Dragon Warrior

Chapter 1431 Don't force me to do it

The fierce fighting finally came to an end. The messy corpses were piled up in the wide square at the gate of the city, and the dark red blood was flowing, and gradually converged into thin streams, winding and flowing between the cracks in the bluestone floor. Under the command of Ji Wuyang, the soldiers of the Zhan Legion began to clean the battlefield, arranged the corpses neatly, wiped off the blood on their faces, and retrieved the mutilated bodies as much as possible. Everyone felt very heavy. In the First World War, one-third of the Blackwater Legion's strength was consumed, and the results were fruitful. However, the Dragon Warrior Legion lost nearly three-tenths, especially the six major corps that served as the main force, with nearly one-third of the casualties. Although it was a victory, it was also a tragic victory. Many brothers would never return to the abyss of sin, and would never return to their clansmen.

Under the leadership of the Dragon War Legion, the soldiers of the Blackwater Legion also spontaneously began to clean up. Perhaps they were cruel and ruthless when conquering and slaughtering other aquatic tribes, but they still had a sense of love for their teammates who fought side by side. , Few people spoke. The Qiankun bags of the dead soldiers were all collected and waited for the army to distribute them centrally. The sad scene of people taking tea and looting was completely ended. After all, they had already opened up their spiritual intelligence. , is no longer a monster that only cares about survival and competition, the most important thing Wu Yi gave them is to value love and righteousness, which will be of great benefit to their future practice. The brothers who go out are the backing, so they have a better chance of surviving and continuing their own path of practice. Small-minded villains who only care about their own interests and immediate interests are destined to be eliminated.

Seeing Wu Yi standing under the battle flag in a daze, Ao Yeshuo stepped forward to comfort him and said, "Xiao Yi, in battle on the battlefield, casualties are inevitable. Don't put too much pressure on your heart. We have done our best to do this." , and also saved more innocent lives, it’s not a good deed, but it’s definitely not an evil deed.”

"Phew... it's not considered good deeds, but it's not considered evil either. Uncle's evaluation is very pertinent. Don't worry, I can bear it. It's just a moment of emotion, and it won't be affected too much." Wu Yi said long and hard. With a sigh of relief, he is not afraid of pain or bleeding, but the last thing he wants to see is that innocent people die because of him. Those lost lives are like vines wrapped around a tree, and he is a little out of breath. At this moment, he couldn't help thinking, if he hadn't been to the East China Sea and formed the Dragon War Legion, would they still be able to continue to live? These soldiers traveled all the way here because of their trust in him, but in the end they would never return Go, this is a deadlock in the cycle, and it can only be untied slowly with time, and it cannot be completely relieved in a short time.

While the two were talking, Ji Wuyang came forward and reported: "His Royal Highness, my subordinates are planning to arrange for the Dragon Warrior Army to set up camp outside the city, and they will be stationed opposite the Blackwater Army, just in case there is any change. The guards led by He Wang should not cause any trouble. The entry of the legion will cause unnecessary panic, so they will not enter the city for the time being. To investigate the camp and keep in touch with Skynet, if they rush over to reinforce, we can also take precautions in advance, I wonder if the prince thinks it is appropriate?"

"Very well, I will personally write a letter of persuasion to surrender, and arrange for a messenger to deliver it to them. If you are willing to surrender, you can quickly rush to Heishui City and accept our adaptation. If you don't want to surrender, then wash your neck and wait. Let us clean up, there will never be a second force in the East China Sea, and they will not take more than half a month to think about it. The legion is temporarily stationed outside the city, you let the brothers feel at ease, the promise of the deity will be fulfilled, in terms of merit No one will be short of rewards, but you have to be quiet and obey the law. If anyone dares to violate military discipline, no matter how high his military achievements are, he will be punished severely. In addition, the reorganization of the Blackwater Legion will begin immediately. You will be responsible for reviewing the reorganization of the corps, and the powerful elites can be added to the six major corps in an appropriate amount, pay attention to the methods and methods, and try not to cause radical changes, so as not to increase casualties." Wu Yi nodded, and was satisfied with Ji Wuyang's arrangement He agreed, and then issued a few orders. The follow-up work is also very important. The situation has just stabilized. A little carelessness will trigger a new riot. He doesn't want to see such tragic casualties again, and try to resolve it peacefully. .

"This subordinate understands, so I will make arrangements immediately." Ji Wuyang saluted with his fists in his hands, turned around and left in a hurry. Although the Dragon War Legion had lost a lot of troops, but with the addition of the Blackwater Legion that had just surrendered, his subordinates now commanded nearly three There are tens of thousands of people, and dragons and snakes are mixed, and there are many mountains, especially between the Dragon War Legion and the Blackwater Legion. A big battle broke out just now. Fire and water are incompatible. For an easy matter, he, who has always been calm and unhurried, also felt a lot of pressure, and his brows were almost knit together.

"The Blackwater Legion currently scattered in the East China Sea has about 40,000 troops, but they are not monolithic, but each has its own garrison sea area. Without Ao Huazang, Ao Yingbo, and Wan Tianlu, it must be a mess, and it is difficult to organize effectively. Attacking is nothing more than wanting to separate one side and stand on one's own, and it is completely possible to defeat each of them, so it is not a concern." Ao Yeshuo analyzed that as long as Heishui City is won, the matter will be more than half successful, and the rest is the end, which is just a lot. Just take some time.

Wu Yi handed the battle flag in his hand to Ao Yeshuo, looked up at the nine-winged dragon embroidered on the battle flag, and suddenly said: "Yes! The overall situation has been decided, and uncle will be in charge of these things in the future."

"What do you mean by this kid? Do you want to go away again and make it clear?" Ao Yeshuo felt something wrong when he heard it, and hurriedly asked.

"Old man, you will meet with me at the Dragon God Temple. I have one more important matter to discuss with you." Wu Yi flashed his figure and headed straight for the city. Yi's heart is very heavy, and he is not relaxed and joyful because of the victory of this battle. The pressure that has been hidden in his heart has not been revealed until this moment.

"You have followed the Dragon God for many years, and you can be regarded as my elder. It is best to tell the truth about everything you know, and don't force me to do it." Wu Yi threw the dying Ao Huazang in a secret room of the Dragon God Palace. On the floor, asked in a cold voice.

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