Dragon Warrior

Chapter 1267 Hugging Thighs

Stephen's power and status in the Merman Clan is second only to Herman. Although the Merman Clan has suffered a heavy blow, the struggle for power within the clan has not stopped. Originally, he was still worried, fearing that his plot would be exposed. Thinking that Wu Yi pointed the finger at Stephen, if he brought down Stephen, he would not only be able to get rid of his suspicion, but also strengthen his position in the mermaid clan. He resolutely jumped into the big hole that Wu Yi had dug for him, and he didn't even realize it, so proud of himself.

The reason why Wu Yi chose Stephen to attack was that he had roughly judged from the positions and auras of the two of them, and resorted to a trick of alienation to make them disintegrate from the inside. The person who knows you best is not your relatives, but you This principle also applies to the East China Sea. Sure enough, Stephen's face changed drastically after hearing this. Herman's influence in the Merman Race is very strong. Once he takes the opportunity to make trouble, it will be really dangerous.

"I didn't expect, I really didn't expect that the elders of the mermaid tribe would take refuge in Heishui City. I really don't know who else I can trust!"

"Who says it's not? We already have only remnants and defeated soldiers left. If Heishui City finds this place, I'm afraid we will be wiped out completely."

"The world is getting worse, people's hearts are not old, it's hard to paint a tiger's skin, it's hard to paint a tiger's skin, know people, face but not heart, get together every day, but don't know that jackals are by our side, it's sad, it's sad!"


Seeing this scene, the four patriarchs finally felt at ease. It turned out that there was a traitor in the Merman Clan. After getting rid of the suspicion, they immediately began to sigh and sigh with emotion. He didn't dare to speak too bluntly, which made Wu Yi feel very uncomfortable, not to mention Ti Naya who broke his heart.

"Stephen, what are you waiting for? Do you want this elder to do it yourself?" Herman asked impatiently.

"Hmph... Old man, don't put on a high-minded appearance, boss around here, and want me to take the blame for you, don't be so dreamy, do you really think that the good things you do behind your back are flawless?" Stephen originally cared about Herman's power and didn't want to turn against him, but now that he had reached the critical point of life and death, he didn't care about anything and simply exposed everything.

"You don't want to confuse the public with your evil words here, and confuse the public. This elder will enforce the family rules and kill you as a warning to others." Herman's eyes suddenly became extremely fierce, and his long gray hair turned into countless sharp arrows, and he shot at Followed Stephen and roared away, trying to shut him up completely, so as not to cause any trouble.

Since the distance between the two of them is not too far, and Qu Herman's cultivation base is higher than Stephen's, the probability of a successful surprise attack is almost 100%, but Wu Yi, who has been wary of him, will not give him this chance. With a thought, The golden light of the golden cauldron soared, blocking the thousands of sharp arrows and saving Stephen's life.

Herman turned around and shouted, "This is the internal affairs of our mermaid clan. You are an outsider and have no right to interfere. Why don't you get out of the way?"

"Hey... Great Elder, although I am an outsider, I also know that actions must be fair, just, and open. Even if I want to kill this traitor, I must convince him to say what I want to say. This is for you Considering the reputation of Hellman, so as not to get the notoriety of acting hastily, anyway, you are not afraid of being crooked, let's see what kind of tricks he can say?" Wu Yi looked concerned about Herman, thinking about him everywhere, and soon Got everyone's support.

The golden light of the golden tripod circulated, and the misty golden light formed an indestructible defensive mask. At this moment, even if Herman wanted to do something wrong, he had no chance. He could only force a smile, nodded and said: "Thank you, young man, for your kindness. Ashamed, loyal, but according to the sun and the moon, let's see what shady secrets he can tell."

"Haha...hahahaha...you are loyal, but according to the sun and the moon, your face is really thicker than that old tortoise's shell. No wonder you can turn black and white, distort the truth, and do all the deeds behind your back. I will remember everything for you, just waiting for the day when it will be broad daylight." Stephen laughed mockingly.

Herman remained expressionless, and said in a cold voice: "It's nonsense, and you dare to pour dirty water on the head of the elder of the guardian clan without any real evidence. It seems that you have forgotten the clan rules of the mermaid clan."

"You are not benevolent, so don't blame me for being unrighteous. You want real evidence, right? Well, it is not a day or two for you to gather forces secretly and want to overthrow Princess Naya's rule. Modern, Jean, Calva... , Arrest these people and torture them on the fire, there will definitely be unexpected gains. In several wars, you have deliberately covered them, let the warriors who supported Princess Naya go to the front, and secretly accumulate strength. These small actions, others do not know , I still don’t understand?” Stephen no longer has any scruples, since he has already torn his face anyway, so he can only die forever.

"Nonsense...it's just nonsense...these are all strategic arrangements, why did you have any selfishness?" Herman's forehead had already begun to break out in cold sweat. A pair of eyes were staring at him. The people he mentioned just now were all his confidantes.

Stephen sneered, and suddenly pointed the gun at another elder, and said, "Am I talking nonsense, ask Elder Mandel behind you, won't you know everything? Not long after Princess Naya went out, he sneaked around Slipped out of the trench and told the guards to check for hidden dangers, most likely it was to report the news.”

"It wasn't me, I really didn't do it, you have found the wrong person." Seeing that he had been exposed, Mandel suddenly lost control of his emotions, and even galloped towards the entrance of the cave, trying to escape. Maybe it was Quincy's tragic death that made him Already scared out of his wits, seeing the fire burning himself, he finally collapsed.

"Where to go?"

Takumi, who had long been ordered to wait by the side, came forward with a group of mermaid self-defense forces. More than a dozen yuan powers were unleashed, forcing him back into the cave. At this moment, the truth has been revealed. Naya's whereabouts must be Mandel.

"Idiot, you're so stupid." Herman cursed in his heart. It was an unfounded thing, but he escaped like this, but he didn't blame himself, but the next thing he did However, Herman was completely speechless.

"Great Elder, Great Elder, save me, you must save me!" After retreating to the cave, Mandel hugged Herman's thigh and cried out in pain.

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