Dragon Warrior

Chapter 1320 The Rhythm of Life

After experiencing the initial horror and astonishment, the two did not continue to immerse themselves in grief, but continued to dive, search for valuable clues, and find survivors. The guards were the last warriors of the Merman tribe, and they did not disappoint the tribe. They all fought hard and died. Almost all the damaged hands of the Blackwater Legion were planted in their hands, and some of their arms were cut off, but Biting the enemy's throat tightly, some of the hearts were pierced, but they strangled the enemy tightly with their long hair, and finally died of suffocation. Every part of the body was used by them as a sharp weapon for attack.

Wu Yi is called the "Judge" in the Huaxia Special Forces. He has long been used to all kinds of bloody scenes, even numb, but he was still very shocked when he saw such a tragic scene. Some of these ordinary mermaid warriors are not qualified enough. Join the Dragon Fighting Corps, but they are real warriors. In order to defend their homeland and their clansmen, they are brave and fearless, and they sacrifice their lives, which is awe-inspiring.

"Takumi...Takumi...don't leave me, please don't leave me alone!" Tinaya burst into tears again, holding half of her body in her arms. It was Takumi, the number one warrior of the mermaid race, with his belly The following was cut off, and the sharp blade in his hand still pierced deeply into the neck of a black-robed man. His eyes protruded, filled with endless anger, and his lips were slightly parted. It seemed that he could still hear his cry at the moment before he died. He was brave and tragic. .

Takumi and Tinaya grew up together. Although one is a princess and the other is just the captain of the Guards, their identities are very different, but he has been by Tinaya's side along the way. After going through the most difficult days, as long as there is danger, he will stand in front of Tina Ya without hesitation. The relationship between the two has already surpassed that of master and servant, and they are a reliance that goes hand in hand with life and death. The situation of the human race is too critical, and it has never been made clear.

Tinaya originally had a sense of luck, because Takumi is the number one warrior of the mermaid tribe, her strength is still higher than her own, and her combat experience is also very rich. She might be able to break through, but everything in front of her has been completely shattered Her fantasy, the tears that had just stopped falling down again like broken beads, the crystal clear pearls sank slowly, reflecting the colorful rays of light, which was extraordinarily gorgeous.

"Wait... It seems that his breath of life has not been completely cut off, let me take a look, maybe there is still a glimmer of life." Wu Yi got closer, and suddenly felt an extremely weak pulse beating, and hurried forward, and moved his finger Putting it on Takumi's wrist, I really felt the beating trace of my heart, very faint but extremely real.

"Is he really not dead yet? How is this possible?" Tinaya showed an incredible expression, because Takumi in her arms was cold all over, and his breathing had already been cut off, and it was clear that he had no breath of life.

Wu Yi pulled out the evil blade, carefully separated Tuohai from the black-robed man, and said briefly: "The mermaids are very tenacious in life force. Although he has lost a lot of blood, his heart has not stopped beating. He should be saved. Go and save him." I found the other half of my body, and I will sew it up, as long as the blood can continue, there is a possibility of survival.”

"Okay...ok...I'll go right away!" Tinaya was overjoyed, and hurried to find the other half of her body. On this side, Wu Yi put his hands on Takumi's back, slowly inputting the power of heaven and earth to help him isolate the outside body. Cold, to help his heart resuscitate.

This process must be very careful. The heart is the most vulnerable part of a monk. A little carelessness will kill him. It is also the first time for Wu Yi to try. He can only move Tian Dao Yuan as slowly and gently as possible. The power is transformed into countless threads, injected slowly, and observed attentively to prevent any unexpected situations.

Tinaya quickly found the lower half of Takumi's body, pulled off her own hair, and began to sew it up under Wu Yi's guidance. The hair of the mermaid tribe is extremely tough, and it is an excellent suture thread, and there will be no rejection As far as I can imagine, as long as the incision is completely fitted, there will be no big problem. Fortunately, the man in black robe who attacked Takumi used a large knife, which is extremely sharp, and the incision is smooth and tidy, which reduces the difficulty of suturing.

After the first step was completed, Wu Yi followed the diagram of the meridians of the human body described in "The Way of Medicine" and used the power of heaven to help him repair the blood vessels. Compared with the stitching just now, the continuation at this moment is a vast and complicated project.

Wu Yi had to concentrate his energies, search within his spiritual consciousness, and at the same time exert the control of the power of heaven to the extreme in order to connect those blood vessels as thin as a cow's hair. In the third level of the advanced level, the primordial force is as vast as the sea, and it can move freely. It is impossible to do it. Half an hour later, the project was finally finished, and he also let out a long breath, with stars in his eyes, almost collapse .

When he was passing through the subsea tunnel just now, he had already suffered internal injuries, and he had no time to adjust his breath. Now he held on for another half an hour, no less than after a fierce battle. His face was as pale as paper, bloodless, and his hands were withdrawn. At that moment, he even began to tremble slightly involuntarily, but it was all worth it, because Takumi's breath of life had changed from weak to strong, and his cold and stiff body gradually returned to warmth and softness.

The power of the Dao of Heaven has a repairing attribute that is almost against the sky, so this is not a simple continuation, but a perfect repair. The moment Wu Yi withdrew his power, the horrible wound had completely healed, and his whole body had also recovered. Normally, the heart beats more and more powerfully, quickly and rhythmically, and transports the stored blood to every tiny blood vessel to achieve a perfect cycle. That is the rhythm of life. In this world, any beautiful music, It cannot be compared.

"Brother Wu Yi, thank you...thank you for saving Takumi, I...I really don't know what to thank you for!" Tinaya said with a choked voice while holding the big hand that was gradually warming up. The gratitude in her heart was like a flood, and any words seemed so pale, it was not enough to express her inner gratitude and reverence, but she kept crying.

"Okay, why do you need to say thank you? After so many changes, I have long been no different from my family. Besides, Takumi is also a warrior I respect. To me, being able to save his life is a big deal." It's a kind of honor, it's nothing to waste a little energy, just look at him carefully, and he will wake up in a short time." Wu Yi comforted with a smile, took a few pills at the same time, and began to meditate and adjust his breath.

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