Dragon Warrior

Chapter 1409 The Soul Prototype

Ruffian Dragon was awakened from his deep sleep again, detected Wu Yi's crazy behavior, and shouted anxiously through voice transmission: "Wu Yi, are you crazy? The power of consciousness has just been condensed, like a newborn baby. So fragile, you actually want to temper it with thunder, aren't you afraid that your soul will be wiped out?"

"Cultivating the extreme realm, isn't it just to reshape the true self in the sea of ​​​​spiritual consciousness to fight against the nine heavenly tribulations? There are not a few saints in the past who can set foot in the god king realm, but those who can really survive the nine heavenly tribulations are rare , there are only a handful of them, what does this mean? If you just follow the steps of the predecessors, the final outcome is still the same. In this case, it is better to give it a go and lay a solid foundation as soon as possible. An insurmountable gap." Wu Yi responded calmly.

"However, the power of thunder is the same as the evil energy in your body. It is the nemesis of the power of the soul. Your current power of consciousness is still very weak, and it is not enough to compete with the power of thunder. I don't know how far you are from the god king. There is still such a long distance, why take such a big risk, if you can't resist, your cultivation base will drop at least, and your soul will be scattered at worst, it's not worth it!" Pizilong dissuaded again, not only because of Wu Yi and He was connected with soul and soul, and he was hurt because he felt that Wu Yi had just made a breakthrough and had a bright future. It was really not worthwhile to use such an extreme method of Tianlei forging God to improve his cultivation, the risk was too high, and the gain outweighed the loss.

Wu Yi was unmoved, this idea had already popped up the moment he broke through to the God Forging Realm. Now the dragon ball seal has been lifted, but the white-haired patriarch has passed away with the wind, and he can no longer provide him with any help. In the next big battle, he must rely on his own strength to face Ao Huazang. In the early stage of the realm, it is far from enough. Only when you try to improve, at least reach the great perfection of the realm of forging gods, can you be qualified to challenge the strong in the late stage of the realm of transforming gods.

He used to induce thunder to temper his body, arouse the divine power of the blood, and obtained great benefits. If he wants to completely awaken the silent blood, he must use the same method to temper his consciousness. This is not only to prepare for the future, but also The only opportunity he can grasp now, and the heavy responsibility on his shoulders, make him have no other way to go, and he can only risk his soul and soul to gamble this time.

The thunder is approaching, the anxious dissuasion of the ruffian dragon is gradually cut off, the sea of ​​consciousness is empty, all the energy is concentrated in the golden light above the head, it looks like a cluster of jumping flames, snowflakes dancing in the sky Among them, it looks so small that it will go out at any time, but it is so tenacious, and it always exudes a faint golden light.


Accompanied by a loud explosion, the silver lightning pierced through the heavy clouds and roared from the nine heavens, illuminating the dark sky, adhering to the will of the heaven and earth, carrying supreme pressure, swift and fierce, unstoppable.

Wu Yi started from breaking through the spiritual realm. Every time he breaks through the realm, he will experience the catastrophe and punishment of the sky thunder. In order to gain combat power beyond the same level, opportunities and risks are equal. Many monks envy the inheritors with unique bloodlines, but they don't know what kind of hardships and dangers they have experienced while gaining strength.

Now what he has to face is the five-fold heavenly tribulation. There will be five thunderstorms in total, and each time will increase geometrically. With the experience of the first two times, he has an accurate understanding of the rhythm and power of the skylight Therefore, Wu Yi is not prepared to fight against the first three catastrophes, but to temper the power of his consciousness. Only when facing the fourth and fifth catastrophes will threaten his life, will he fight back with all his strength , to stimulate the blood and divine power in his body, in short, such a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, he didn't want to waste a bit of it.


The first sky thunder accurately struck Wu Yi's head, and the golden light burst instantly, turning into stars all over the sky. Wu Yi's mind trembled violently, his mind was in chaos, and he almost fainted. It is unprecedented to usher in the bombardment of sky thunder. As for whether there will be any one in the future, it is unknown.

"Haha... It's strong enough, it's just right for my young master." Wu Yi has experienced countless life and death trials, so naturally he won't just fall into a coma. The secret technique recorded in "Extreme" condensed the scattered power of consciousness again, and soon the cluster of golden flames began to swing above his head again, the golden light shrank from a ball the size of a fist to the size of a date stone, but it was very Condensed and dazzling.

Soon, the second and third thunder roared, and the cluster of golden flames above Wu Yi's head was scattered, and then condensed tenaciously. The pain suffered by the soul was far greater than the pain suffered by the body. , blood and divine power, all of which cannot be repaired, he persisted with his own will, his face was pale, and his whole body trembled, as if he had experienced a severe punishment. Until this moment, he finally understood the true meaning of "Heaven's Punishment" .

After three times of scattering and gathering, the golden light stabilized at the size of a jujube core, and stayed firmly on the top of Wu Yi's head. The brilliance was brilliant, and the characteristics of dragons such as horns, double beards, five claws, and long tails appeared faintly. The vision that will appear in the late stage of the God Forging Realm can almost be regarded as the embryonic form of the soul body, and it is only one step away from the God King Realm to reshape the true self.

When Wu Yi first obtained "Soul Eater", he didn't take the above passage seriously, because at that time, he was not even sure what the power of divine consciousness was, it was like a kind of thought, invisible, He couldn't touch it, he couldn't control it at all, but now, he actually did it, and he walked so firmly and so quickly, it exceeded his own expectations.

The soul body returned to the sea of ​​consciousness, ruffian dragon was completely dumbfounded, just now he said that Wu Yi would surpass him soon, but he didn't expect that his prophecy would be fulfilled ten minutes later, although Wu Yi's soul body was just a prototype, but The power of life is vigorous and vigorous, like a vast ocean, far from being comparable to the remaining wisps of remnants of his life, in terms of strength, it has far surpassed him.

"Your brazenness, you go against the trend, and you can come back from the dead. I'm convinced." Pizilong didn't complain about the unfairness of fate this time, because he found that Wu Yi's success had nothing to do with fate. It is all his own hard work and struggle. This courage and determination is irreplaceable and impossible to be copied.

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