Dragon Warrior

Chapter 1303

These captured or recruited fighters had already accumulated quite a lot of battle experience before they joined the Dragon Fighting Legion. The quality of individual soldiers does not need to be deliberately adjusted, and no one will make fun of their own lives. The purpose of the training camp is to train them to fight together The ability, as well as the awareness of obeying orders and obeying dispatch, this is very different from their previous small group consciousness of fighting independently, and it is not an easy task to completely reverse it.

Moreover, Bliss Valley, Shark King, Happy Valley, and Black Tooth Kingdom are both close neighbors and competitors, and there are constant small frictions with each other. After the expansion this time, the rearrangement was disrupted, and some rivals were divided into a small team. Naturally, they didn't like each other, let alone fight together.

After Ji Wuyang was promoted to the head of the army, he became more vigorous and resolute. After giving this superficial perfunctory and secretly stumbling behavior a serious warning twice, he directly swung his mace for the third time and smashed their heads, so overbearing And the direct punishment finally shook this unhealthy trend. In just ten days, there have been some significant changes. It is as immobile as a mountain, as quiet as a forest, and its military appearance is neat, like a sharp sword drawn from its scabbard.

At the beginning, Wu Yi chose this place of bitter cold to assemble a team of tigers and wolves. Now that it has taken shape, he is deeply relieved. However, the black dragon he has been waiting for has not appeared for a long time, which makes him fall into a dilemma. In a difficult situation, we called Tinaya, Ji Wuyang, Xiaohuo, and the four newly appointed commanders together to discuss countermeasures.

"Brother Wu Yi, we should return to the East China Sea as soon as possible to protect the four major aquatic tribes. If the Blackwater Legion takes the lead, the consequences will be unimaginable." Tinaya said anxiously, after all, her tribe is hiding there. I can't let go of it all the time, for fear that something unexpected will happen.

Ji Wuyang objected, stood up and said, "Your Highness, as the patriarch of the Merman Clan, you are indeed in the process of clearing up your concerns, but we are not yet fully prepared. It is too risky to return to the East China Sea rashly. Once the Blackwater Army finds you , we must do our best to suppress them, and I am afraid that the entire army will be wiped out, so I suggest that we immediately launch an offensive against the surrounding forces, expand our strength as soon as possible, and return to the East China Sea when our wings are full."

"My lord, legion commander, my subordinates feel that our actions should not be expanded. It is best to act in secret, so as not to attract the attention of the black dragon. If the black dragon finds us, we will definitely not tolerate it. That is the real disaster. Ah!" one of the commanders said cautiously.

"Yes... yes... the black dragon is the real master of the Abyss of Sin. We can only accept it as soon as it is good. Don't provoke him."

"That's right, accept as soon as you see it, don't be too aggressive."


Several other commanders also agreed one after another. Ji Wuyang was furious, and asked sharply: "As the commanders of the legion, you are so greedy for life and afraid of death. What's the use of keeping it? It's a shame for the Dragon War Legion. Get out of here!"

"Wait..." Wu Yi waved his hand, signaling Ji Wuyang to calm down, and said calmly: "They represent the voices of most of the soldiers. It seems that if you don't get rid of the black dragon, you can't really rule the abyss of evil, let alone get rid of their hearts. Devil, okay... Since he doesn't show up, I'll go and find him, twist him into a ball, and put it in front of your eyes, I want to see what kind of holiness it is that can make you so afraid!"

The last time Wu Yi circulated the power of heaven and fire and produced a vision, which scared the sergeants into disintegration. Seeing the performance of these legion commanders now, it is even more certain that the black dragon is a dark cloud covering the abyss of evil. Once the dark clouds dissipate, he will not be able to completely control this sea area. He has already made the Abyss of Sin his base camp and base. Whether it is real or non-existent, he must take the initiative to find out.

Soon, the Dragon War Legion went out again. This time Wu Yi personally sat in the town and took control of the big and small forces of the Abyss of Sin. He gathered all the forces of Bliss Valley, Happy Valley, Black Tooth Kingdom, and Shark King, more than 800 people. The legion formed by the monks was invincible all the way, and the morale was unprecedentedly high. Each legion moved forward bravely, for fear of being compared with other legions. Wherever the army went, it was almost invincible.

Wu Yi is not a bloodthirsty and murderous person. After establishing his prestige, he adopted a soft policy, focusing on deterrence and persuasion, supplemented by force suppression. The team soon expanded to more than 1,500 people, nearly doubled, and more A reserve force has been set up. Those monks who have not yet reached the level of Spirit Transcendence will temporarily serve as a reserve force and go out with the army to do some auxiliary and guard work. As long as they break through the advanced stage and pass the assessment, they can officially become a member of the Dragon War Legion .

Since the Dragon War Legion has already demonstrated its prestige, after this condition was released, the followers who surrendered were even more tireless. The reserve troops soon surpassed the legion soldiers, reaching more than 2,000 people. Such a huge team is already comparable to A large sect that has been passed down for thousands of years has a mighty momentum and is quite likely to start a prairie fire.

"My lord, there is a dangerous place ahead. There seems to be something wrong with the breath. The subordinates did not let them enter rashly. Please go up and make a decision." Ji Wuyang turned back suddenly during the march and told Wu Yi.

At this time, they had already penetrated into the deepest part of the abyss of evil. There were cliffs on both sides, and the space for activities was very limited. Moreover, the temperature here had far exceeded the freezing point, but the sea water had not solidified, and the reserve sergeants could no longer carry it. After hearing the report, Wu Yi flashed his figure and appeared directly at the front of the team. He saw that the front was pitch black, which was no different from the surroundings, but there was a majestic Even he felt a little oppressed by the coercion, let alone those ordinary sergeants.

"Father, there must be big fish in here. You are outside to meet them. I will take people down to have a look first!" Xiao Huo was extremely excited. During this period of time, he led the vanguard team to attack the city and seized the territory. , fear nothing.

Wu Yi frowned. Such a strong coercion is definitely not an ordinary person. It is very likely that he is the target of his trip and the black hand who controls the abyss of evil behind the scenes. He shook his head and said, "You are all waiting outside. , let me explore the truth!"

"No, the lord sits in the middle army and controls the overall situation. You can't take such a risk. If you really want to investigate the enemy's situation, you should arrange the manpower by your subordinates." Ji Wuyang flatly vetoed it.

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