Dragon Warrior

Chapter 1400

Xiaohuo looked at the group of Kui cattle that were staring at him, and could clearly feel their pulse, breathing, and even their anger. To say that they are illusory existences, he couldn't accept it. He shook his head and said, "If they are not real , Then how could it hurt you just now? I think that city is an illusion, and this group of savage beasts is the last trump card."

"But if they really have such a strong attack power, why do they keep besieging and not attacking? Are they playing a game of cat and mouse with us? They should not have this IQ, and now it seems that there is no need for it at all, don't worry , It's easy to verify, just stay still and don't move, I'll find out when I check it out." Wu Yi became more and more certain about his thoughts, although he didn't know where the Kui Niu's fierce attack power came from. Come, but there must be oddities in it, or they would have swarmed.

"Father, be careful!" Xiao Huo was still a little worried. After all, these guys looked too real, as if they could be touched by reaching out, and it took a lot of courage to approach them so undefended.

Wu Yi is also a little nervous, but from the current point of view, this is the best choice. If you can't attack by force, you can only take risks. Fortunately, you have the power of heaven and golden blood, and your vitality is very tenacious. You really want to be pierced by blood The hole will not kill him, so he immediately withdraws his energy and slowly approaches the most muscular Kui Niu. At this moment, his state of mind and concentration are tested.

Ten meters... eight meters... five meters...

As he got closer, his mood became more and more nervous. Wu Yi could feel the hot air from their nostrils. The big guy was staring at him, ready to launch a fatal blow. The movement was forcibly suppressed by Wu Yi again. If it was really an illusion, then he would probably be the one who finally attacked himself by calling Yuanli.

"My God! It's really an illusion, it's amazing." Xiao Huo saw Wu Yi approaching, and finally passed through the big guy's body, but nothing happened, and they still looked at him angrily. himself, without any action.

"Xiao Huo, relax a bit, don't have any fluctuations in Yuan Force, just ignore them, and you can pass this level." Wu Yi guided Xiao Huo over from behind Kui Niu, just like before, without Being attacked, it is obvious that these wild beasts do not exist at all, they are just their own illusions.

"Father, you said that we suffered such a strong attack just now, and even you suffered internal injuries, but now you have become an illusion again. What's going on?" Xiao Huo was at a loss. beyond his comprehension.

Wu Yi cautiously used the power of divine sense to investigate, and after a long silence, he opened his mouth and said, "The power of divine sense is blocked by an invisible barrier. It seems that there is indeed something strange here. The attack came from ourselves. That 'Dragon Chanting Fist' was enough to hurt me. This is to use our strength to attack. The more we resist, the stronger the attack will be. As long as we don't move, nothing will happen naturally. Attack and break."

"So that's how it is. This trick is too damaging. No matter who breaks in here, seeing such a group of fierce guys, the first reaction must be to protect themselves, but they are beaten to death by themselves. If they fail to break through, then But it's quite aggrieved!" Xiao Huo was a little scared, but fortunately he followed Wu Yi, if he came alone to pass the level, the end would be very miserable.

Wu Yi nodded and said: "Illusion is not a test of cultivation, but of heart. After experiencing the despair of trekking in the snow, and then the excitement of the door of hope, and then falling into the endless abyss in an instant, such violent emotional fluctuations are rare. Someone can keep calm, and I looked at all this with vigilance and suspicion from the very beginning, so it is not so easy to get lost, it seems that it is not so easy to subdue mirage beasts, you must keep a clear mind at all times."

"But why do we leave this place? We can't use our energy. If we walk for three to five years, I'm afraid we can't find a way out!" Xiaohuo looked around, but there was still a vast snowfield, and his brows frowned again.

"Since it's an illusion, you can't use common sense to think about it. Wake up Xiao San'er, and now it's his turn to show his talents." Wu Yi pointed to Xiao San'er who was hanging on Xiao Huo's shoulder. This guy may soon break through, very lethargic , Such a big movement, unexpectedly there is no reaction at all, still sleeping very soundly.

"Hey...wake up...wake up...you heartless bastard, I brought you here not to sleep, hurry up and help!" Xiao Huo grabbed Xiao San'er off, rubbed and patted, tossing for a long time , and then woke up in a daze, staring at a pair of big round eyes, the dream was interrupted, seemed a little unhappy, but smelled a strange breath, and suddenly became energetic.

"Squeak...cheep..." Xiao San'er suddenly jumped into Wu Yi's arms, waving her two little paws non-stop, pointing at everything around her, very anxiously, as if reminding them that this place is very dangerous, You must leave immediately, or it will be too late.

Wu Yi patted its little head to make it quiet, and then said with a wry smile: "We also know that this is not a good place, but we can't use Yuanli, and we have become completely useless, and we didn't withdraw even if we wanted to go out! Legend has it The third divine eye of the Three-Eyed Spirit Ape can break through all illusions, you should have a way to break the illusion here!"

Although Xiao San'er has not yet activated his spiritual intelligence, he is full of spirituality and is much smarter than ordinary monsters. He quickly understood Wu Yi's meaning, turned over a few times in the air, and quickly entered a berserk state, his body soared to more than two meters Tall, with a strong physique, thick limbs, containing endless power, the most peculiar thing is that the narrow vertical eye on his forehead is opening with difficulty, like a golden light flowing from the rising sun.

Opening the spiritual eye will consume a terrible amount of energy, and this time it is not a short-term attack, but to completely break it all. Xiao Saner kept beating his chest to stimulate the blood and divine power, and finally the third divine eye was fully opened, gorgeously The extreme light penetrated through the thick fog, snowflakes, strong winds, kui ox, wherever the golden light went, they turned into nothingness, and all the surrounding winds and clouds changed, and finally there were only four bare ice walls, which were more than ten thousand feet high, and the cold light flickered. And under their feet was a pile of white bones.

"Eh... isn't this Gong Xingxiu and the others? Why did they all break in?" Xiaohuo asked suspiciously, pointing to a few corpses not far away.

"Self-inflicted evil, they can't live. After all, they are still blinded by greed." Wu Yi sighed, shaking his head and said.

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