Dragon Warrior

Chapter 1338 Shadow Squad

Wu Yi withdrew the 'hidden soul technique' to stimulate the divine power of the blood, and the domineering arrogance of the king who ruled the world was fully revealed, especially the phantom of the real dragon that appeared behind him. On the ground, scared out of his wits, trembling, after revealing his identity, he deliberately restrained the coercion of his spiritual sense, and no longer felt so oppressive.

"Do you still have any doubts?" Wu Yi pulled Liu Kuan up and asked with a smile. After restraining his breath, he became a lot more approachable. In fact, their ages are not much different, and they can be regarded as the same age.

Liu Kuan finally reacted slowly from the extreme shock at the beginning, and said excitedly: "No... I don't doubt it anymore, I really didn't expect that I would have a chance to see the face of the Dragon God Crown Prince, after all, I will never be in vain in this life. live."

The aura of the dragon is so natural that there is no way to imitate it. Naturally, Liu Kuan will no longer doubt Wu Yi's identity. Not only him, but even the young people who followed him into the thatched cottage are very excited. The dragon clan rules the East China Sea. The inheritance of nearly ten thousand years has long been deeply ingrained in the hearts of the Donghai people. This kind of power is not a fact that King Qingjiao can change in just a hundred years.

Wu Yi patted Liu Kuan on the shoulder, and said angrily: "Haha... If you are only promising like this, then I really misunderstood you, how about it? Do you have the guts to follow the prince to do something spectacular?" big business?"

"Big cause? What big cause?" Liu Kuan couldn't react for a while, the psychological shock was too severe, and his brain was a little short-circuited, so he asked blankly.

"The Jiao Clan in the East China Sea rebelled against them. As a minister of the Dragon God's Highness, when the Dragon Clan was in danger, they did not try to be loyal to the Lord. Instead, they took the opportunity to make trouble, occupied the Dragon Palace, and established themselves as kings. They slaughtered the Shui Clan bloodily. The East China Sea is dark and the people are in dire straits. This crown prince has established the Dragon God Legion to attack Heishui City. Are you willing to join me in returning the East China Sea to a clear sky?" Wu Yi raised his voice, with a dignified spirit and full of confidence.

"It turns out that the Dragon War Legion was formed by the crown prince. No wonder Heishui City is so cautious. It has already mobilized fifteen regiments to the Abyss of Sin." A young man hiding behind Liu Kuan couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

Wu Yi frowned slightly, and asked in surprise: "The mobilization of troops is a top secret, how do you know it so clearly?"

The Dragon War Legion has been established for less than two months, and they did not carry out a large-scale counterattack. They just bloomed everywhere, slowly eating away at the enemy, and growing themselves, but they did not expect to have attracted the attention of Heishui City. It seems that they are still a bit too much. The enemy is too underestimated. The Blackwater Legion can run rampant in the East China Sea, and it is by no means a group of mobs.

The young man explained: "My father is a handyman who trims flowers and trees in the army commander's mansion. These military orders are all flying out of his ears. How can he not be clear? It's just that it's not much different from us ordinary people. He didn't care about the relationship, he only mentioned it when he heard him bragging and chatting with others."

"It didn't matter before, but now it does. We will find a way to send this news out of the city so that they can prepare in advance. You have saved the lives of many brothers!" A top-grade spirit stone, as a reward.

Just a word of gossip, in exchange for a high-grade spirit stone, not only knocked the young man who just spoke dizzy, but also made the people around him stare. He caught up.

"Don't be dumbfounded, you guys haven't answered the question just now, are you willing to follow the Dragon God Prince and contribute to the revival of the orthodoxy in the East China Sea?" Wu Yi continued to ask.

"Willing...willing...of course willing!"

"As long as the crown prince thinks highly of us, it will be our blessing. We must devote ourselves wholeheartedly and follow him to the death!"

"The black water city is dark, and we have no way to survive. We are still hunting around and slaughtering the water tribes. Someone should have come to clean them up. Now that the prince shows up, it is our destiny. Naturally, we have to follow the prince."


These eight young people knelt on the ground in unison, extremely excited. Newborn calves are not afraid of tigers. For these young people, what they desire most are opportunities and challenges. To survive, now that Wu Yi's true identity is known, he is actually the aloof Dragon God Prince, and there is no reason to refuse.

Although Blackwater City is powerful, it is not an easy task to overthrow the rule of the Jiao Clan, and there is always the risk of being killed, but risks and opportunities coexist. Completely rewritten, one step to the pinnacle of life, for them, has a fatal temptation.

Wu Yi was very satisfied with their performance. He waved his hand and played a gentle force to help them up. He encouraged them: "If you are confident that you will live for two hundred years, you will be hit by water for three thousand miles. If you live for a lifetime, you will be mediocre and waste your time. In the end, I still leave with regrets, and I have to do something to make this world a worthwhile trip. I read that right, they are a group of bloody men, as long as you follow faithfully, I, Wu Yi, will definitely take you with me. Do you have the confidence to make a great achievement?"




Their answers were loud and crisp, without any hesitation. Thinking of the vast East China Sea, where smoke was everywhere, huge waves were empty, and a world-shattering battle was about to start, they were so excited that they couldn't calm down for a long time. On the contrary, Liu Kuan was the first to regain his composure. , asked with some doubts: "Prince, these brothers of us have mediocre cultivation, and we are not the sons of wealthy families. We really have limited abilities. What use will it be for you to recruit us?"

These words made those young men shiver all of a sudden. Their cultivation base is not as good as that of Liu Kuan, and they haven't even broken through the Spirit Transcendence Realm. Yes, if you want to achieve a great cause, you must at least have enough strength.

A look of approval flashed in Wu Yi's eyes. It is very rare to be able to keep calm at this time. He gathered them together and said mysteriously: "From today onwards, the Shadow Squad of the Dragon War Legion will be formally established. The captain will be I will take charge of it personally. You must be like shadows, lurking in every corner of Heishui City, inquiring about various news, but gathering here in time. Remember that your actions must be low-key and secretive, so as not to attract the attention of any interested people. I will make another arrangement for the task, after I go back today, I will calm down and open normally tomorrow, if anyone is a little abnormal, he will be locked up."

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