Dragon Warrior

Chapter 1427 The City Gates Open

After Wu Yi's spiritual investigation, a large number of monks were gathering at the gate of the city. The defensive formation was hit hard and was on the verge of collapse. He immediately ordered: "General Tie, this inner city will be handed over to you. Temporarily detain the princes and nobles, and strictly control them." Guards and seal the inner city at the same time, no one can escape. As for the hostages held by King Qingjiao, they are all loyal ministers who have never betrayed the Dragon God. Let them be released and let them recall their own people to serve us. Dragon Warrior Legion All soldiers, follow me to the gate of the city to support, and we must not let the reinforcements of the Blackwater Legion break through our defense line."

"Old minister obeys, you follow me." Tie Yucheng responded, and led the black god guards to block the exit and rescue the hostages. The inner city defense circle has been destroyed, and the guards at each exit are useless. Actions must be quickened. Then change.

Ao Yeshuo is the same as Xiaohuo. He led the team and rushed to support as quickly as possible. After all, the Blackwater Legion has 80,000 people, and there are less than 10,000 guards stationed in the city. The real main force is on the periphery. If they rushed in, the situation of the battle might be reversed again.

On the street, there was a flood of people, and all the panicked people rushed out, trying to escape from this land of right and wrong. Most of the guards in Heishui City were wiped out, and there were broken limbs and arms everywhere. There was a strong smell of blood in it, and the troops originally arranged by Ji Wuyang to maintain order all rushed to the gate of the city. The chaos and panic in the city spread like a plague, and it was already out of control. The peaceful and harmonious life came to an end, and the greed and cruelty of nature were exposed. Some people even robbed and killed openly on the street, lost order and legal principles, and fell into chaos.

"Xiao Huo, there must be no one left to maintain order in the city, otherwise the ordinary people will suffer. You stay with the First Corps, and let everyone go back to the house. Don't come out for the time being. Anyone who dares to make trouble will be killed." Seeing this scene, Wu Yi had to stop. Once this chaos got out of control, the whole Heishui City would become a purgatory on earth. I don't know how many innocent creatures would be buried in this turmoil. He had to stop all this from happening. .

At such a critical moment, Xiaohuo was a little reluctant, but he still responded obediently: "Obey, then you follow the father to kill the enemy, remember that we are the real pioneers, and we must not fall behind on the battlefield, we all go forward Go ahead and try to make the first contribution."

"Young master, don't worry, the vanguard team will never embarrass the young master." The newly appointed captain patted his chest and assured.

"That's good. These bastards really think they can be lawless and do whatever they want. Brothers, go with the young master and show them some color!" Xiao Huo looked at the thugs who were slaughtering civilians wantonly, with murderous intentions, and took the first step. A corps rushed down and got mixed into the rolling crowd. In an instant, the flames blazed. There were a few bones on the street, and the air was filled with a burnt smell. More than a dozen thugs who were robbing didn't even see the figures clearly. Has been reduced to ashes.

Wu Yi and Ao Yeshuo hurried to the gate of the city, and saw that the soldiers of the Dragon War Legion had already covered the majestic city wall, armored and sharp, ready to fight, while the outer purple defensive mask was hit by the force from time to time, and countless monsters appeared. The cracks may collapse at any time, and outside the city gate, there are densely packed reinforcements from the Blackwater Legion. At a glance, there are tens of thousands of them. The rhythm of the city is orderly, and the arrangement is orderly. It is not a swarm of swarms, but to accumulate strength and slowly move towards the gate of the city. Once the defense is broken, a stormy attack will definitely be launched, which is unstoppable.

"Subordinates see the prince, see the great elder." Ji Wuyang and Wang Mang were observing from the top of the city, when they saw Wu Yi and the others approaching, they immediately put down the command flag in their hands and bowed in salute.

"The guards of the north and south battalions outside Heishui City have already been figured out by us. The total number is only 5,000. The rest of the corps are stationed at the nearest Heishui City. It takes a day's journey. This is just the siege. How come there are so many reinforcements in less than three hours?" Wu Yi asked with a frown as he looked at the dark army outside the city.

Ji Wuyang shook his head and said: "My subordinates don't know either. It may be that our information is wrong. Prince, look at the man in black who is in command of the Chinese army. According to General Wang, he is Wan Tianlu, the deputy commander of the Blackwater Army. People are usually in the Black Pole Palace, there is no major military action, and they will never go out of the city, but now they suddenly appear here, I am afraid that Heishui City has already taken precautions."

"You are in charge of guarding the city gate. Why didn't you report Wan Tianlu's leaving the city in time?" Wu Yi turned his gaze to Wang Mang and asked sharply. The cold murderous intent spread out, and the air froze.

Wang Mang was swept away by the cold eyes, as if falling into an ice cellar, frightened out of his wits, knelt on the ground with a 'plop', and explained in a trembling voice: "Prince...His Royal Highness, forgive me, the transfer of the Blackwater Legion never enters or exits through the main entrance. , this subordinate is just the commander of the guards of the outer city, I really don’t know that they have other arrangements, please look into it, the prince.”

"Get up and answer. General Tie has not received any information. It seems that General Tie was implicated in Ao Yingbo's downfall and cannot be avoided. Ao Huazang still noticed something abnormal. The army mobilization intentionally concealed them." Wu Yi pondered, Just now, his spiritual sense locked on Wang Mang, knowing that he was not lying, he was a little anxious, 30,000 troops had assembled outside the city, three times their strength, if there was a fight, the outcome would be unpredictable.

Ao Yeshuo analyzed from the side: "Xiaoyi, Ao Huazang probably assembled these troops to deal with me. With his narrow and suspicious temperament, it is impossible for me to really let me develop my strength in the abyss of evil. Leave that sentence , It was just to stabilize me for the time being, come back to mobilize troops, and give us a pot, but by mistake, we caught up. The most important thing in a battle between the two armies is momentum, and we must not get confused."

These words reminded Wu Yi that it is meaningless to trace the reasons and faults now. The most important thing is to find a way to deal with the situation in front of him. It is such a simple truth that when it comes to the critical moment, he just I just forgot that I was so emotional just now that I almost committed the taboo of beheading the general. If I let the sergeant behind me know the uneasiness and panic in my heart, this battle is doomed to a disastrous end before it even starts.

"Send the order, remove the defensive circle, open the city gate, and let's meet Wan Tianlu for a while." Wu Yi suddenly ordered.

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