Dragon Warrior

Chapter 1284 Huge Casino

In order to quell the civil strife and stabilize the situation of the merman race, Tinaya even killed her own uncle mercilessly. It is precisely this strong deterrent force that Tinaya wants to make the merman race achieve unity and stability in a short period of time. Maybe this kind of stability can't stand the passage of time and the test of time, but Wu Yi doesn't want to be the lord of the century, if it's just this short-term deterrent effect.

At this moment, he is decisive and domineering, as if he has become the murderous judge in China back then. In the huge street, there is no cry, no whisper, and even a needle dropped on the ground can be heard clearly I realized that everyone even lowered their breath subconsciously, for fear that they would become the first birds, be used by Wu Yi to scare the chickens and monkeys, and somehow become a headless ghost.

Wu Yi and his entourage went straight to Yi Dingtian's mansion in the Valley of Bliss. It was more like a small house, with walls made of bluestones, nearly ten meters high, and a high-grade defensive circle was also arranged. Even for a cultivator in the God Forging Realm, it would take a lot of effort to break through with a strong force. Without three or five days of effort, it is absolutely impossible to attack.

So when Ah Dui told Wu Yi that the No. 1 Evil Young Master of Bliss Valley was across the street, he did not hesitate to do it. At least in this way, he could still take the initiative. Once Yi Dingtian was prepared, he prepared his defense in advance , it is not so easy to come to a thousand-mile killer and control the Bliss Valley in one fell swoop.

If the Han family, a family of craftsmen, hadn't been guarded by a super-powerful defensive magic circle supported by the refining cauldron, I'm afraid the secret art of craftsmanship would have been revealed to the world long ago; , I am afraid that it has been divided up long ago, and there is nothing left; Yi Dingtian guards the Valley of Elysium, which is already a world of its own, not to mention the high-level defensive magic circle guarding it, so that it can maintain peace for a hundred years and dominate one side.

Perhaps because it has been stable for too long, Yi Dingtian has already relaxed his vigilance. When he heard that someone dared to break ground on Taisui and bully his precious son, he became furious and led his troops here without hesitation. , Helped his son vent his anger, but forgot to think about the reason, gave up this fortress that had been painstakingly managed for hundreds of years, and let Wu Yi succeed in a surprise attack.

Now, the self-defense force that Yi Dingtian is proud of has regarded Wu Yi as its new master, and those soldiers in gold armor have pledged their loyalty and flattery, trying to win Wu Yi's favor. Walking in with hindrance, I saw that the houses were contiguous and dense like a beehive, and on the open space outside the hall, a group of women and children were kneeling darkly. These were all the family members of Yi Dingtian and Yi Yang. After learning the news that Yi Dingtian and Yiyang were exterminated, they already knew what was waiting for them.

In the Abyss of Darkness, such scenes are happening almost all the time, genocide and massacre, eating and wiping out, without any morality and reason, as long as they have the strength, they can occupy everything, so they are like the onlookers on the street, quietly Quietly waiting for Wu Yi to pronounce their fate, neither crying nor fussing, surprisingly calm.

"You all go back to your original residences and live as before. You only need to clean up three clean houses for us. All the captains of the guards will gather in the meeting hall. Half a stick of incense is limited. Latecomers will be killed without mercy." Wu Yi walked through the kneeling crowd, took the main seat in the middle of the hall, and said slowly, the voice was not loud, but it was heard clearly in everyone's ears. For monks with extraordinary combat power, Thunderbolt must be adopted. Suppressive means, but these women and children are young, there is no major fault, and it is difficult to organize any strong resistance force, so there is no need to kill the grass and roots. After all, he is not a bloodthirsty madman, all he needs is absolute obedience That's all.

"Father, aren't you afraid that his descendants will grow up and seek revenge from you?" Xiaohuo asked puzzledly, Wu Yi could kill Yi Dingtian and Yiyang in the street, and then live with their families. Together, no one can tell what will happen, in short, it is very dangerous.

Wu Yi picked up the fragrant tea on the table, opened the cup, took a sip, and said slowly: "There are so many people who want to take revenge on me, how can I kill them cleanly? The weak eat the strong, and the fittest survive. The day they can really grow up to fight against me, even if they don’t have the revenge of killing their father, they will still fight against me, so don’t take it to heart.”

With the lessons learned from Yi Yang and the late-stage bodyguard commander, Wu Yi's order was never dared to be underestimated. In less than half a stick of incense, all the 15 small captains of the Guards gathered in the main meeting hall, all dressed up. , the golden armor is dazzling, and it looks very imposing, like a sharp sword that has just been drunk with blood, with bursts of penetrating cold light.

The battle in the Abyss of Darkness will never stop. Although an extremely delicate balance has been ensured among the major forces, this balance is established after many competitions and struggles, and it is also very weak. It brought a series of chain reactions, so these sergeants are also ready to fight, always in a fighting state, full of vigor.

Dumb's father was once a member of the Guards, and he was very clear about the organization of the Guards. To be selected into the Guards, one had to be at least above the Spirit Transcendence Realm, which was already an insurmountable threshold for most monks. , Just like in the Chinese martial arts world, no monks who can reach the spiritual realm can be found, only Mo Yan, the guardian, is still assigned from the Tianshen Palace, which shows how high the requirements are, but to be a small captain, the strength It has reached above the state of concentration, enough to be comparable to the core disciples of large sects, and even the elders of some small sects.

However, their treatment is extremely low. An ordinary sergeant can only receive two middle-grade spirit stones a month, and a small team leader only has ten middle-grade spirit stones, which is not even comparable to an ordinary inner disciple. jingle.

This is also caused by the unique living environment of the Abyss of Darkness. Due to the extreme scarcity of resources, it was originally a place where no birds would shit. It has been abandoned by Tianyuan Continent. It is not bad to have this kind of treatment.

Wu Yi was very strange at the beginning, since this place is so fucked up, why did he stay here? As long as he walks out of the East China Sea, there is still a lot to be done, why should he stay here and become a house slave?

Later, after Duan’s explanation, Wu Yi realized that in addition to the most basic salary, they can also form a team to hunt, and the resources they get can be distributed evenly, and they don’t even need to be handed over to the owner. This place is like a huge casino.

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