Dragon Warrior

Chapter 1269 Suppressing the Rebellion

Wu Yi originally thought that it would take a lot of effort to overthrow Herman. After all, his identity is too special. Not only is he the great elder of the mermaid tribe, second only to the patriarch, but he is also Tinaya's uncle and close blood relative. Without conclusive evidence, it is impossible to get the approval of the shark race, but what I didn't expect was that Tinaya recalled a past event here, and instead made him jump out on his own initiative.

Of course, Herman is not stupid. After Wu Yi's troubles, he has gradually pointed the finger at him. Now that he has attracted suspicion, the longer he delays, the more passive he will be.

However, at this moment, Tinaia remained silent. This kind of silence made the atmosphere in the cave extremely depressing. All eyes were on Herman, waiting for him to explain his behavior. After a while In a short time, a group of mermaid soldiers rushed in from the entrance of the cave, all holding weapons and wearing light armor, with extraordinary momentum, while Takumi, who had just led the order out, and the guard he took away, were all captured, and they were not stopping There was a lot of noise and chaos.

"Alva, are you crazy? How dare you disobey the order of Palace Master Tinaya? This is treason. Do you want to rebel?"

"Let go of me quickly, you scumbags are not worthy to be fighters of the mermaid race. Even if I am a ghost, I will go to Heishui City to settle accounts with you."

"I didn't expect you to hide so deeply. It doesn't seem like a day or two. What kind of benefits did Blackwater City give you, and made you traitors?"


This was a rebellion that had been planned for a long time. It was only because of Tinaya's attack and Wu Yi's appearance that the upheaval broke out in advance. Although it was a bit hasty, Herman's power was deeply rooted and he quickly grasped initiative.

"Tuo Hai, let them be quiet, even if they die, they should die with dignity." Tina Ya finally spoke, her voice was not loud, but it was unusually calm, and it clearly reached everyone's ears, bringing With a wave of determination and strength, the cave soon returned to silence, and the atmosphere was oppressive and dull.

Tinaya's calmness made Herman feel very uncomfortable. After learning the lesson just now, even though the situation was completely controlled by him at this time, he persuaded again: "Naya, uncle is forced to do this. Anyone with a discerning eye can see clearly the current situation in the East China Sea, but you are still obsessed with your obsession, and you want to rely on our little remaining power to try to compete with Heishui City in vain. What about struggling?"

"Uncle means that we want to surrender to Heishui City. Could it be that uncle has forgotten that our ancestors swore to be loyal to the Dragon Clan for generations and violate the precepts of the ancestors, but if they want the Merman Clan to lose their faith, there will still be people in the East China Sea. Is there a place to stand?" Tinaya asked back.

Herman argued: "It is true that the ancestor's precepts cannot be violated, but now the Dragon Clan has disappeared. Today's Blackwater City is the former Dragon Temple. We are loyal to the Jiao Clan and still follow the Dragon Clan. This is not a conflict! Qing The Jiao King has made a promise, as long as we are willing to surrender, we will still be nobles in the Shui tribe, preside over the ceremonies and sacrifices, and the treatment will be generous. At that time, the mermaid tribe will receive the courtesy of all tribes and swim in the East Sea, why should we live here and live?"

"The dove occupies the magpie's nest, and the foreign race is king. The Jiao clan was originally under the control of the Dragon Temple and received all the courtesy. They were supposed to be loyal to the Dragon God, gather the rest of the East China Sea, and fight to the end, but they occupied the Dragon Temple. As the king of the East China Sea, he fought and slaughtered endlessly, and the azure East China Sea has turned crimson red. How can such a treacherous, bloodthirsty and murderous person be compared with the Dragon God?" Tina Ya's expression was a little excited, her fair and pretty face There were a few streaks of blush on her face, like a snowy plum blossom, with a hint of tenacity in her softness, making her even more admirable.

Herman has gradually lost his patience, and said coldly: "It seems that you, like your father, are obsessed with the past, pedantic and old-fashioned. In your hands, the mermaid tribe will be wiped out sooner or later."

"My lord grandfather didn't pass on the position of patriarch to you just because I saw that you were eager for quick success and quick gains, and you were impetuous. You have long been worried about this matter. Now you finally can't wait and want to take it by force?" Tina Ya Without fear, he asked sharply.

"Naya, you're a smart kid. You'd better not force me to do it. Now that you're gone and the entire Shark Race is under my control, you should obediently give up the position of patriarch and give the Shark Race a bright future!" Herman finally revealed his purpose. Originally, he wanted to wait for Tinaya to be captured, and then take over the position of patriarch logically. Now that the plan has been disrupted, he can only temporarily change it.

Tinaya snorted coldly, and sternly accused: "Huh... seeking skin from a tiger, I'm afraid there will be no bones left in the end, and you are the one who is really obsessed. When you take refuge in Heishui City, you will end up with Quincy Similarly, if you become the executioner of the Qingjiao King slaughtering the East China Sea, Tinaya will never hand over the mermaid tribe to you, and I believe that the warriors of the mermaid tribe will never follow you to kill themselves."

"Since you have made up your mind, then don't blame me for being rude. Alva, Gene, go and pester that human kid, and when I take down Tinaia, I will naturally be able to control the situation." Herman nodded. He ordered without answering, with a figure like lightning, and went straight to Tina Ya, who was close at hand, with long hair flying around, forming a big net, ready to capture her alive, so that Wu Yi could use the mouse.

Capture the thief first and capture the king first. This arrangement was originally very reasonable. Herman knew Wu Yi's strength, and even if he made a move, he would not be able to get the slightest benefit, so he asked Alva and the others to temporarily trap Wu Yi and attack with all his strength. , caught Tinaya, but it was a pity that he still underestimated Wu Yi's strength, the evil blade's cold light soared, like a death scythe, and cut off the heads of the three mermen rushing in the front without any effort. The blood was so bright that the azure sea water turned crimson, and the stench was so strong that it made one want to vomit.

"It's terrible, it's terrible!" The four patriarchs huddled together, completely frightened, and put out their Yuanli masks to protect themselves, for fear that if Wu Yi was not careful, they would clean them up together.

Before Herman's long hair touched Tinaya, Wu Yi's evil blade had already rested on his neck, and the sharp blade was hesitant. As long as it got closer, it would cut his throat. Harvest his life, this rebellion has just begun, and it was suppressed like this.

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