Dragon Warrior

Chapter 1429

Wan Tianlu's cultivation base was at the early stage of Transforming God Realm, and he was the third-biggest master of the Jiao clan, so he was no longer Wu Yi's opponent. However, this guy was very insidious. He tried his best to encourage the soldiers of the Blackwater Legion to charge into the city, but he hid in the At the back of the team, there were five thousand guards around him, all of whom were his direct confidants, surrounded like an iron bucket, and they couldn't get close at all.

This person has been in charge of the army for many years and has rich experience. He wants to swallow the Dragon War Legion by virtue of his strength. In this way, he may step onto the pinnacle of power and become the real master of the East China Sea. If he is confused and killed by a top expert , that's not worth it, so I just hid behind and gave orders without showing my head, watching Ao Yeshuo and Wu Yi all attacking his direction, immediately mobilized heavy troops to surround him, and there was a mass of black heads in front of him , killing endlessly, destroying endlessly.

Running thousands of miles, occupying Heishui City, the fight was very smooth, the inside responded to the outside, and the lightning attack, half of the guards in the outer city and the Black God Guard in the inner city had surrendered, and the remaining defenders had not had time to react, and were already surrounded. They had no choice but to surrender obediently, especially in the Heiji Palace. With the defeat of Ao Huazang, they gave up without even a decent counterattack.

But at this moment, the situation has taken a turn for the worse, and the main force of the Blackwater Legion has assembled. This is not a group of mobs, but the elite who fought in the East China Sea. They want to enslave and oppress the Aquarium, relying on thunderous attack methods. Their unstoppable vigor, coupled with their superiority in military strength, brought enormous pressure to the Dragon Army Corps. The rapid charge was quickly contained, and they fell into a difficult positional battle.

"Get out of the way...everyone who wants to survive, get out of the way!" Ao Yeshuo was drenched in blood, with blood beads hanging from his beard, and roared fiercely. It was not his one-stroke opponent, but they all rushed forward recklessly. Wherever the Xuanhuo iron chains went, figures flew around, causing countless casualties. They were both Donghai tribesmen. This kind of slaughter made him a little unbearable. But helpless.

Now is the time to really test the Dragon Warrior Legion. Facing opponents three times their own size, not only did they not have any timidity or hesitation, but they moved forward bravely with high morale. They have a strong sense of competition, so they are very clear that the time for the real decisive battle has arrived. If they lose this time, all the previous gains will be in vain, and there will be no chance of a comeback in the future. Even going back alive is a luxury. In this case, it is better to fight with all your strength and make a final effort.

With the drums beating and the horns raging, Ji Wuyang sits in the central army, watching the situation calmly. He is excited and nervous to be able to command such a large-scale battle. In this way, even Ao Yeshuo and Wu Yi became pawns he mobilized, with only one purpose, that is to kill Wan Tianlu and turn the tide of the battle.

Immovable as a mountain, as quiet as a forest, as fast as the wind, and as aggressive as a fire, Wu Yi formed the Dragon War Legion and carried out targeted training according to the way of governing the army left by the Chinese ancestors and the experience summed up by military strategists of all ages, and finally revealed it at this moment Out of the real power, although the strength of the Dragon War Legion is weak, they are very united. They are like three sharp swords, showing their sharpness. The sharp-headed troops at the front bear the strongest pressure, but they can still maintain a charge state, tearing open one after another, and constantly shrinking the attack range.


"Rush... rush... rush..."

Yuanli roared, killing sounds shook the sky, and the majestic and chaotic fluctuations of Yuanli formed a violent hurricane, sweeping across the East China Sea, raining blood, and flying broken limbs. It is indistinguishable, but among the chaotic soldiers, there is a golden light, which is as dazzling as the scorching sun. No one can approach it within a radius of 20 meters. It has completely become a forbidden area for life. Outside of the light, corpses have accumulated into hills. In the constant migration and accumulation, it is naturally Wu Yi who can have such combat power. The sky-breaking halberd shone with divine light. In a short time, thousands of lives have been harvested, and he has no hesitation or pause, because he knows very well that the longer the delay, the more variable the battle situation will be, and the more people will be killed and injured, so it must be ended as quickly as possible. all of these.

The war halberd was flying across the sky, the dragon was roaring, Wu Yi was wearing golden armor, incarnated as the ancient god of war, he mobilized the mighty power of heaven and earth, and erupted an astonishing fighting spirit. The coercion that looked down on the world and crushed the common people made those crazy soldiers feel the power from the bottom of their hearts. With a heart of fear and surrender, he dared not fight against him anymore, and subconsciously moved away from this killing god, forming a passage of death.

"You... you trash, let me rush... rush to kill this traitor, Donghai... Donghai is our world!" Wan Tianlu panicked, he really didn't expect Wu Yi's combat power to be as strong as Si , I thought that relying on the superiority of troops, he could be trapped to death if he was trapped, but he couldn't stop Wu Yi's pace at all. He could already feel the mighty coercion and killing intent, and he felt a little regretful. If he voluntarily surrendered, maybe Can continue to retain the position of the deputy army commander, now there is no way out.

"Those who follow me prosper, those who oppose me perish, do you really want to be his scapegoats?" Wu Yi stood in the air and asked in a loud voice. Those soldiers who were just about to rush up hesitated for a while. After all, no one would take their own Life is a trifling matter, even if it is a military order, how can they obey it if they are asked to die in vain?

At this time, if Wan Tianlu can take the lead and lead his subordinates to attack again, there may be a slight possibility of turning the situation around, but it is a pity that he cherishes his life like gold, and dare not show his face when the battle starts, let alone at this time, seeing The situation was not right, so he turned around and fled, and went to save his own life, abandoning thousands of soldiers.

The army was defeated like a mountain, and the Blackwater Legion, which was rushed by the Dragon War Legion, saw that the commander had already fled, and there was no one to command, and fell into chaos. They fled in all directions and became lambs waiting to be slaughtered. .

"Isn't it too late to save my life now?" Wu Yi shouted coldly, inspired by Yuan Li, like a rainbow flying across the sky, he hurriedly chased after him. He was the chief culprit in this melee, and he had to subdue the law to stabilize the morale of the army.

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