun bag, looked back at the group of black phantoms outside the golden light curtain, and said in a cold voice: "You bastards, you will be punished, and you will be punished if you keep it. , just to commemorate the Heavenly Fire Yuanli cultivated by the young master."

"Daddy, why don't you let me try it? After you break it, they move too fast, I'm afraid you will suffer!" Xiaohuo is gearing up and eager to try. He has just broken through, full of confidence, and wants to prove himself Strength.

"You stay here honestly and you are not allowed to go anywhere. These ghosts are sinister and vicious. You have no combat experience at all. You are looking for death if you charge up. Brother Aoki, take care of him and don't let him cause trouble." Wu Yi regarded Xiao Huo as his own child, so he would not let him take such a big risk. After a few instructions, he strode out of the golden light curtain and faced the group of shadow killers head-on.


As soon as Wu Yi appeared, several black shadows rushed towards him. These black phantoms were trying to break through the golden light curtain. Unexpectedly, Wu Yi jumped out on his own initiative. For a natural hunter, such an excellent opportunity to attack, if Giving up would really be condemned by God, but this time, what awaited them was not an opportunity, but death.

"Bang..." Tianhuo Yuanli burst out suddenly, and a dazzling golden flame gushed out from Wu Yi's dantian, spreading rapidly in mid-air, forming a violently burning sea of ​​fire, and the blazing high temperature made the surrounding mountains and rocks start to burn continuously. Exploding, several phantoms rushing to the front realized that something was wrong, and wanted to turn back, but were swallowed by the raging fire, and turned into nothingness in an instant.

What Xiao Huo said was right, the movement speed of these killers was indeed much faster than Wu Yi, but what he did not expect was that Wu Yi had already transformed the pure Yang True Fire in his dantian into Heavenly Fire. As far as the sky is, it is already the ultimate strength of the raging fire. How can a few monsters withstand the scorching fire of the sky? So he didn't need to dodge at all. It was this group of vengeful shadow killers who should really run for their lives. Their reaction speed was very fast. After the first few were killed, the rest immediately stopped and ran away. Decisive, without any hesitation.

"Qingmu, Xiaohuo, stop them, don't let any of them go, these ghosts are elusive, killing endlessly, we will do a good deed for those who come later, and this trip is worthwhile." Wu Yi shouted loudly, At the same time, he controlled the sky fire and chased it quickly, without feeling the invisible coercion, his speed increased greatly, and he quickly killed seven or eight more, gaining a lot.

Originally, their threat has been lifted, but there will still be monks coming in to practice in this secret realm, and even Song Ziyi may be sent in again. If these latecomers encounter them, it is almost a dead end. ***********, to avoid future troubles.

Xiao Huo and Song Qingmu had held back their grievances for a long time, and immediately rushed to the sky, the sky fire was raging, and it formed into pieces one after another, reflecting the whole sky into a bright golden color, like the scorching sun sweeping away all the dust, those scattered None of the fleeing phantoms could escape, and all of them were turned into nothingness in the sky-filled fire, not even a single scum was left, and they would never be able to do evil again.

It only took half a minute for this battle to come to a perfect conclusion. The three of them withdrew their energy from the Heavenly Fire and slowly landed on the ground. The previous haze was swept away, and all that remained was the joy of victory.

"Sister Lie, is she okay? Brother Wu Yi, come and save her!" Song Ziyi squatted beside the unconscious Lie Yanshi, and said anxiously.

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