Dragon Warrior

Chapter 1278 Fierce Pixiu

The apes are born brave and powerful, so is Xiao San'er. After entering the berserk state, his strength increased sharply, and his temper became extraordinarily irritable. He uttered a loud roar and jumped directly into the encirclement. Flashing, beat the group of gold-armored soldiers to pieces, screamed again and again, flew out one after another, and fell heavily on the street, causing many busy people to watch, and even stunned Dumb across the street for a long time Putting your mouth together, I thought that Xiao San'er was a spiritual pet that was only raised, but I didn't expect that the combat power was so powerful.

"Oops, that crazy monkey that came out of nowhere almost knocked my bones apart."

"These guys must have come with bad intentions. The young master is in danger. You guys should go back and report the news. I'm afraid it will be too late."

"Okay... I'm so impatient to dare to come to Bliss Valley to pick things up, I'm going to inform the young master right now."


The few sergeants discussed it, and some of them rushed to the city immediately, and the rest supported each other to fight, gritted their teeth, and rushed in. After all, their master was still inside, so they didn't try their best at this time, and waited until after autumn to settle the score But there is no good fruit to eat.

"Brother Wu Yi, if you don't stop them, we won't be able to leave when the helpers from Bliss Valley will arrive soon!" Tinaya said anxiously from the side, she didn't expect Wu Yi's way of attacking would be so simple and rude, At first, she thought that there was some serious opportunity, but when she went upstairs, half of the attic opposite had collapsed.

"I was just thinking about meeting the owners of the Valley of Elysium. What are you doing to stop them? Your dress is too fancy and doesn't suit your temperament. I suggest you change to a more elegant one. Let's pick and choose!" Wu Yi played with the teacup in his hand and said with a light smile.

Tinaya almost fainted, the little fire on the opposite side almost pierced the sky, Wu Yi still cared about her clothes, but since Wu Yi had spoken, she could only stomp her feet and go on to change clothes .

In the Great Hall of Bliss, all the more than ten attacks of the golden armored sergeant were stopped by Xiao San'er, and Xiao Huo walked up to Yi Yang leisurely, and asked provocatively, "Are you still sure to take out the young master's heart now?" ? Looking at your fat body, it's quite suitable to chop up and feed to the dogs."

"Little bastard, why are you so proud? I just got caught by you because I was unprepared. This time, I will tear you apart!" , That taste was really uncomfortable, but he still gritted his teeth and stood up, responding sharply.

"Damn it, you were the one who started the attack just now, but I'm ashamed to say that I'm not ready. Today, the young master insists on convincing you, watch the punches!" Xiaohuo waved his fists and launched an attack again. He had just achieved a transformation, and his whole body There is endless energy, just so this unlucky guy came to practice, and test his own strength by the way, the dragon monster in the middle stage of Concentration Realm is a sandbag that is rarely encountered.

Yiyang no longer dared to have any reservations. Although he still couldn't figure out why this guy came to him, he was sure that his head was not squeezed by the door, and it was very terrifying, so he had to deal with it with all his strength.

"Bang... bang... bang..." The cyan elemental force and the purple elemental force collided continuously, making a loud noise like thunder. The Hall of Bliss, which had been crumbling for a long time, finally couldn't hold it, collapsed, and began to burn violently, with thick smoke billowing , the flames soared into the sky, very eye-catching, almost the entire Valley of Elysium was alarmed, more and more people began to gather here, trying to figure out what happened, the streets were crowded with people, those who rushed out The woman was just glad that she had escaped a catastrophe, and when she saw the flames more than ten meters high, she immediately cried and wiped her tears, because all their belongings were swallowed up by the flames.

Wu Yi is not interested in all this noise, and focuses all his attention on observing Xiaohuo's attack rhythm, because Zihuo Yuanli has not been fully converted into Tianhuo Yuanli, it is very difficult to control, Xiaohuo is not willing to easily Using only Zihuo's power, the power is still weaker, otherwise the battle would have ended long ago. As for Xiaohuo, there is no pressure to deal with a group of monks whose spirits have crossed the border. Zhisheng, seeing these guys watching the excitement is not a big deal, and he is more excited than experiencing it himself.

"Oh my god, I'm not mistaken! Someone dares to attack the number one villain in the Valley of Elysium. He's still a childish child. It's crazy!"

"This is a good show. Maybe some big shots are going to attack the Valley of Elysium. Let your younger generation come out to practice their fists first."

"It's very possible, who could it be?"

"Whoever he is, you can still make a lot of money by taking advantage of the chaos. Go and call all the brothers over."


More and more people have begun to gather, and some people have already begun to plan. As Duan said, this place is not a hunting ground all the time, and the monks active here have only two identities, hunter and prey, and this identity is changing at any time. Profit is the ultimate goal.

Yiyang became more and more frightened as he fought. At this time, he had no reservations. He pushed his Yuanli to the extreme, and even used his spiritual consciousness to imprison him, but it was useless. The rhythm is also getting faster and faster. The purple fire elemental force has an extremely powerful devouring attribute. After invading Yiyang's blood, it will continuously absorb life essence. If it continues to be consumed like this, it will definitely suffer a big loss.

"His grandma, I don't believe I can't deal with you little bastard, transform yourself!" Although Yi Yang is fat, he has a flexible mind and rich experience in combat. When he sensed that the situation was wrong, he immediately changed his tactics and thought , horns began to appear on his forehead, the long beard fluttered from his lips, and a long tail dragged behind him, and finally turned into a gray dragon, with long teeth and claws, soaring into the sky, completely getting rid of Xiao Huo's Yuan force attack range.

So he chooses to escape at this moment, maybe Xiaohuo will not pursue, but unfortunately, after transforming into a beast, he feels that he has the absolute upper hand, sweeping with his long tail, sweeping away thousands of troops, wanting to smash Xiaohuo into pieces , in order to keep his honorable status as the number one villain in Paradise Valley.

Once a monster transforms into a beast body, its endurance and reaction speed will skyrocket, and its combat power will be more than doubled. After realizing the way of heaven, many monster masters will be much stronger than human monks of the same level. This is the reason.

"Woo... ow..." Xiaohuo didn't dare to push him too much, and after dodging the giant tail's sweep, he raised his head to the sky and screamed, and also entered a berserk state.

"Damn it, why do you look like a Pixiu?" Wu Yi stared, unable to hide his surprise.

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