Dragon Warrior

Chapter 1422 The Ultimate Showdown

In Heishui City, Ao Yongchun has always been trained as an inheritor. Naturally, he was regarded as a thorn in the side of Ao Yingbo. He followed the legion to go out, and he would be squeezed out from time to time. Ao Yongchun was born with aloof and arrogant, and he was crazy about martial arts, so he simply left the Blackwater Legion. Ao Huazang had no objection to this decision. The deepest part of the Hundred Thousand Mountains is the birthplace of the monster clan. There are too many unknown secrets. Being able to go deep into it and practice has a great understanding of the way of heaven. Great benefit, can push the limit.

But Ao Huazang did not expect that Ao Yongchun would be attacked and killed. Seeing the dimness of Yu Jue engraved with his life imprint, he immediately rushed into the Hundred Thousand Mountains to search, but found nothing, but only faintly sensed the breath of the dragon clan. I thought it was my own illusion, but now I know that there is still Wu Yi's shadow in all this.

After Ao Yongchun was wiped out, Ao Huazang pinned all his hopes on Ao Zhe, but it was a pity that this kid was far less up to his elder brother. Not only did he refuse to work hard on martial arts, his progress was slow, and he was also arrogant and domineering in his dealings with others. He caused trouble everywhere, and he had no city power, so he was easily provoked. He was clearly forbidden to leave Heishui City for half a step, but he decided to go out to patrol without permission, but he never returned and disappeared completely.

There was a mixed flow of people on the coast of the East China Sea. Ao Huazang personally investigated, but in the end it was nothing. He didn't collect any useful clues at all, but his doubts about Ao Yingbo became deeper and deeper. That's why after Snake Ji filed a complaint, Ao Huazang He turned his face completely, and could no longer listen to Ao Yingbo's explanation. He always suspected that the death of his two sons had something to do with Ao Yingbo. It was only at this time that the truth came to light.

"This king will destroy you evil right now, and avenge my child and brother!" Ao Huazang was so angry that he no longer cared about any schemes, he just wanted to tear this guy in front of him completely to calm his heart. evil fire.

The majestic cyan energy roared out, and a violent gust of wind blew up on the flat ground. Two flood dragons with condensed energy hissed and roared, and attacked Wu Yi. This is a full blow.


Ao Huazang's two strands of energy collided together, making a loud noise like thunder, but it wasn't enough to even touch Wu Yi's clothes. Above the defensive mask, it is dazzling and beautiful.

"Boy, don't run if you have the guts, and fight to the death with this king!" Ao Huazang failed in one blow, and his mood became more and more depressed. He followed Wu Yi closely, chasing after him. The Black Divine Guard has long been thrown out of the sky.

This is the effect Wu Yi wants to achieve. Although Ao Huazang has just taken over the Blackwater Legion and is a little unfamiliar with strategic scheduling, he is the master of Blackwater City after all, and he has controlled the East China Sea for a hundred years. His power and influence are far from Ao Yingbo is comparable, as long as he is still here, the Blackwater Legion will not be in chaos. After the initial panic, they will soon calm down and organize a counterattack. The strength advantage of the Dragon War Legion is not obvious. The terrain is far away, and the terrain is unfamiliar. Once the raid turns into a confrontational battle, the rhythm of the attack will slow down, and if you want to win, you must pay a considerable loss of troops. For the weak Dragon Warrior Legion, this price is unbearable. The most important thing is that even if they win and take back the Dragon Temple, they may not be able to hold it at all. Once external reinforcements arrive, the battle will turn again.

Therefore, Wu Yi's most important role in this battle is not to kill Ao Huazang, but to hold him back as much as possible, create opportunities for Ao Yeshuo, Ji Wuyang and the others, and take Heishui City with the least casualties. .

When Ao Huazang rushed to the sky with Wu Yi, the battle plan they made before was back on track again. Ao Yeshuo waved the Xuanhuo iron chain and shouted loudly: "Brothers, what is that 'Qingjiao King' It’s more than enough for the prince to deal with. You don’t have to worry about it. It’s time to make a real contribution. The more enemies you kill, the richer the reward. If you want something good, you can grab it yourself. Do you still expect me to distribute it to you? Let me continue Attack, take back the Dragon Temple!"

"Come on!"

"These guys are local tyrants, we are going to get rich now!"

"The Great Elder has already spoken. Whoever can grab these resources will belong to them. You are too slow to start, so you can only squat in the corner and cry."

"Then why are you still standing there, kill... kill... kill..."

Almost all of the two corps that first invaded the Heiji Temple came from the Abyss of Sin. To put it bluntly, they were a group of bandits who licked blood at the edge of their knives and fought and killed. It has long been commonplace. In the legion, in order to avoid fighting on their own and losing the team's attack power, there was a strict order that all resources should be collected and distributed in a unified manner, and they should not hide their private interests, otherwise they would be killed without mercy. At this time, Ao Yeshuo lifted the curse on their heads, These guys' eyes suddenly glowed green, and like a group of hungry wolves, they rushed at the still dazed Black God Guard. The killing sound shook the sky in an instant, and their energy was criss-crossed, and they fell into a melee again. Advantages, continuously expanding the results of the battle, completely disrupted the defense system of the Black God Guard.

The way to use troops is to be flexible, and it cannot be static forever. Where Wu Yi established the corps, in order to change their thinking mode, he formulated a unified distribution system, but at this moment, if he wants to maximize his combat effectiveness, he must To be brave enough to break through, if Ji Wuyang were replaced at this moment, I'm afraid he would still follow the rules, but Ao Yeshuo had a unique vision and decisively made a change, allowing the team of hundreds of people to exert a powerful lethality.

"Oh my god! This is simply a group of bandits, it's crazy!" Tie Yucheng led troops for many years, and he shook his head again and again when he saw this scene, but he was not idle, commanding his subordinates to follow closely behind the Long Zhan army , to control those princes and ministers who were discussing countermeasures in the main hall, and even a few elders obediently became prisoners.

Above the sky, Wu Yi did not continue to swim. When dealing with an old fox like Ao Huazang, he would show his feet if he was not careful. If he continued to avoid, he would soon calm down from his anger, so he went around a few times Afterwards, he turned around and stood still, with the power of origin circulating, a phantom of a divine dragon gradually emerged behind him, the brilliance flowed, and the aura was strong.

"You are indeed a descendant of the Dragon Clan, and you have inherited the golden blood. The Jiao Clan and the Dragon Clan are destined to have an ultimate confrontation. This is your fate, and no one can escape." Ao Huazang looked at the phantom, his pupils constricted slightly However, the fighting spirit is getting higher and higher.

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