Dragon Warrior

Chapter 1275

The power of the sky and the fire burned the sky. Wu Yi only shot a ray, but it also contained endless power, which made those bearded beards feel that their bodies were about to collapse. Knowing that they met a master, they immediately became honest.

Wu Yi originally thought that there was a large defensive circle at the entrance of the canyon, but after entering, he realized that it was like Fangcun Terrace, forming a world of its own, isolating the cold sea water, bluestone streets, wooden attics, Bustling with people, people come and go, as if they have come to another world. It is impossible to imagine that you are at the depth of 10,000 meters under the sea at this moment, and even the lingering coldness has disappeared. Very kind.

"If you don't experience it yourself, who would have thought that there is such a small world on the edge of the Tianyuan Continent?" Wu Yi said with emotion, the situation in the Bliss Valley is quite different from what he imagined, there is no devastation, no dead bodies All over the place, on the contrary, it is well-organized and bustling.

This scene made Xiao Huo and Xiao San'er very excited. They finally got rid of the bitterly cold sea water, and they felt indescribably relaxed. But for Wu Yi, it was not a good phenomenon. If the Abyss of Sin had already been unified , then he has nowhere to start.

"Senior, do you need to lead the way?"

"Senior, I am the most familiar with the Valley of Elysium, I guarantee you will have a great time!"

"You can't be so domineering, now it's my turn!"


When Wu Yi was in a daze, he suddenly rushed up to a group of young people, scrambling to be their guides. Obviously, this business has spread throughout the Tianyuan Continent. There are indeed many forbidden areas in the Abyss of Sin. Will be killed, so newcomers must hire a guide to lead themselves around the minefield to ensure their safety.

However, there are no mortals living here. Most of these young people's cultivation bases are already above the Spirit Transcendence Realm, which surprised Wu Yi very much. With their aptitude and potential, if they join any sect in the Tianyuan Continent, they will receive key training and have a bright future. Limited, why choose to be a humble guide here?

This doubt was immediately resolved, because their quotation was ridiculously high, and the daily cost was ten high-grade spirit stones, which was enough to equal the income of the core disciples of the Tianyuan Continent Sect for several years. It was no different from robbery.

Wu Yi glanced over the group of young people, and found that their eyes were a little strange, they seemed kind and humble, but they concealed this murderous aura, which was very faint, and if it wasn't for their particularly keen sense of danger, they wouldn't have been able to detect it at all. Everything is not as simple as it seems on the surface, but he still chose a guide, wandering out of the crowd, exuding a witty energy, somewhat similar to loach, the weakest cultivation base, only in the late stage of Chongshen state , no threat to him.

"Thank you big brother for your appreciation. Dumb will try my best to guide big brother, but I can't break the rules. You need to pay me ten top-grade spirit stones first." The selected young man grinned and offered his hand .

"Dumb? This name is a bit of a misnomer. You look very clever, you are not dumb at all!" Wu Yi was slightly taken aback, handed him the spirit stone, stared at it for a while, and found nothing unusual.

Duan quickly put away the Lingshi, and said with a smile: "Hey... the name is just a code name, it doesn't matter if it's called 'Amao' or Agou', as long as the elder brother is happy."

"Brother Wu Yi, we...can we go buy some clothes first?" Tinaya hid behind Wu Yi, and said in a low voice, the mermaid race has a characteristic, as long as it leaves the sea, the tail of the fish will turn into two Legs, at the moment, the whole body is naked, only relying on the waterfall-like long hair to hide her shame, it is inevitable that she will have a good time while walking, surrounded by a group of men, and the hot eyes make her feel uncomfortable.

"Yeah, I didn't even notice. Put on this gown quickly, and we'll go buy it right away." Wu Yi patted his forehead. A blouse, let her temporarily hide her embarrassment.

"Elysium Valley has a first-class clothing store that can be tailored, and I will take you there." Duan is very good at business, and before Wu Yi gave orders, he took the initiative to lead the way. The group wore left and right folds, attracting people. A lot of attention.

"Dumb, your guide is too expensive, it's similar to roadblocking and robbery, can't you cheat me?" Wu Yi asked as he walked, he didn't care if he spent a little more Lingshi, but being treated as a victim would not feel good .

Dui slowed down, walked side by side with Wu Yi, and explained: "Outsiders who come to the dark abyss, besides panning for gold, are Lilian. Seeing that the elder brother is bold, he must not come for spirit stones and resources. It must be Lilian. Yes, the purpose of Lilian is to become stronger, but not to die in vain. There are many forbidden places in this valley of bliss. If you take a wrong step, you will be killed. So spend a little spirit stone to avoid these minefields , is a totally worthwhile trade.”

"How come there are no high-ranking monks to compete for such a good business? Besides, since there are dangers everywhere, with your level of cultivation, can anyone survive in the Valley of Elysium?" Wu Yi continued to ask, this phenomenon is somewhat unreasonable , if Lingshi is so profitable, I will also want to get a share of it.

"Brother doesn't know, I was born in the Valley of Paradise, my mother was the attendant of the owner of the valley, and my father was the owner of the valley, and we were protected by the owner of the valley. As long as we leave the valley, no one will attack us. Those people just now have the same status as me. Foreign monks have no such qualifications at all, and 80% of the ten spirit stones have to be handed over to the valley owner, and only 20% of them can be obtained. No one cares about this oil and water. .” Dumb weighed the spirit stone in his hand, and smiled helplessly.

Wu Yi nodded thoughtfully, heard the subtext from his words, and said directly: "I feel that those people are very dangerous. Although their cultivation base is far lower than mine, they look at me as if they are sizing up prey. You seem to be different from them, why is that?"

"Brother dared to venture into the abyss of black water alone, and he really has something extraordinary." Duan's eyes lit up, and he thought Wu Yi's choice of him was an unintentional behavior, but he had already noticed the mystery, and was very moved , and then said: "Their so-called leading the way is simply leading into the ditch. They have already reached an alliance with some masters. If you really leave with them, I am afraid that you will be decapitated by now."

"You mean they sell dog meat for tricks?" Wu Yi stopped and entered a state of alert.

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