Dragon Warrior

Chapter 1456 Please accept my worship!

Tianxuanzong, Fenglai Pavilion, and Fangcuntai are all branches of Tianyuanzong from the root, but because of various reasons, they broke away from the core of Tianyuanzong, thus escaped the catastrophe of being wiped out by luck, and were able to continue. For hundreds of years, because of the taboo that the black hand behind the scenes would kill them all, the three sects cultivated in a low-key manner, avoided the world and avoided disasters, and had no communication with each other. , always vigilant.

The arrival of Wu Yi almost exacerbated this estrangement at the very beginning. First, he took Song Ziyi to the Tianxuan Peak, alarming the disciples of the whole sect, setting fire to the guardian elders, causing a commotion, and then killing Song Qingmu and Song Ziyi. The brothers and sisters were brought into Phoenix City, which triggered a fierce battle between Nie Lanxiu and Lie Fentian. This guy was like a disaster star, causing trouble everywhere, smoking Nie Lan's delicate seven orifices, and only wanted to kill him quickly.

But what she didn't expect was that the arrival of Wu Yi brought endless hope to the desperate Fangcuntai, especially at this moment, when the three sects of monks gathered at Fangcuntai, only the masters above the God Forging Realm surpassed the two. Ten people, comparable to a medium-sized sect, can securely occupy a place in the Tianyuan Continent, and don't have to be alone like she used to be.

"All distinguished guests, please take a seat. Today's visit really makes the Fangcun Terrace so splendid." Nie Lanxiu greeted her personally at the entrance. It was rare for her to put down her arrogant airs. With a smile, the relationship is born from the heart, it can be seen that the joy in the heart has already blossomed, and I can't hide it anymore.

Yingluo couldn't help but praised: "I have heard for a long time that Fangcun Terrace is a paradise, a fairyland on earth, and I have never had the opportunity to witness the true face. Today is an eye-opener. Every step is a scenery, and people are swimming in the painting. The reputation is well-deserved!"

"My Goddess praises me. How can a mere square inch platform compare to Phoenix City? If Goddess has spare time, she can come here to hide away. Usually, there will be no outsiders disturbing her. It can barely be considered elegant." Nie Lanxiu was very modest. She replied that people respect me one foot, and I respect others one foot. For this gentle and humble woman, she liked this gentle and humble woman quite a bit, so she offered to invite her.

"That's for sure. The Baihua Niang prepared by the palace master is the best in Dongjun. In the future, I will come to ask for a glass of wine from time to time. The palace master can't be bothered." Yingluo smiled heartily. Now the two factions have married, and the smoke Both Shi and Song Qingmu were cultivated as inheritors, and their combination made the two factions feel like a family without so much restraint.

Huijing has never liked to talk too much, but she was always smiling along the way. For her arrival, Nie Lanxiu was even more surprised. She only knew that she attached great importance to Wu Yi. This time, she was able to congratulate Wu Yi. Because of Wu Yi's face, he couldn't figure out the reason, and he didn't ask too much. In short, Wu Yi would not be disadvantageous to the other party. The visitor is a guest, so he should treat him with courtesy.

The disciples of the three sects gathered together without any loud noise, but it was extremely lively. After all the guests arrived, the ceremony and music started, and the wedding ceremony officially started. At this time, Wu Yi, who was sweating profusely, was dragged down in front of the crowd again. He also had a special The important identity, the witness, if he hadn't arrived in time, the lifelong happiness of these two people would have been completely in vain, so this glorious task belongs to him.

"Song Qingmu, are you willing to marry Lie Yanshi who is by your side? No matter whether she is poor or rich, healthy or sick, god or demon, she will never leave her, and we will walk through life hand in hand, are you willing?" Wu Yi asked seriously.

"Ah... I am willing, of course I am willing. I will treat her well for the rest of my life and never regret it." Song Qingmu froze for a moment. He had never seen this before, but he quickly realized it and nodded in response.

Wu Yi turned around, looked at the bride beside him, and asked, "Lie Yanshi, are you willing to marry Song Qingmu who is beside you? Whether he is poor or rich, healthy or sick, I will always be by his side , stay together for a lifetime, are you willing?"

"I am willing." Lie Yanshi lowered his head and replied in a low voice. Such a public confession by Chi Guoguo is really unacceptable, especially in front of Yingluo and other elders, his cheeks were already flushed before he finished speaking , like a ripe apple, extraordinarily delicate and beautiful.


Wu Yi nodded in satisfaction. There was an exquisite box in his hand as if by a magic trick. The lid of the box popped open, making a clear trembling sound, and a pair of rings floated out from inside, exuding a soft light, extremely delicate.

"Brother didn't prepare any special gifts. He forged this pair of rings for you in the spare time of the barbecue. I hope that in the future, you can remember the vows you made today and stay with you for the rest of your life. This is you The keepsake symbolizes your love, and I wish you all." Wu Yi handed the rings to the two of them respectively, exchanged them and put them on. The size was just right, and the fire phoenix and Qingluan were engraved on it with extremely delicate techniques. Unique in the world and very memorable.

"Brother, thank you... Thank you for everything you have done for me. It is my honor, Song Qingmu, to make friends with you. Please accept my worship." Song Qingmu suddenly knelt down on one knee in public. Only in this way can he express his gratitude and admiration in his heart.

Nie Lanxiu didn't stop Song Qingmu, because she knew very well that without Wu Yi, her son would still be trapped in the Spirit Transcendence Realm, waiting for a long time to break through, and it would be impossible to revive Qingluan's bloodline and control Skyfire It is even more impossible for Yuanli to marry the inheritor of the Huofeng lineage, the future successor of Fenglai Pavilion, with such kindness, let alone one bow, three kneeling and nine kowtows, it is only natural.

"Thank you big brother." Lie Yanshi also knelt down, she could understand Song Qingmu's mood, and at this moment, she should keep pace with her husband, so she only called 'big brother' instead of 'pavilion master' .

Wu Yi's heart became hot, this guy made him a little embarrassed, he quickly helped them up, and waved: "What are you doing? Get up quickly, get up quickly, I announce that you are officially married, and the wedding banquet begins , serve wine and food!"

"Oh, it's finally time for the banquet to start. I'm so hungry. Let's start...start..." Xiao Huo said impatiently, he was asleep just now, but smelled the aroma of barbecue, and soon After waking up, he immediately moved up to occupy a seat, ready to feast, but the poor little San'er was thrown aside by him, still sleeping in the dark.

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