Dragon Warrior

Chapter 1407 Triple Realization

Everything that Nanhua City experienced, especially the scene where Su Qingxue was taken away, was too sudden for Wu Yi, caught off guard, but helpless. The impact was far stronger than he had imagined. The extraordinary, anger and hidden fear had been consciously hidden in the depths of his heart, unwilling to face it, unwilling to recall it.

However, today, in the illusion created by mirage beasts, Wu Yi once again experienced a painful scene. Those emotions that had long been silent in his heart were discovered, magnified, and finally presented bloody before his eyes, so he gradually sank, so he Desperate like crazy, knowing it was an illusion but unwilling to wake up, and finally almost stepped into the abyss of eternal doom.

This scene is not a replay, but more like a rehearsal. If he doesn't completely release these bad emotions, I'm afraid that when he really faces Su Qingxue's mother, it will end like this, being controlled by the devil, Become a walking corpse who only knows how to kill, and has no sense of the universe, love, life and death. If that's the case, even if he can take Su Qingxue back, he will ruin her life with his own hands.

Looking back at this moment, I feel a little scared, but also a little lucky, because it was just an illusion after all, it was just a nightmare, and it didn't cause a big mistake, and it can be recovered. If I have more vigilance in my heart, I won't make the same mistakes again.

"After all, I was wrong. I didn't dare to face the real me. I put a layer of armor on my heart. I thought I was invulnerable, but in fact it was vulnerable. If you want not to get lost, you must learn to be calm. To face it, to accept Xiaoxue's departure, to accept her mother's strength, to accept the strength gap between myself and Tianshen Palace, only by completely opening my heart can I feel the power of nature. Clear yourself and see the world clearly." Wu Yi murmured silently in his heart.

If he can calmly accept that his current strength is no match for the Heavenly God Palace, then in the illusion, he can freely embrace and say goodbye to Su Qingxue, and ask her to take good care of himself, waiting for him to step into the Heavenly God Palace On that day, instead of attacking like crazy, burning the power of life source, committing suicide.

"You are indeed powerful, but you are definitely not invincible, otherwise you wouldn't have to spend all your time directing all of this, and you wouldn't have to firmly control this continent in your hands, letting many mysteries die, only in your hands You are doing this because you are afraid, you are afraid that us juniors will come from behind, surpass your achievements, and finally break the order you have worked so hard to establish. Unfortunately, you are also wrong, claiming to be a god, but violating the law of heaven , There are talents from generation to generation, each leading the coquettish for hundreds of years, no one can always be superior and dominate everything." Wu Yi once again had that beautiful and powerful face, but this time, he had already learned Face it calmly, without anger, unwillingness, or fear.

The ups and downs of life and death in the illusion of illusion, and the nourishment of the soul of the white-haired ancestor, Wu Yi was finally able to face his heart calmly. When he calmly dealt with it, there seemed to be an invisible light flashing across his eyes, which was not so dazzling , but illuminated his life.

Wu Yi knew that he hadn't opened his eyes, and the flash of light was really an improvement in his cognitive realm. It was still the same world, but he had a completely different perception in an instant. The invisible force of nature was no longer It is so vague and difficult to find, and the power of illusory consciousness is no longer invisible and intangible. The faint golden light gathers in the sea of ​​consciousness, and the massive energy merges from the sky and the earth. At this moment, he has become the leader of the world. center.

"Father is really going to make a breakthrough, that's great!" Xiao Huo focused his attention on vigilance. At first, everything was as usual, and he didn't notice any movement, but suddenly there were countless streams of milky white spiritual energy gathered above Wu Yi's head and transformed into It was a trickle flowing into his blood dantian. The aura was so rich that it was almost turning into a tangible cloud. He took a few mouthfuls greedily, feeling refreshed and happy. The depression and boredom disappeared in an instant.

"Zhi zhi zhi... zhi zhi..." Xiao San'er had fallen into a deep sleep, but was awakened at this moment. He jumped out of Xiaohuo's arms and jumped into the air, absorbing more heaven and earth spiritual energy. But a rare opportunity to nourish, the most refined and pure heaven and earth energy has many benefits for its growth, and it is much more precious than ordinary treasures of heaven and earth.

"Stay away from daddy, and don't disturb his practice. We are at the critical moment of breaking through and advancing, understand?" It just started to consume too much Yuanli in order to break the illusion, so I can't bear it anymore. Anyway, if it absorbs such a huge amount of Yuanli from heaven and earth, it will not affect the overall situation. As long as you take more precautions, you can guarantee Wu Yi's safety .

"Zhizhi...zhizhi..." Xiao San'er responded, waving her two paws non-stop, beckoning Xiaohuo to come and share with her, but Xiaohuo had a heavy responsibility on her shoulders, so she didn't dare to be careless, so she could only reluctantly refuse up.

These small episodes naturally cannot escape Wu Yi's perception, but they will not affect his state of mind. At this moment, he is in a very mysterious state, and the many insights left by the white-haired ancestor are all deeply imprinted in it. In his heart, he still had doubts and troubles just now, but it became transparent and simple in an instant. He had a brand new experience of the way of nature. , You can comprehend the natural operation rules of heaven and earth, use the mighty power of heaven and earth for your own use, and truly comprehend the power of heaven and earth.

It is precisely because of the breakthrough of "Tian Dao Jue" that it triggered another qualitative leap in Wu Yi's dantian. The milky white color gradually turned into a transparent color, almost invisible, but it contained the mighty power of heaven and earth, which was of vital significance to Wu Yi.

The reason why Tiandao Yuanli is called the tasteless heart method in China is not only because of the lack of follow-up formulas, it is difficult to expand, but also because the accumulation of Yuanli is very slow, and it is difficult to explode a powerful attack, so it is directly ignored.

But what the Huaxia Martial Arts world doesn't know is that the power of heaven and earth is the perfect embodiment of quantitative change and qualitative change. Without quantitative accumulation, a qualitative leap will not be achieved, and once a qualitative leap is crossed, the benefits that can be brought, It will be far beyond the original imagination.

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